Press Releases

İş Fikri Yarışması Finalistleri Belli Oldu

İş Fikri Yarışması’na 12 ildeki 36 İMEP pilot kurumundan 26 okul, 102 takım kurarak yarışmaya başvurmuş, daha önce okullara gönderilen İş Fikri Yarışması Uygulama Çerçevesi’nde yer alan değerlendirme kriterlerine göre bağımsız değerlendiriciler tarafından değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur. Bu kapsamda yapılan puanlamalar neticesinde en yüksek puan alan aşağıdaki 12 takım 27-29 Şubat 2024 tarihlerinde Ankara’da gerçekleştirilecek olan final etabına katılmaya hak kazanmıştır.

İş Fikri Yarışması’na başvurup ilk 12 takım arasına giremediklerinden final etabına katılamayan takımlarımız girişimcilik, finansal okuryazarlık ve iş fikri sunumu konularında düzenlenecek 4,5 saatlik çevrim içi eğitim programına katılmaya hak kazanmıştır. Çevrim içi eğitim programıyla ilgili olarak detaylı bilgi için lütfen sayfanın sonunu ziyaret ediniz.

İş Fikri Yarışması Finalist Takımlar



























Çevrim İçi Eğitim Programı

İş Fikri Yarışması’na başvurup ilk 12 takım arasına giremediklerinden final etabına katılamayan takımlarımız girişimcilik, finansal okuryazarlık ve iş fikri sunumu konularında düzenlenecek 4,5 saatlik çevrim içi eğitim programına katılmaya hak kazanmıştır:

Aşağıdaki tarih ve zamanlarda planlanan eğitimlere giriş için takım üyelerinin iş fikri yarışması başvurularında belirttikleri cep telefonlarına kayıt formu gönderilecektir. Kayıt olan öğrencilere eğitim öncesinde toplantı bağlantısı iletilecektir. Böylece öğretmen ve öğrencilerimiz, çevrim içi eğitimlerde kendi iş fikirlerine yönelik örneklerle ve eğiticilere sorularını anında ileterek eğitime aktif katılım sağlayabileceklerdir.

Aşağıdaki programa göre gerçekleştirilecek olan çevrim içi eğitimlere katılamayan öğrencilerimiz ise eğitimleri istedikleri zaman video kaydından izleyebileceklerdir. Eğitimlerin video bağlantıları öğrencilerimizin cep telefonlarına iletilecektir.

Eğitim Tarihleri



Girişimcilik 101


Finansal Okuryazarlık


İş Fikri Sunumu


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“Advisory Teacher Training Evaluation Meeting on the Provision of Psycho-Social Support Services” was held within the scope of VET4JOB

VET4JOB continues training activities in partnership with the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) and Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), as the beneficiary institutions for dissemination of quality apprenticeship training in Turkey implemented with the support of the European Union. The second of the trainings on the provision of psycho-social support services for guidance teachers of apprenticeship education institutions within the scope of the program was held in Gaziantep on 03-04 March 2022.

Advisory teachers accompanied by specialists shared their practical experiences in their schools during the two-days training realized with the participation of Dr. Balkır Özünlü, the Program Coordinator and Kübra Güzelyurt from Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training of the Ministry of National Education.

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“Awareness Meeting: My Apprentice Students are on the Path of Mastery” held in Ankara

The “Awareness Meeting: Apprentice Students on the Path of Mastery” which was prepared in cooperation with Ankara Provincial Directorate of National Education and Ankara Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (ANKESOB) as part of the Vocational Training Program for Employment (IMEP) carried out by Expertise France and EDUSER in partnership with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education (MTEGM) of the Ministry of National Education and the Turkish Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) as beneficiaries, was held in Ankara on June 12, 2023, to coincide with the World Day Against Child Labor.

Opening speeches at the meeting held at CP Ankara Hotel were delivered by Huseyin Ar, Deputy Chairman of ANKESOB; Feyhan Canbay, Socioeconomic Development Program Manager at the European Union Delegation to Turkey; Dr. Murat Cangul, Secretary General of TESK; and Suleyman Akgul, Head of the MTEGM Workplace Based Vocational Education Department of the Ministry of National Education.

The Awareness Meeting “Apprentice Students on the Path of Mastery” focused on the roles of apprentice students, schools, families and businesses in apprenticeship training and highlighted the roles and responsibilities of these actors in the quartet cooperation. The meeting presentation emphasized the importance of protecting children from conditions that expose them to economic exploitation and hinder their education, which negatively affects their health and physical development, indicating that this is a social responsibility according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. During the meeting, apprentice students studying at Ankara Siteler Vocational Training Center, one of the IMEP practice schools, took the floor and shared their solution suggestions developed for their problems identified in the Apprentice Student Forums in order to contribute to the development of apprenticeship training with the participants.

As part of the activities to combat child labor for businesses that provide hands-on training to apprentice students within the scope of the Vocational Training Program for Employment (IMEP), Awareness Meetings “Apprentice Students on the Path of Mastery” will be held in cooperation with Provincial Directorates of National Education, local organizations of TESK, and Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (ESOB) in all provinces where the program is implemented.

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“Training of Trainers on Turkish Speaking Support Programme” was held in İzmir

The “Vocational Training Programme for Employment” supported by the European Union is carried out in cooperation with 36 institutions in 12 provinces, in partnership with the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen. Turkish Language and Turkish Literature teachers from selected the institutions participated to a three-day long Training of Trainers study on “Turkish Speaking Support Programme”, which was held in İzmir between July 27th to July 29th, in order to support learning Turkish as a foreign language by apprentice students and adults with insufficient Turkish language skills. “Turkish Speaking Support Programme” aims to provide daily speaking practice that will contribute to the social integration of Syrians. The certified teachers who are going to conduct “Turkish Speaking Support Programme” trainings in their own provinces, examined the methods and techniques to be applied and carried out studies on measurement and evaluation methods. During the training, the learning-teaching processes were explained with case studies. Prof. Tolga Erdogan and Assoc. Dr. Told by Kaan Büyükikizli carried out the training of trainers’ sessions as the filed experts. At the end of the trainings, a road map has created for the upcoming local trainings along with an evaluation session and participants received their certificates.

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1 December Hatay


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12 June 2023 Ankara


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12 June World Day Against Child Labor

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14 June 2023 Konya


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16 June 2023 Kayseri


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1st Apprentice Student Forum


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1st Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Activity Training – October 2022


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22 June 2023 Gaziantep


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23 November Istanbul


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25 Mart Anayurt

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26 September 2023 Izmir


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2nd Apprentice Student Forum


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2nd Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Activity Training – December 2022


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2nd Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity for Sustainability Begins

Within the scope of the Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB) executed by Expertise France and EDUSER with the financial support from the European Union and in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE GDoVTT) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), training on the 2nd Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Activity was carried out in Adana on 6-8 December 2022.

With VET4JOB Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Activities, it is aimed that apprentice students carry out studies that create social benefits on a small scale under the guidance of their teachers and master trainers and establish permanent ties with the society and sustainability with the approach of learning, producing and sharing together in the course of their studies.

Apprentice students, teachers and master trainers of VET4JOB institutions in Adana, Hatay, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras and Mersin participated in the training activity that began with the opening speeches of Murat Yuksel, Branch Director responsible for vocational training at the Adana Provincial Directorate of National Education, Zekine Dayioglu and Suleyman Akgul, Heads of Departments at MoNE GDoVTT. Ecological, economic and social sustainability issues were discussed in the training, which lasted three days and covered extensive activities; trainings on design-oriented thinking, planning and evaluation of project processes, social benefit and impact and social entrepreneurship were given and various workshops were held.

The project ideas that emerged in the trainings will be realized by the school teams with the support of the community members that they are involved in.

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2nd Steering Committee Meeting of VET4JOB Programme was Held

The 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the “Programme Improving the Employment Prospects for the Syrian Refugees and Host Communities by High-Quality VET and Apprenticeship in Turkey” (VET4JOB), supported by the European Union, was held on the digital platform on May 26th, 2021. The opening remarks of the meeting were addressed by Coordinator Özlem Sıla TALAY on behalf of Vice President FRIT Office, , Deputy Secretary General Çetin DEMİRKAZIK on behalf of Turkish Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) , Acting General Director Dr. Recep ALTIN on behalf of Ministry of National Education DG Vocational and Technical Education , FRIT Deputy Head Dimitrina KARAYOTOVA on behalf of Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, and Stability and Resilience Department Head Laurent MARION on behalf of Expertise France. Expertise France Team Leader PhD. Fatma ÖZDEMİR ULUÇ made a presentation on the progress of the programme and explained future planning schedule. At the meeting, VET4JOB Module Leader 1 and Field Coordinator İzzet ÇEVİK from EDUSER talked about their efforts to direct apprenticeship training and shared up-to-date information on outreach activities. The meeting was ended following the Q&A session with an emphasis on local cooperation initiatives.

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3rd Apprentice Student Forum


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3rd Apprentice Student Forum was Held

3rd Apprentice Students’ Forum on Inclusive Solutions Created for Quality Apprenticeship Training

The 3rd Apprentice Student Forum within the scope of the “Improving the Employment Prospects for the Syrian Refugees and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality VET and Apprenticeship in Türkiye” Programme (Vocational Training Programme for Employment-VET4JOB)” was held in Antalya on 9-11 October 2023.The opening speeches of the 3rd Forum, which was held with the participation of leader students and teachers from 36 vocational education institutions within the scope of IMEP and representatives of the Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (ESOB) in 12 provinces, were delivered by Mr Ali Karagöz, Director General of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of National Education and Mr Xavier Cousquer, Director of the Department of Peace, Stability and Security of Expertise France.

VET4JOB is conducted by Expertise France and EDUSER in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education (MEB -MTEGM) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) and funded by the European Union Facility for Refugees in Türkiye (FRiT).

Forums: Voice of the Apprentice Students

Apprentice student Forums one of the flagship events of VET4JOB Programme aims to address the opportunities and bottlenecks of apprenticeship training from the perspective of apprentice students, to support these students to carry out participatory processes regarding the education system they are involved and to enable them to make their voices heard. With the student-to-student approach, developing interaction between youth, reinforcing them and creating a space for them to improve their leadership skills are also included in the objectives of the apprentice student Forums. In addition, the Forums are aimed to serve as a platform for jointly generating ideas on common issues, enabling students to advocate for themselves, increasing the opportunities for dialogue, and introducing apprenticeship education by these students.

The apprentice student Forums are also planned in such a way as to draw the attention of the public and relevant actors to apprenticeship training. The Forums are held with the participation of leader teachers and leader students from each of the 36 vocational education institutions in 12 provinces within the scope of IMEP VET4JOB.

Student Forums to Empower Apprentice Students

The apprentice students who attended the 1st Apprentice Student Forum, which was held on the digital platform specifically developed due to the pandemic conditions on 21-22 October 2021, discussed the difficulties and opportunities in the educational processes, examined the basic principles of dispute management and communication with expert trainers, participated in the entertaining activities to complete the given tasks and developed an action plan for the future.

The 2nd Forum, which was held on 8-10 June 2022, has become the voice of more than 10 thousand apprentice students. In the preparation processes of the 2nd Apprentice Student Forum, the leader students, along with the leader teachers, developed solution offers to the problems identified in the first Forum by establishing a dialogue with a total of 11.238 students in their schools. The students ensured the participation of business owners, sector experts, teachers and administrators as well as students in the preparatory meetings they held. The leader apprentice students rediscussed their solution offers they have developed as a result of the studies they carried out within the framework of the questions “What kind of solutions can be developed for the difficulties experienced at school and at workplace?”, “What kind of solutions can be developed to overcome the difficulties experienced in social life at school and at workplace?” on a common platform in the 2nd Apprentice Student Forum. During the closing event of the 2nd Apprentice Student Forum, four students representing the students set on the same table with the decision makers. The representative students shared the prepared Forum Statement with influential messages and with this statement, they expressed their solution proposals to the problems identified for improvement of apprenticeship education in Türkiye, what the apprentice students should do to achieve results and their expectations from the decision makers. Thus, they have invited all actors of apprenticeship education in Türkiye to take steps together to write a new success story.

The implementation of the 2nd Apprentice Student Forum before the 12 June World Anti-Child Labour Day had a special meaning. VET4JOB carries out its activities with a perspective that focuses on anti-child labour and acts for the best interest of the child, contributes to anti-child labour by offering a qualified training and career option to youth by highlighting the apprenticeship education under the protection and supervision of the state for youth who are deprived of education and have to tend towards child labour.

For the third Forum, students have conducted stakeholder analysis to address their problems. Prior to the activity they have paid visits and have discussions with the relevant stakeholders to hear the other parties view and make their voices heard. They compiled inclusive concrete proposals for the implementation of their demands. During the 3rd Forum, workshop sessions were facilitated to draw a common roadmap together to resolve the identified problems with relevant parties. It is anticipated that by the conclusion of the third Forum, the apprenticeship students will have generated inclusive solution proposals as well as the essential campaign and communication strategy for putting them into action. In addition, opportunities are pursued to bring the rights of apprentice students to the light.

At the closing panel of the 3rd Forum, where leading apprentice students and decision-making stakeholders sat shoulder to shoulder, the students read the declaration describing their inclusive solution proposals. Laurent Guirkinger, Head of Humanitarian and Social Development Department of the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, Mustafa Günay, Head of Social Partners and Projects Department of the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education, Serdar Dalmaz, European Union External Relations Representative of the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen, and Bertand Commelin, Director of Human Capital and Social Development Department of Expertise France, took the floor after the students and shared their messages of support for the expectations expressed by the leader apprentices.

The Fourth Forum is planned to be organized in 2024 aims to pave a way towards creating a platform where they can make stronger voices heard and jointly solve their problems by establishing a structured organizational network.

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3rd Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Activity Training – January 2023


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Within the scope of the “Programme for Facilitating Access to Employment of the Syrian and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality Apprenticeship and Vocational Training in Türkiye”, the 3rd group of the Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Activities has completed their training programme.

A comprehensive training session was held in Bolu Abant on 9-11 January as for the third of the Apprentice Students Vocational Skills Solidarity Activities within the scope of the Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB) executed by Expertise France and EDUSER with the financial support of the European Union and in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE GDoVTT) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK).

Apprentice Students Vocational Skills Solidarity Activities aim to guide apprentice students to carry out small-scale social improvement activities in solidarity, guided by their teachers and master trainers. While performing their projects, it is aimed that students establish permanent ties with the society and sustainability with the approach of learning together, creating social benefits, producing and sharing.

Apprentice students, teachers and master trainers who convened in Abant on 9-11 January 2023 had trainings on teamwork, sustainability, design-oriented thinking, planning, evaluation of project processes, generating social benefits, positive impact and social entrepreneurship. After the training, the apprentice students, guided by the trainers and master trainers, will realize their projects within a three-month period with the support of their teams and the community members that they are involved in.

In the first group that participated in the 1st Vocational Skills Solidarity Activity in October 2022, İMEP/VET4JOB schools in Ankara , Izmir, Kayseri and Konya had come together and completed their training programme. The projects of these groups will be completed as of January 2023. In December, groups from İMEP/VET4JOB schools in Adana, Hatay, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras and Mersin continue to develop their projects. During the last training that was held on 9-11 January 2023, İMEP/VET4JOB schools in Bursa, Istanbul and Kocaeli completed their training programme for sustainable projects and have returned to their schools and develop and implement their projects in solidarity. Sustainability-oriented projects that students will design and realize in cooperation will be shared with the public through a digital exhibition to be prepared.

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3rd VET4JOB Steering Committee Meeting

Improving the employment prospects for the Syrian refugees and host communities by high-quality VET and apprenticeship in Turkey (VET4JOB) Programme, financed by the European Union FRIT fund, held its 3rd Steering Committee Meeting on November 25, 2021 on a digital platform. The goal of the meeting was to benefit from the experiences of the representatives of the institutions that work towards VET4JOB objectives, and to exchange views in order to implement the programme effectively. The meeting’s opening statements were delivered by the Head of Education Policies Department Dr. Recep ALTIN, on behalf of the Ministry of National Education, Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training; the Deputy Secretary General Ms Fatma Yasemin ERTEKİN from the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK); Programme Manager Ms Feyhan EVİTAN CANBAY from the EU Delegation to Turkey on behalf of the Socioeconomic Development Programme; and Deputy Head of the Peace, Stability and Security Department Mr Julien SERRE, on behalf of Expertise France. Expertise France Team Leader Dr. Fatma ÖZDEMİR ULUÇ and EDUSER Program Coordinator Aise AKPINAR delivered a joint presentation on the programme progress and future plans. The first Apprentice Student Forum held in October and its background activities were shared with the participants under the title “Apprentice Students’ Voice”. After the Q&A session, the meeting concluded with a general evaluation.

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4th Apprentice Student Forum


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4th Apprentice Student Forum was Held


The 4th Apprentice Student Forum was held in Ankara within the scope of Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB). The first step was taken for a structured network where apprentice students can come together to discuss their needs, make their voices heard more strongly, and solve their problems through solidarity, participatory and inclusive methods.

Within the scope of the “Facilitating Access to Employment for Syrian and Host Communities through Quality Apprenticeships and Vocational Training in Türkiye (Vocational Training Programme for Employment – VET4JOB)” implemented by Expertise France (EF) and EDUSER with the financial support of the European Union (EU) and in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education (MoNE MTEGM) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), the 4th Apprentice Student Forum was held in Ankara on 20-22 May 2024.

The opening speeches of the 4th Forum were delivered by Mr. Ali Karagöz, Director General of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of National Education, Mr. Atakan Çelik, Deputy Secretary General of the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen and Mr. Laurent Guirkinger, Head of Humanitarian and Social Development Department of the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye. On behalf of Expertise France, Program Manager Jade Kahhaleh expressed their pleasure to be the coordinator of this program.

The Forum started with the evaluation of the preparatory work of the apprentice students to gather opinions locally on networking and continued with training on community and network management acting within the framework of social benefit. In order to coordinate the networking activities of apprentice students, a 10-member Facilitators Board consisting of 4 apprentice students, 3 teachers, 2 apprenticeship training graduates and 1 ESOB (Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen) representative was elected. In the closing session held on the last day of the event, the Facilitators Board shared the road map prepared based on the action proposals discussed.

Since 2021, Apprentice Student Forums have been organized to address the opportunities and challenges of apprenticeship training from the perspective of apprentice students, to increase their participation in the training process and to enable them to make their voices heard. The forums encourage interaction and social cohesion among students and adopt a student-centered approach to provide an environment that empowers young people and develops their leadership skills. The forums serve as a platform to exchange ideas on common issues, allow students to defend their views, increase communication opportunities and promote apprenticeships.

The first forum was held on October 21-22, 2021 on a digital platform specially developed due to the pandemic conditions, with the participation of one lead teacher and two lead students from each of the 36 vocational education institutions in 12 provinces within the scope of VET4JOB and representatives of the Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (ESOB) in the provinces within the scope of VET4JOB. During the Forum, where challenges and opportunities in education processes were discussed, students were trained on conflict management and basic principles in communication. In the preparation process for the 2nd Apprentice Student Forum held on 08-10 June 2022, students came together with business partners, sector experts, teachers and administrators to develop solutions to the problems identified and collected suggestions. At the closing of the Forum, four students representing the leading students met at the same table with decision-makers and shared the Forum Declaration with strong messages. At the 3rd Apprentice Student Forum held on October 9-11, 2023, sessions were held to put forward “inclusive” solution proposals to solve the problems together with the relevant parties. During the Forum, the rights of apprentice students were raised at every opportunity. Apprentice student forums are planned to continue within the scope of the VET4JOB.

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4th Steering Committee Meeting of IMEP

The Programme for Improving the Employment Prospects for the Syrian and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality VET and Apprenticeship in Turkey (IMEP), supported by the European Union’s FRIT fund, was held face-to-face on 24 June 2022.

The opening speeches of the meeting were made by Mr. Libor CHLAD, Head of FRIT Department of the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, Mr. Korkut KOCAK, the Head of Social Partners and Projects Department on behalf of the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of National Education, Mr. Fuat ELVAN, the Project Specialist on behalf of the Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen of Turkey (TESK) and Mr. Laurent Marion, the Head of Stability and Resilience Department on behalf of the Expertise France. The Team Leader of Expertise France, Dr.Fatma OZDEMIR ULUC, and the Programme Coordinator of EDUSER, Aise AKPINAR, made a joint presentation on the progress of the programme and future planning. The Communication Supervisor of IMEP Ipek Aydin presented the Communication Strategy of the Programme.

In the meeting, the experiences were shared with the representatives of the institutions that carry out studies in accordance with the objectives of IMEP in order to implement the Programme effectively and exchanged views. After the question and answer section, the general evaluation was made and the meeting was ended.

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5th Steering Committee Meeting Held

5th Steering Committee Meeting of the Programme for Improving the Employment Prospects for the Syrian and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality VET and Apprenticeship in Türkiye (VET4JOB), supported by the European Union’s FRIT fund, was held in Ankara on 31 January 2022.

The opening speeches of the meeting were given by Korkut KOCAK, Head of the Department of Social Partners and Projects of the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of National Education, Fatma Yasemin ERTEKIN, Deputy Secretary General of the Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen of Türkiye (TESK), Makbule YALIN on behalf of the Presidency of Migration Management of the Ministry of Interior, Feyhan EVITAN CANBAY, Director of the Socioeconomic Development Programme of the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye, and Laurent MARION, Head of the Division of Stability and Resilience of Expertise France.

Ph.D. Fatma OZDEMIR ULUC, Team Leader of Expertise France, and Aise AKPINAR, the Programme Coordinator of EDUSER, made a joint presentation on the progress of the Programme and planning for the future. In the presentation, the experiences of the beneficiaries of VET4JOB were emphasized with visual and written anecdotes.

In the meeting, the experiences were shared with the representatives of the institutions that carried out studies in accordance with the objectives of VET4JOB in order to implement the Programme effectively and views were exchanged. After the questions and answers, general evaluation was made and the meeting was ended.

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6 July 2023 Istanbul


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6th VET4JOB Steering Committee Meeting was Held

The Sixth Steering Committee Meeting of the Improving Employment Prospects for Syrian and Host Communities through High-Quality Apprenticeship and Vocational Training in Türkiye (Vocational Training For Employment – İMEP/VET4JOB) Programme was held in Ankara on September 28th 2023.

The opening speeches were made by Ministry of National Education Director-General of Vocational and Technical Education Ali KARAGÖZ, Fuat ELVAN on behalf of the General Secretary of the Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen of Türkiye (TESK), Thomas FJENDBO, the Deputy Head of the Human and Social Development Department of the European Union Delegation to Türkiye, and Virginie ROIRON, Head of the Stabilisation and Resilience Unit of Expertise France.

Expertise France Team Leader Dr. Fatma ÖZDEMİR ULUÇ and EDUSER Programme Coordinator Aişe AKPINAR informed the participants about the progress of the programme. In a session during which the lessons learned from İMEP were evaluated, they also provided information about the Second Phase activities which it is planned to carry out next year. The meeting came to a close following an interactive question-and-answer session with the representatives of the shareholder institutions and organisations concerned.

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8 June 2023 Bursa


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9 Eylül izmir

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9 November Kahramanmaraş


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A Gazate

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A Gazate Bursa

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A Knowledge – Attitude – Practices (KAP) study carried out within the scope of VET4JOB

The Knowledge – Attitude – Practices (KAP) study for “Improving the Employment Prospects for the Syrian Refugees and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality VET and Apprenticeship in Turkey Programme (Vocational Training Programme for Employment-VET4JOB)” is carried out with quantitative and qualitative methods in 12 provinces where VET4JOB is implemented.


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Apprenticeship Training

Apprenticeship training is one of the types of formal education that young people can attend after secondary school to complete their compulsory education. The duration of apprenticeship training offered by vocational training centres is four years. By the end of this period, students will also have completed 12 years of compulsory education.

During the trainings, students attend:

  • Theoretical training at vocational training centres once or twice a week,
  • Practical training in their workplaces four or five days a week.

Students who have graduated from at least secondary school enrol in apprenticeship training.

Apprentice students studying at vocational training centres receive a Journeymanship Certificate if they pass the journeymanship exams held at the end of the 11th grade and have not failed courses, while Journeymen receive a Mastership Certificate if they pass the mastership exams held at the end of the theoretical and practical training period prescribed in their programme at the end of the 12th grade.

Those who have a Mastership Certificate can open their own workplaces or find a job easily as a qualified worker in a workplace.

Apprenticeship students who are entitled to receive a Mastership Certificate can receive a vocational high school diploma if they pass the missing courses to be determined by the Ministry of National Education through face-to-face education programmes to be delivered at vocational education centres or through open secondary education institutions.

Vocational Training Centre

These are educational institutions that operate under the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of National Education and are responsible for the theoretical part of formal apprenticeship training.

Candidate Apprentice

An apprentice is a person who has not completed the age of becoming a student, who is introduced to the workplace environment before the apprenticeship training period, and who has received the preliminary information about their art and profession.


According to the principles of the apprenticeship agreement, an apprentice is a person who has developed the knowledge, skills and work habits required by a profession and continues their education.

  • Candidate apprentices and apprentices qualify as a student and benefit from all kinds of student rights. Therefore, they are not included in the number of workers working in a workplace.
  • Candidate apprentice and apprentice students receive general and vocational training for no less than eight hours a week, depending on the nature of the profession. Candidate apprentice and apprentice students are provided paid leaves to attend such training. Theoretical and practical training in seasonally specialized professions can be done in blocks in certain months.
  • Candidate apprentice and apprentice students do their practical training in their workplaces. In apprenticeship training, theoretical and practical training are planned and carried out to complement each other.


This refers to a person who has acquired the knowledge, skills and work habits required by a profession and can perform the work and activities related to this profession at acceptable standards under the supervision of a master.


This refers to a person who has acquired the knowledge, skills and work habits required by a profession, can apply them at standards acceptable in working life in the production of goods and services, and plan the production process, solve problems that may be encountered during production, explain their thoughts in writing, verbally and by drawing, and make practical calculations related to production.

Master Trainer

This refers to a person who has acquired the competence of a master, is responsible for the workplace training of candidate apprentices, apprentices, journeymen and students of vocational and technical education schools and institutions and knows and applies vocational training techniques.


This refers to public and private institutions and workplaces that have signed contracts with the parents/guardians of students at VTCs and produce goods and services for which students receive practical training within the framework of the legislation.

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Within the scope of the curriculum prepared in accordance with national and international standards, knowledge, skills and competencies are provided in guest relations, front office services, housekeeping services, travel agency services, general tourism and vocational foreign language, etc. In our schools, competencies are provided in front office, housekeeping, operation, booking, dry cleaning and carpet cleaning and maintenance branches.

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Within the scope of this major, education is provided in the field of Accounting in our schools, where professional qualifications are provided for accounting certification, recording, reporting, interpretation and analysis according to developments and changes in the world and in our country. In this context, it is aimed to provide knowledge, skills and competencies in subjects such as using accounting package programs, entrepreneurship, business management, tax and declarations, business and social security law.

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Acil Haber

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Adana Ceyhan MEM


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Adana Çukurova MEM


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Adana Cukurova Vocational Training Centre

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Adana Seyhan MEM


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Adana Yüreğir MEM


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In this major where knowledge, skills and competencies such as agricultural production, sustainable agriculture techniques, basic plant health, soil and plant nutrition are provided, education is held in the branches of Viticulture, Mushroom Cultivation, Fruit Cultivation, Vegetable Cultivation, Horticulture, Industrial Plants Cultivation, Field Plants Cultivation, Medical Aromatic Plants Cultivation, Ornamental Plants, Greenhouse Cultivation, Tea Cultivation and Silviculture.


Mushroom Cultivation

Fruit Cultivation

Vegetable Cultivation


Industrial Plants Cultivation

Field Plants Cultivation

Medical Aromatic Plants Cultivation

Ornamental Plants

Greenhouse Cultivation

Tea Cultivation


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Akdeniz Gerçek

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Aliağa Ekspres

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An Apprenticeship Story / Ayşin Sayan – Arzum Bayraktar

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An Apprenticeship Story / Aytekin Kılınç

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An Apprenticeship Story / İsmail Aktaş

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An Apprenticeship Story / Kardelen Rahime Kılınç

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An Apprenticeship Story / Mustafa Dilek

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An Apprenticeship Story / Nazik ve Salim Mermer

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An Apprenticeship Story / Nouri Jawishi

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An Apprenticeship Story / Ogün Aysoy

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Within the scope of this major, education is provided in the branches of Beekeeping, Cattle Breeding, Ovine Breeding, House and Ornamental Animals, Pet Hairdressing and Poultry Breeding, where knowledge and skills are provided in the fields of breeding, recording, protecting the health and dealing with diseases of animals and ensuring efficiency and quality increase by obtaining healthy products from these animals.

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Ankara Ostim MEM


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Ankara Ostim Vocational Training Center

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Ankara Siteler MEM


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Ankara Siteler Vocational Training Center

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Application Form

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Apprentice Student Forum Summary Outputs

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Apprentice Students Get Together At the Art Event

An art event was held with apprentice students at Ankara Siteler Vocational Training Centre in April 2021.“Vocational Training Programme for Employment” (VET4JOB). The programme is financed by the European Union and is coordinated by Expertise France and EDUSER in cooperation with Ministry of National Education and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen. In the event, in which Syrian and Turkish apprentice students participated together, young people reflected their feelings and thoughts about “home, education and future” to their work. Some students sculpted clay and made sculptures, while others painted their homes, schools and villages. Apprentice students, who receive theoretical training once or twice a week at vocational training centres, receive practical training at the workplace under the guidance of master trainers on other days of the week.

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1st Apprentice Student Forum held under “Improving the employment prospects for the Syrian refugees and host communities by high-quality VET and apprenticeship in Turkey” Programme


The 1st Apprentice Student Forum was held online on 21-22 October 2021 under Improving the employment prospects for the Syrian refugees and host communities by high-quality VET and apprenticeship in Turkey (VET4JOB) Programme, which is funded by the European Union and carried out with the cooperation of the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training (DGVET) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), implemented by Expertise France and EDUSER.

VET4JOB, one of the most effective programmes in the field of apprenticeship training in Turkey, is implemented to improve sustainable livelihoods and employment prospects for Syrians and host communities, by supporting their skills development through apprenticeship and VET in line with labour market needs. VET4JOB also aims to raise public awareness in the field of “Combating Child Labour” and supports young people to stay in education by emphasizing the advantages of apprenticeship training in the formal education system. Having started on January 1, 2020 with the financial support of the European Union, VET4JOB has a budget of EUR 30 Million and will continue for a duration of three years.

The objective of the Apprentice Student Fora to be held under VET4JOB is to help the apprentices strengthen their capacity by participating in the trainings within their fields of interest and to provide them with an environment where they can engage in these activities while having fun.

For the Apprentice Student Fora, 2 leader apprentice students were selected from each of the 36 VET institutions included in VET4JOB. In this process, a leader teacher from each school and one project manager from a total of 13 Unions of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen support and guide the leader apprentice students.

A special digital platform was created for the 1st Apprentice Student Forum event, organized within the scope of VET4JOB. 72 apprentice students who participated in this online platform discussed the challenges and opportunities in their training processes, analysed the basic principles of conflict resolution and communication with the help of expert trainers, participated in entertaining activities on the platform and created an action plan for the future.

At the opening session of the Apprentice Student Forum, MoNE DGVET Workplace-Based Vocational Training Department Head Süleyman Akgül, TESK Deputy Secretary General Sinan Özkan, Deputy Head of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey (FRIT) Division of the EU Delegation to Turkey, Dimitrina Karayotova, and representing Expertise France, Stability and Durability Department Head Laurent Marion addressed the apprentices.


Süleyman Akgül, MoNE DGVET Workplace-Based Vocational Training Department Head, emphasized the importance of equal opportunities in education and stated: “All members of society should join forces without any discrimination in their efforts for social, cultural and economic progress, and work side by side to realize this common ideal.”

At the first Apprentice Student Forum, Akgül also expressed that they aim to address the opportunities and challenges of apprenticeship education with the perspective of leader students, to support the efforts for developing the apprentice training system, to help apprentice students make their voices heard, to create interaction among the young population, to have the students’ support to make apprenticeship training available to more young people and to create opportunities for these students so they can develop their leadership skills.


Sinan Özkan, Deputy Secretary General of TESK, stated: “Today, the level of vocational education and training is one of the factors that determine countries’ level of development. In a world where change continues at an astounding pace, countries feel the obligation to take permanent and effective steps for the future within the framework of vocational and technical training. We have no doubt that our country will start the coming years stronger with its effective vocational training approach and policies that embrace the future.”

Sinan Özkan, Deputy Secretary General of TESK, said: “In pursuit of high-quality apprenticeship training, our entire organization is determined to mobilize all necessary resources, find new resources and carry out the necessary lobbying activities for the development of vocational education and training, which we believe to be the key to a secure future for our children.”


Dimitrina Karayotova, Deputy Head of the FRIT Division of the EU Delegation to Turkey, started her speech by emphasizing the importance of VET4JOB for the EU Delegation to Turkey. Pointing out that VET4JOB, financed by the EU, is the only project within the scope of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey that focuses on apprenticeship training and deals with child labour, Karayotova addressed the apprentice students: “Getting an apprenticeship is not just about gaining professional skills. You can step into an important career or have the opportunity to start your own business.”

Dimitrina Karayotova stated that apprenticeship programmes invest in apprentices’ skills in a particular field and contribute to a future that can change their lives and provide better career perspectives by improving their knowledge level in this field and shaping their goals.


Speaking on behalf of Expertise France, one of the implementing agencies of VET4JOB, Stability and Durability Department Head Laurent Marion started his speech by mentioning that Turkey is the country hosting the largest number of refugees in the world and emphasized the important role VET4JOB plays in strengthening the social and economic cohesion between the Syrians and the Turkish host community.

Emphasizing that the First Apprentice Student Forum was designed with a participatory perspective, Marion referred to Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and stated that children/young people have the right to participate in decision-making processes that may be relevant to their lives and to influence the decisions taken about them.

Highlighting the importance of the Forum as a channel to ensure that the voices of the apprentices are heard, Marion stated that it is crucial to consider the components of apprenticeship training from the apprentice students’ perspective, to allow students to defend themselves and to increase dialogue opportunities. Laurent Marion stated: “The Apprentice Student Forum, which we are holding for the first time, will pave the way to attract the attention of the relevant actors as well as the public to apprenticeship training and apprentice students.”


VET4JOB Facebook Account:

VET4JOB Twitter Account:

VET4JOB YouTube Channel:

VET4JOB Instagram Account:

VET4JOB Linkedin Account:

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Within the scope of the “Programme for Facilitating Access to Employment of the Syrian and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality Apprenticeship and Vocational Training in Türkiye”, the first of the Apprentice Trainees Vocational Skills Solidarity Activities has been launched with a comprehensive training study.

With the financial support of the European Union and in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education (MED MTEGM) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), the Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB) executed by Expertise France and EDUSER, the first of the Apprentice Trainees Vocational Skills Solidarity Activities within the scope of VET4JOB started with a comprehensive training held in Ankara, Kizılcahamam on 5-7 October.

VET4JOB, which is one of the most comprehensive programmes contributing to the vocational training of non-trained Turkish and Syrian youngsters in line with the needs of the labor market through apprenticeship training, has been continuing since 1 January 2020.

Apprentice Trainees Vocational Skills Solidarity Activities aim to guide apprentice trainees to carry out small-scale social improvement activities in solidarity, guided by their trainers and master trainers. While performing their studies, it is aimed that trainees establish permanent ties with the society and sustainability with the approach of learning together, creating social benefits, producing and sharing.

Apprentice trainees, trainers and master trainers who met in Kizilcahamam on 5-7 October for this goal received training on teamwork, sustainability, design-oriented thinking, planning and evaluation of project processes, social benefit and impact and social entrepreneurship. After the training, the trainees, guided by the trainers and master trainers, will realize their projects in a three-month period with the support of their teams and the community members that they are involved in.

Apprentice Trainees Vocational Skills Solidarity activities will be carried out 3 times to cover all the schools within the scope of Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB). In the first group in October, schools in Ankara, Izmir, Kayseri and Konya; in the second group in December, schools in Adana, Hatay, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras and Mersin; and in the last group to take place in May 2023, schools in Bursa, Istanbul and Kocaeli will participate. Sustainability-oriented projects that trainees will design and realize in cooperation will be shared with the public through a digital exhibition to be prepared.

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Apprenticeship Student Statement

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Apprenticeship Student Statement

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Apprenticeship Training Brochure

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Apprenticeship Training Quadrilateral Cooperation Poster

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Apprenticeship Training Video Through the Eyes of Actors Part 1

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Apprenticeship Training Video Through the Eyes of Actors Part 2

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Apprenticeship Training Video Through the Eyes of Actors Part 3

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Awareness Meeting on Combating Child Labour in Izmir

A “My Apprentice Students on their Way to Mastership” Awareness-Raising Meeting was held in Izmir on September 26th. The meeting was one of the activities on the struggle against child labour being conducted under the Vocational Training for Employment Programme (İMEP/VET4JOB), which is supported by the European Union. The meeting was organised in cooperation with the Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education and the Izmir Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (İESOB).

The meeting opened with an address by İESOB Deputy President Ali Üstün. An expert on the subject informed members of the Izmir Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen about the negative effects of child labour. Leader students from the schools taking part in İMEP were able to make their voices heard to school administrators and the owners of the workplaces where they receive practical training. In their presentation, the leader students stated that they were aware of their rights and responsibilities as apprentice students on the path to mastership. They underlined that they benefited from the knowlege and experience of their teachers and master trainers, and said that they were enriched by individual and cultural differences. Conscious of the training they receive, the apprentice students said, “We too can be counted on for a more developed society”.

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Aydın Manşet

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Aytekin Kılınç_İMEP Inspiring Stories

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Although they are forced to be worked in various job areas, not all work performed by children is child labour. Whether a job could be considered as child labour or not depends on various criteria such as the age of the child, the work environment and conditions, the type of work performed, the working hours, and its effect on the education of the child as well as the policies and legal regulations set by countries in this field. The figure below summarizes the work children do:

Work Performed by Children

Children’s Participation in Work

Child Labour Contrary to Legislation

  • To earn pocket money
  • Only on holidays or without interfering with their schooling
  • For short working working hours
  • At family business
  • Minimum working age 15 or over
  • As part of vocational training or to earn wages
  • In line with conditions and for durations set by laws
  • At jobs fit for their age
  • Under the minimum working age Jobs mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful for children, no matter what their age is
  • At jobs and under conditions that are not fit for their age
  • At jobs qualifying as the worst form of child labour

When talking about child and youth labour, the concepts of “children’s participation in work”, “child labour”, “the worst form of child labour” and “young worker” are being frequently used. These concepts are respectively explained below.

Children’s Participation in Work

Children’s participation in work covers the work that provides children with skills and experience, contributes to children’s development and to the welfare of their families, and allows them to be protected and looked after while working. Some work is not considered as child labour due to their structure, nature, and special conditions. For instance, children’s participation in work which:

  • Presents no to their development, health, or security,
    • Does not interfere with their schooling,
    • Does not interfere with their vocational training or attendance to a training programme approved by the competent authorities and prevent them from benefiting such activities is not considered as child labour.

According to the International Labour Organization, activities such as helping out parents around the household, assisting in a family business or earning pocket money outside school hours and during school holidays can be considered useful and even necessary, as they will improve children’s practical knowledge and skills.

Child Labour

Many children and young people around the world work under unsuitable conditions in jobs that are harmful to their health, violate their safety, interferes with their education, and take long hours. The International Labour Organization (ILO) considers this type of work as a major violation of children’s rights. Child labour is the act of employing children in jobs that prevent them from exercising their rights, primarily their right to education, and harm their health as well as their physical and psycho-social development.

Article 71 of the Labour Law No. 4857 stipulates the following:

  • It is forbidden to employ children who have not completed the age of 15.
  • However, children who have completed the age of 14 as well as compulsory primary education may be employed in light jobs that will not hinder their physical, mental, social and moral development nor interfere with their schooling if they are attending a school.
  • Children who have not completed the age of 14 may be employed in artistic, cultural and advertising activities that will not hinder their physical, mental, social and moral development nor interfere with their schooling if they are attending a school, provided that a written contract is made and a separate permission is obtained for each activity.

The Worst Forms of Child Labour

In 1999, the International Labour Organization (ILO) drafted and adopted the Convention No. 182 “Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour” and the related Recommendation No. 190. The convention has been ratified by all 187 member states of the ILO. Countries that have ratified Convention No. 182 must take urgent and effective measures to address as an urgent issue, prohibit and end the worst forms of child labour. For the purposes of this Convention, the term “child” applies to anyone under the age of 18.

For the purposes of this Convention, the term “worst forms of child labour” covers the following:

  • all forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory labour, including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict;
  • the use, procuring or offering of a child for prostitution, for the production of pornography or for pornographic performances;
  • the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities, in particular for the production and trafficking of drugs as defined in the relevant international treaties;
  • work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children.

Turkey ratified the ILO Convention No. 182 on August 2, 2001 and revised its national legislation in line with the provisions of the Convention. The worst forms of child labour which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children in Turkey are as follows:

  • Street working
  • Working in heavy and dangerous jobs in small and medium-sized businesses
  • Working in mobile and temporary agricultural work for wages, except family work in agriculture

Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Employing Child and Young Workers

Pursuant to Article 71 of the Labour Law No. 4857, the “Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Employing Young Workers”, which covers the limitations regarding the exposure of those under 18 year olds to dangers and their working conditions, is prepared. The purpose of this Regulation is to determine the principles of working methods for child and young workers without damaging their health and safety, their physical, mental, moral and social developments or their education, and to prevent their abuse for economic purposes. This Regulation specifies basic information on working ages, working conditions, working periods, annual leaves and weekly holidays of child and young workers. For the purposes of this Regulation,

  • A young worker is a person who has completed the age of 15 but has not completed the age of 18,
  • A child worker is a person who has completed the age of 14, has not completed the age of 15 and has completed primary education.

This Regulation covers the principles and procedures on:

  • Jobs that are prohibited in terms of child and young workers who have not completed the age of 18,
  • Jobs in which young workers who have completed the age of 15 but have not completed the age of 18 are allowed to work,
  • Light jobs in which children who have completed the age of 14 as well as primary education can be employed, as well as the working conditions related thereto.

Article 5 of the Regulation states that the safety, health, physical, mental, moral, and psycho-social development as well as personal predisposition and abilities of child and young workers should be taken into consideration during their recruitment and employment.

Preventing Child Labour

The concept of prevention can be defined as the set of actions taken to prevent an event from occurring. It is also defined as an activity carried out to stop and prevent a present or potential danger. Preventing child labour before children start working or before the problem arises at all is the first critical step in combating child labour.

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Baba Haber

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Balıkesir Memleket

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Banner – Arabic

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Banner – Turkish

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Başkent Gazetesi

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Başkent Gazetesi

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Başkent Gazetesi

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Beauty and Hair Care Services (I)In this major, which has been developed in line with the expectations of the sector, education is provided in the branches of Skin Care and Makeup, Men’s Hairdresser and Women’s Hairdresser.Beauty and Hair Care Services (II)In this program, students are given basic knowledge, skills and competencies such as introduction to the profession, cosmetics, basic anatomy and physiology, hand-foot care, diction, as well as branch-specific skills

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Birebir Haber

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Bizim Yaka

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Bursa Hakimiyet

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Bursa Hayat

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Bursa İnegöl MEM


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Bursa Kent

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Bursa Leg of VET4JOB Capacity Building Training Courses Have Completed

Within the scope of Improving the Employment Prospects for the Syrian Refugees and Host Communities by High-quality VET and Apprenticeship in Turkey (VET4JOB) Programme, capacity building activities for general knowledge teachers in programme partner institutions took place in Bursa on 31 August-2 September. VET4JOB, which is funded by the European Union and carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training and TESK, through implementation partnership of Expertise France and EDUSER, aims to strengthen the service provision capacity of the programme partner VET institutions via the training activities organized. In the scope of the training course, expert trainers explained topics such as “apprenticeship training and its implementation principles, the business world and apprenticeship training, strengthening social cohesion, social inclusion in education, teenager psychology and Generation Z, distance learning, intercultural dialogue and planning activities to enhance social cohesion”. At the end of the training, participation certificates were presented to the teachers who attended the course. With this final training, the capacity building training courses for institutions in Istanbul, Kocaeli and Bursa have been completed. Training courses for the staff of VET institutions in Ankara, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Konya and İzmir will be carried out in İzmir, in September.

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Bursa Lider

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Bursa Nilüfer MEM


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Bursa Nilufer Vocational Training Centre

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Bursa Olay

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Bursa Osmangazi MEM


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Bursa Osmangazi Vocational Training Centre

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Bursa Sancak

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Bursa Sehit Jandarma Komando Er Bahri Avci Vocational Training Centre

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Bursa Şehit Jandarma Komando Er Bahri Avcı MEM


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Bursada Meydan

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Business Start-up Competition Annocument

Click To Apply

A Business Ideas Competition is being organised for apprentice students in the 36 institutions in 12 provinces included in İMEP (VET4JOB) in order to develop their innovative business ideas.

Students of the vocational training centres included in İMEP who form teams within their institutions and enter the competition will be able to win gift tokens. Twelve teams will be selected for the final event which will take place on February 29th 2024. You too can set up your team to take part in the business ideas competition. Apply straight away and grab the chance to win the big prize!

What are the Business Idea Themes?

· The Circular Economy

· Carbon Emissions

· Climate

· Productivity

· Environment

· Energy Consumption

· Gender Equality

· Disadvantaged Groups

· Access

· Reducing Inequality

· Social Adaptation

Terms and Conditions for Applications

· Only teams made up of apprentice students of the 36 pilot institutions in 12 provinces included in İMEP may apply to enter the competition. The competition is not open to individual applications.

· The teams must consist of three apprentice students and one responsible teacher. Applications from teams not composed in this manner will be considered invalid.

· More than one team may take part from each pilot institution.

· One teacher may be responsible for more than one team. Each apprentice student may be included in one team only.

· The teams must include at least one Turkish and one Syrian apprentice student and at least one female apprentice student.

· The mixed teams are expected to develop business ideas related to the themes listed above for the development of innovative methods, skills, techniques or instruments.

· The teams’ business ideas will be evaluated in line with the criteria given below.

· All the information requested on the online application form must be filled in fully and accurately.

· The final date for applications is January 4th 2024.

Business Ideas Competition Prizes

It is planned to present the students in the top three teams with prizes that include technology-based products.


December 4th 2023 – January 4th 2024: Announcement of the business ideas competition and receipt of applications

January 5th-15th 2024: Prequalification process

January 16th-19th 2024: Announcement of the names of the teams selected to take part in the final event

February 27th, 28th and 29th 2024: Final event




The link between the idea and the sustainability, social impact and inclusiveness themes


The innovative nature of the idea


The practicality of the idea


The originality of the Idea


The link and conformity between the team and the idea


The potential for commercialising the idea


The idea’s possessing a revenue model


The idea’s being open to further development


The match between the solution and the problem


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Adult Training

Adult training (non-formal training) in Turkey covers any learning activity that individuals who are currently at any stage of formal education or left or completed such stage attend to improve their personal, social and employment-related knowledge, skills and competencies within the scope of the lifelong learning understanding.

The institutions operating under the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning regarding adult training, which is regarded as part of Lifelong Learning, are as follows:

  • Public education centres
  • Technical institutes for girls
  • Open education schools

The main services offered at these institutions include the following:

  • Curricular and extracurricular activities
  • Processes related to documentation, equivalence, and recognition of previous learnings
  • Vocational training activities in businesses
  • Vocational and technical training activities in raising a qualified workforce
  • Organising, participating in and representing in all kinds of contests, fairs, exhibitions, symposiums, panels, projects, cooperation documents, artistic, social, cultural and similar activities as well as drafting publications
  • Education services at open education schools
  • Distance learning activities

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Can a person transfer to a vocational training centre while studying at high school?

Transfers can be made to vocational training centres from all kinds of high schools or schools of equivalent level. Students wishing to transfer may make their applications in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Secondary Education Institutions. Detailed information about transfer procedures can obtained from the management of the school at which the student is currently registered.

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Can a student’s family benefit from the student’s insurance?

Only the apprentice students themselves can benefit from the professional disease and work accident insurance provided for them. Other members of the students’ families cannot benefit from this insurance.

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Can adults who are primary school graduates register for apprenticeship training?

Adults who have only graduated from primary school may not register for apprenticeship training. They can register for apprenticeship training after completing lower secondary school (middle school) through ‘open’ middle school.

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Can employees of an enterprise register for apprenticeship training?

Enterprise employees can register with vocational training centres provided they are at least secondary (middle) school graduates.

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Can the remuneration paid to apprentice students be accounted for as operating costs?

Remunerations paid to apprentice students are exempt from all kinds of tax. In addition, the remunerations paid to apprentice students are included in payrolls and treated as personnel expenses of the enterprise in the same way as the salaries paid to other employees.

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Capacity Building Training Courses Continue for VET Institutions in Hatay

Within the scope of Improving the employment prospects for the Syrian refugees and host communities by high-quality VET and apprenticeship in Turkey (VET4JOB) Programme, capacity building activities for general knowledge teachers in programme partner institutions took place in Hatay on 12-14 October 2021. VET4JOB, which is funded by the European Union and carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training and TESK, through implementation partnership of Expertise France and EDUSER, aims to strengthen the service provision capacity of the programme partner VET institutions via the training activities organized. In the scope of the training course, expert trainers explained topics such as “apprenticeship training and its implementation principles, the business world and apprenticeship training, strengthening social cohesion, social inclusion in education, teenager psychology and Generation Z, distance learning, intercultural dialogue and planning activities to enhance social cohesion”. At the end of the training, participation certificates were presented to the teachers who attended the course.

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Capacity Building Training Courses for VET4JOB Partner VET Institutions Started

VET4JOB, which is carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training and TESK, through implementation partnership of Expertise France and EDUSER, held training courses as per training needs analyses conducted for administrators and teachers in 36 VET institutions across 12 provinces, as a part of its capacity building activities. In this context, the first implementation of the developed training course took place in Bursa on 17-19 August 2021, with the participation of coordinator teachers from Istanbul, Bursa and Kocaeli. Designed to contribute to the service provision skills of administrators and educational personnel at VET institutions, the training course was delivered by expert trainers in areas such as “new developments in apprenticeship training, developments in the apprentice legislation, family cooperation in apprentice training, preparing presentations and presentation methods, teenager psychology and Generation Z, strengthening social cohesion, social inclusion in education, distance learning/ICT, innovative equipment use in apprenticeship training, introduction and use of the VET Student Profile in Workplaces, methods for reaching and persuading the target group, and individual meeting methods”. At the end of the training, participation certificates were presented to the coordinator teachers who attended the course.

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Capacity Building Training Courses Held in İzmir for Coordinator Teachers in VET Institutions

The training course for the second group of coordinator teachers in VET institutions that are VET4JOB partners, within the framework of VET4JOB capacity building activities supported by the European Union Facility for Refugees in Turkey (FRIT) fund, was held in İzmir on 7 – 9 September 2021. VET4JOB is carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training and TESK, through implementation partnership of Expertise France and EDUSER, in 36 vocational training institutions in 12 provinces. The programme aims to is to improve sustainable livelihoods and employment prospects for Syrians and host communities, by supporting their skills development through apprenticeship and VET in line with labour market needs. Attended by coordinator teachers working in Ankara, Istanbul, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri and Konya, the training course was carried out by expert trainers in areas such as “developments in apprenticeship training, developments in the apprentice training regulation, family cooperation in apprentice training, preparing presentations and presentation methods, teenager psychology and Generation Z, strengthening social cohesion, social inclusion in education, distance learning/ICT, innovative equipment use in apprenticeship training, introduction and use of VET Student Portfolio in Workplaces, methods for reaching and persuading the target group and individual meeting methods”. At the end of the training, participation certificates were presented to the coordinator teachers who attended the course.

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Capacity Building Training Programme Has Organized for the Administrative Staff of VET4JOB Partner Vocational Training Institutions

Within the scope of the capacity building activities of the Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB), a three-day training programme was organized in Bursa between 24th to 26th of August 2021 with the participation of the administrative staff of the partner training centres. The training programme has aimed to contribute to the service quality of the executive staff working in vocational training centres. Therefore, experts have addressed the following topics; “apprenticeship training and latest developments in legislation; cooperation with stakeholders and understanding the business world; cooperation with the families in apprenticeship training; E-MESEM programme; adolescent psychology and Z-generation; strengthening social cohesion, social inclusion in education; distance education/ICT; use of innovative equipment in apprenticeship training programmes; presentation preparation and presentation techniques; monitoring practical training in apprenticeship programmes, vocational training students’ “job file” in enterprises; outreach and persuasion methods to the target group; individual interview techniques”. At the end of the training, participants received their certificates.

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In order to educate qualified personnel for the ceramics and glass technology sector, education is provided in the branches of Plaster Model Mold, Tile-Making, Decorative Glass, Industrial Glass, Free Ceramic Forming, Glazed Decoration and Lathe Forming in our schools within the scope of this major where individuals are provided with knowledge, skills and competencies related to the stages from raw materials to design, pattern and production.

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Education is provided in the branches of Paint Production and Control, Cement and Building Chemicals Production, Leather Processing, Paper Production and Cleaning, Cosmetics and Perfumery Products Production in our schools. In this context, students are provided with knowledge and skills in chemical processes and operations, which cover various sectors specific to the branches, in line with occupational health and safety measures.

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Communication Campaign Opening Event Wall Painting Workshop

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Component 1: Strengthening the resilience of Syrian refugees and host communities through apprenticeship and vocational education

The first component of VET4JOB aims host communities and Syrian youth and adults to develop vocational skills through apprenticeship and vocational education and become economically resilient.  Achievement of these goals will contribute to quality education of mid-level workforce needed in our country and support strengthening the fight against child labour and informal employment in our country.

In line with these objectives, within VET4JOB:

  • Community based activities will be conducted through household and workplace visits and candidate apprentice students to be covered within the programme and the prospective beneficiaries for vocational training courses for adults will be identified,
  • Training capacity of trainers of selected workplaces within VET4JOB where apprenticeship trainings to be carried out will be improved,
  • Capacity development will be ensured for the trainers working in formal apprenticeship training institutions covered within VET4JOB (vocational training centres) and those working in institutions providing vocational training courses for adults,
  • Training environment will be improved in vocational training centres covered within VET4JOB, institutions providing vocational training courses for adults and the workplaces,
  • Training processes of apprentice students covered within VET4JOB and the adult beneficiaries to adult vocational training courses will be supported and thus contribute to training of qualified professionals who will further advance Türkiye’s production capacity and support will be provided to bring thus created qualified labour force under formal employment.

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Component 2: Enhancing child labour eradication efforts through improved apprenticeship education system

The second component of VET4JOB aims to enhance efforts towards eliminating child labour by ensuring widespread promotion of apprenticeship training system with developed support mechanisms.

Apprenticeship training is one of the formal education types available for young people to attend in order them to complete their compulsory education after secondary school. At the end of four years of apprenticeship training, students also complete their 12 years of compulsory education. Students continue this programme

  • receive theoretical education in vocational training centres one or two days a week,
  • receive applied training at the workplaces four or five days a week. 

The apprentice is not an employee but a student. Apprentice students are under the state supervision and protection. They are entitled to benefit all rights granted to students.

In this context, VET4JOB will contribute to the efforts to fight against child labour by promoting apprenticeship training and developing its operational capacity, by referring children who cannot continue their education despite being in compulsory education age and are obliged to work towards formal apprenticeship training. In this way, VET4JOB ensures that they continue their education under state protection and helps them to prepare for formal employment.

In line with these objectives, within VET4JOB:

  • Working groups will be set up for provincial employment boards, workplace inspection and guidance groups and examination committees as the staple components of apprenticeship training and combatting child labour, and training will be provided for the members of these structures and support mechanisms will be established,
  • National awareness raising campaign against child labour will be launched to contribute to the activities carried out in Turkey for combatting child labour; and in this campaign, negative impacts of child labour on the child and the society will be highlighted while emphasizing the benefits of apprenticeship training and its contribution to combatting child labour.

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Component 3: Fostering social and economic cohesion between host communities and of Syrian refugees

The objective in the third component of VET4JOB is to support social and economic cohesion between the host communities and Syrians.

To achieve the objectives on social cohesion within VET4JOB:

  • Dialogue and exchange-based activities will be realised to foster social cohesion in education environments,
  • Participatory apprenticeship forums will be organized where apprentice students can discuss their needs, expectations and problems, thereby, individual and social empowerment of children and young people will be empowered,
  • Vocational skills contests and business start-up contest will be organized where mixed apprentice student teams will showcase their vocational skills,
  • In order to contribute to Syrian young people’s psychological and social development, capacity development activities for school counsellors/psychological counsellors working in vocational training centres will be provided.

To achieve the objectives on economic cohesion, within VET4JOB:

  • Among the adult beneficiaries of the programme, individuals with vocational skills will be introduced to “Recognition of Prior Learning” system, and support will be provided for their preparation to the relevant institutions’ examinations,
  • Career guidance, job seeking coaching, business start-up counselling services will be provided, and beneficiaries will be referred to various training and support programmes,
  • İŞKUR registration will be ensured for individuals with recognized vocational certificates,
  • Syrians with recognized vocational certificates will be supported for obtaining work permits.

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In this major where the necessary competencies are provided in infrastructure and superstructure construction applications: Education is provided in the branches of Wood Structure, Roof, Building Wall and Plaster and Reinforced Concrete Formwork and Reinforcement Systems; Steel Structure Technical Drawing, Indeer Technical Drawing, Architectural Structure Technical Drawing and Static Structure Technical Drawing; Architectural Restoration, Concrete-Cement and Floor Technology, Facade Systems and PVC Joinery, Building Decoration, Building Insulation and Building Surface Coating.

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Covid-19 Research Summary-16.12.2020

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In this major, where the competencies required to harmonize the products reflecting the cultural characteristics of the society with modern life in line with the needs of the sector in line with scientific and technological developments and to produce new products with creative designs are provided, education is given in the branches of Decorative Home Textiles, Decorative Crafts, Hand Weaving, Hand and Machine Embroidery, Carpet Decorating and Industrial Embroidery.

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Demokrat Kocaeli

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Derince Ekspres

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Do apprentice students count as employees?

Why/why not? Apprentices registered with vocational training institutions are students, not employees. According to Article 11 of Law No. 3308 on Vocational Training, apprentices are not included in the number of employees because of their status as students.

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Do those who participate in VET4JOB activities have to pay a fee?

All VET4JOB activities are free-of-charge. No attention should therefore be paid to persons who introduce themselves as VET4JOB officials and demand money as an application fee for VET4JOB services.

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Do those who register for apprenticeship training have to pay a fee of any kind?

Apprenticeship training is a form of free-of-charge formal education supported by the state. Those who take part in this training do not have to pay a fee of any kind either to the vocational training centres or to the workplaces.

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Does VET4JOB accept applications to register for apprenticeship training?

Registrations for apprenticeship training are not carried out by VET4JOB. Applications and registrations for apprenticeship training are accepted by vocational training centres. VET4JOB undertakes a range of activities that support the capacities of 36 vocational training institutions in 12 provinces to provide services for apprenticeship training. The list of partner institutions supported by VET4JOB can be accessed via .

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Ege Telgraf

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Ege Telgraf

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Ege Telgraf

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Ege Telgraf

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Ege’de Yenigün

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In line with the developments in industrialization, students are provided with knowledge, skills and competencies such as electrical circuit calculations and measurement applications. Education is provided in the branches of Elevator Systems, Coiling, Office Machinery Technical Service, Electrical Installations and Panel Mounting, Electrical Appliances Technical Service, Industrial Maintenance, Repair, Video and Audio Systems, Security Systems, Communication Systems, High Voltage Systems.

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Enrolments Open for Vocational Training Centres

To receive more information on apprenticeship training and enrolment conditions, young people between 14- 17 age groups should visit the vocational training centre in the province and/or district of their residence.

To access contact information of the nearest vocational training centre in your location, please visit By choosing your province and district using the menu at the bottom of this linked page, you can access to the contact information for the vocational training centre closest to your location.

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Enterprise Brochure – Turkish

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Enterprise Statement (For Enterprises)

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Enterprise Statement (For Schools)

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Enterprises that train apprentice students and eligible to train apprentice students

SMEs and enterprises are vital in sustaining the economic existence of the nations, creating qualified professions, training qualified workforce, conveying the professions to future generations, and survival of the sectors. Besides, SMEs and tradesmen and craftsmen enterprises are one of the most important actors of apprenticeship training. Because, apprentice students spend a significant amount of their education time in the enterprises to obtain practical training while attaining their theoretical training in the vocational training centres. During this time, apprentice students learn a profession under the supervision of master trainers, and if they succeed, they obtain “Journeymanship Certificate” at the end of 11th grade, and “Mastership Certificate” at the end of 12th grade. This way, while the sectors sustain their existence through qualified professionals, Türkiye attains human resources to enhance its competitiveness. Therefore, SMEs and enterprises constitute one of VET4JOB”s target groups.

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Esenyurt Vocational Training Centre

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Esenyurt Vocational Training Centre

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Family Brochure – Arabic

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Family Brochure – Arabic

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Family Brochures – Turkish

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Individuals who have a great capacity in the international market and can make research-oriented, creative, original designs to the ever-changing fashion sector and can contribute to the fashion brand creation process are educated and professional competencies related to mold and stitching are provided. In our schools, education is provided in the branches of Leather Clothing, Men’s Tailoring, Ready-to-Wear Model Machine Operation, Underwear Modeling, Women’s Tailoring, Cutting and Modeling.

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Fatma Aslıhan Tunçer_İMEP Inspiring Stories

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Education is provided in the branches of Cooking, Cake and Dessert Making, Service, Bakery, Canteen Management and Butchery within the scope of this major. In this program, the students are provided with basic knowledge, skills and competencies related to nutrition principles including occupational health and safety, hygiene, basic food production and service preparations, as well as branch-specific skills.

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It is aimed to train personnel who make production in accordance with the needs of the sector and the food legislation, interpret the results according to the legislation by making quality control analyzes, and apply scientific and technological developments to their profession. Education is provided in the branches of Confectionery and Chocolate Production, Vegetable Oil Production, Tea Processing, Industrial Meat Processing, Cereals Processing, Vegetable and Fruit Processing, Aquaculture Processing, Milk Processing and Olive Processing.

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Within the scope of this major where education is provided in Footwear Modeling, Footwear Production, Leathercraft Production and Leathercraft Modeling, it is aimed to provide competencies for Footwear, Leathercraft Modeling and Production applications in order to raise individuals who have developed hand skills in line with industry expectations, and who can take responsibility, and who have a team spirit, and who comply with occupational health and safety rules.

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Forum Proceedings

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Skills in planning and computer drawing indoor layouts, manufacturing indoor and furniture elements, carving, turning and inlaying from furniture decorations, making furniture frames and upholstery, woodworking production are provided. Education is provided in the branches of Wood Chopping Technology, Interior and Furniture Technology, Furniture Frames and Upholstery, Furniture Decoration Arts and Car Upholstery.

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Gazete Ulus

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Gaziantep Ekspress

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Gaziantep Güncel

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Gaziantep Oluşum

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Gaziantep Pusula

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Gaziantep Şahinbey Belediyesi MEM


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Gaziantep Sahinbey Belediyesi Vocational Training Centre

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Gaziantep Sahinbey Belediyesi Vocational Training Centre

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Gaziantep Sehitkamil Vocational Training Centre

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Gaziantep Yardım Vakfı MEM


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Gaziantep Zafer

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Gebze Gazetesi

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Gebze Vocational Training Centre

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Gebze Yenigün

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Gebze Yenigün 2

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Genç Gazete

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Genze Hür Ses

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Gerçek Haber

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Göl Haber

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Gölcük Haber

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Gölcük Postası

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Within the scope of this major, education is provided in the branches of Photography, Graphics and Animation in order to provide the ability to prepare designs within artistic criteria by hand and computer in order to deliver a message to a certain target audience through visual means in line with the needs of the sector and technological developments, and to make the photos ready for printing by taking photos of the product/theme.

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Güçlü Anadolu

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Güçlü Anadolu

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Güçlü Anadolu

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Güçlü Anadolu

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Güçlü Anadolu

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Güçlü Anadolu

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Güçlü Anadolu

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Guidance Teacher Training Courses on the Provision of VET4JOB Psychosocial Support Services Were Held

Funded by the European Union, and implemented through the beneficiary partnership of the Ministry of National Education and TESK, VET4JOB continues its activities to disseminate high-quality apprenticeship training in Turkey. The training on the provision of psychosocial support services for guidance teachers from vocational training institutions within the scope of the program was held in Ankara on 14-17 December 2021. Programme Coordinator Dr. Balkır Özünlü from the Ministry of National Education, Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training, delivered the meeting’s opening speech. Özünlü emphasized the importance of on-the-spot guidance provided by guidance counselors in young people’s lives in terms of getting to know themselves, valuing themselves, developing their social skills and struggling with peer pressure. During the four-day course delivered by expert trainers, the activities prepared for apprentice students were introduced and the feed-back and contributions of the guidance teachers were obtained.

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Gündem Flaş

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Gungoren Vocational Training Centre

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Haber Ekspres

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Haber Ekspress

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Haber Ekspress

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Hatay Asi

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Hatay Capacity Building Training Courses Have Completed

VET4JOB, which is funded by the European Union and carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), completed its training course programme for administrators from Adana, Gaziantep, Hatay and Mersin partner institutions on 26-28 October 2021, in Hatay. VET4JOB reached out to the administrators, coordinator teachers and general knowledge teachers from 36 institutions in 12 provinces, in order to strengthen the capacity of providing apprenticeship training in the programme partner VET institutions through the training activities organized. Attended by the administrators of the Vocational Training Centers (VTC) and the Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools (MTAL) where the programme is carried out, the training course was carried out by expert trainers in areas such as “new developments in apprenticeship training and legislation, stakeholder cooperation and understanding the business world, family cooperation in apprentice training, use of the E-MESEM platform, teenager psychology and Generation Z, strengthening social cohesion, social inclusion in education, distance learning/ICT, innovative equipment use in apprenticeship training, preparing presentations and presentation methods, using the VET Student Portfolio in Workplaces for monitoring practical training in apprenticeship training, methods for reaching and persuading the target group and individual meeting methods”. At the end of the training, participation certificates were presented to the administrators who attended the course.

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Hatay Component of Capacity Building Training Courses for the Staff of VET Institutions Started

Hatay Component of Capacity Building Training Courses for the Staff of VET Institutions Started Within the scope of VET4JOB programme, funded by the European Union, capacity building training courses for coordinator teachers working in VET institutions that are VET4JOB partners in Adana, Hatay, Gaziantep and Mersin provinces were held in Hatay on 5-7 October 2021. VET4JOB, which is carried out with the cooperation of the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training and TESK, through implementation partnership of Expertise France and EDUSER, aims to strengthen the capacity of providing apprenticeship training services in program partner vocational training institutions with the training activities organized. The training course was delivered by expert trainers in areas such as “new developments in apprenticeship training, new developments in the apprentice legislation, family cooperation in apprentice training, preparing presentations and presentation methods, teenager psychology and Generation Z, strengthening social cohesion, social inclusion in education, distance learning/ICT, innovative equipment use in apprenticeship training, introduction and use of the VET Student Portfolio in Workplaces, methods for reaching and persuading the target group and individual meeting methods”. At the end of the training, participation certificates were presented to the coordinator teachers who attended the course. Capacity building training courses in Hatay will continue on 12-14 October 2021 with the participation of the administrators working in VET4JOB partner VET institutions.

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Hatay Ekspres

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Hatay Ekspres

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Hatay İskenderun MEM


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Hatay Iskenderun Vocational Training Centre

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Hatay Söz

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Head of EU Delegation to Turkey visited VET4JOB Programme in İnegöl Vocational Training Centre

Head of the EU Delegation to Turkey Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, paid a visit to İnegöl Vocational Training Centre (VTC) in Bursa. The İnegöl VTC is one of the participating institutions of the “Vocational Training Programme for Employment” (VET4JOB) Programme, which is financed by the EU. The Programme is carried out by Expertise France and EDUSER in cooperation with the MoNE DG Vocational Education Training and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK). During the visit, Ambassador Meyer-Landrut along with his delegation met with the İnegöl District Director of National Education Ali Doğru, Branch Manager of Provincial National Education Bülent Altıntaş, the Secretary General Bursa Union of Chamber of Merchants and Craftsman (BESOB) Rafiz Vatansever, the Secretary General İnegöl Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mustafa Şentürk, the President of İnegöl Chamber of Carpenters and Furnishers of BESOB Özcan Ayhan, VET4JOB Programme Coordinator Aişe Akpınar and the Principal of İnegöl Vocational Training Centre Musa Oktar. The participants share the current status of Syrians at the local level and their conditions in terms of access to education, activities related to their integration into the education system and workforce. Ambassador has exchanged opinions on apprenticeship training and the goals’ of the Programme. Ambassador Meyer-Landrut He addressed following remarks to the audience: “We also try to support the efforts of the official authorities, schools, and education system officials in Turkey by supporting Syrian refugees and host community members, and we foster efforts on the integration processes. The education of Turkish and Syrian youth, both in the EU and in Turkey, is of key importance. I think that the Ministry of National Education carries out extremely important and exceptional work; in terms of ensuring the integration of so many Syrian children and youth into the education system. All these efforts prepare these children for their future in the labour market and to ensure to earn their living. Therefore, it is a process that offers young people a perspective for the future.” Head of EU Delegation Meyer-Landrut emphasized the perception of vocational education system as a well-respected long tradition in Germany, despite the acknowledgement of last resort for students with low academic achievements in Turkey.. Ambassador Meyer-Landrut said “There seems to be an image problem. After all, if you say that more than 90 percent of graduates find employment opportunities, that’s actually very attractive. Improving that image, changing it and announcing success stories, telling families how beneficial these training can actually be, it will be in everyone’s interest.” During the meeting, Ambassador Meyer-Landrut, FRIT Director Libor Chad, and EUD Programme Director Feyhan Canbay get together with VET4JOB Programme beneficiaries. Both Syrian and Turkish apprenticeship students and their families shared their experiences. Representing the workplace side, master trainers from different business lines also came and shared their expectations and experiences from the VET4JOB Programme.

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Hidden Gem 01

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Hidden Gem 02

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Hidden Gem 03

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Hidden Gem 04

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Hidden Gem 05

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Hidden Gem 6

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How can one obtain a master trainer certificate?

Persons who have mastership certificates or business licenses or who have a technical high school diploma, associate degree or degree certificate in a professional field that is included in the scope of vocational training may apply to take a master training (business pedagogy) course at a vocational training centre. A master trainer certificate is awarded to those who attend these training courses and who pass the e-exam held at the end of the course. The courses last for a total of 40 hours and are delivered through face-to-face training outside working hours in the evening or at weekends. Applications for the courses can be made at any time.

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How does the contract signed between the apprentice student and the enterprise come into effect and how is it terminated?

The In-Enterprise Vocational Training/Internship Contract signed by the parent or guardian of the apprentice student, the enterprise and the management of the vocational training centre takes effect once the documents required in the annex have been obtained and submitted to the vocational training centre management. The contract can be terminated in various ways – namely, by mutual consent, by expiration date, by unilateral prior notice, by termination without notice and by termination by the vocational training centre. Detailed information on termination procedures can be obtained from the vocational training institution with which the student is registered.

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How is the applied training conducted in the enterprise monitored and supported by the vocational training centres?

Teachers in the relevant professional fields pay periodic visits to the enterprises providing apprenticeship training in line with annual plans drawn up by the vocational training centres. During these visits, the teachers meet the master trainer and are informed about the vocational achievements of each student as recorded in the Vocational Training in Enterprises Work File. This process serves to monitor the students’ learning outcomes in terms of vocational competencies. At the same time, the students and enterprise are provided with professional guidance to help them compensate for any missing outcomes.

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How is the enterprise aspect of apprenticeship training organised?

The applied training of apprentice students in an enterprise starts with the signing of an In-Enterprise Vocational Training/Internship Contract by the enterprise, the parent or guardian and the vocational training centre. There are no particular dates for signing such contracts. The apprentices have student status in the enterprise. Enterprises provide applied training to the apprentice students in the professional fields/branches of work into which their activities fall. This training is given under the supervision of a master trainer and consists of three years of apprenticeship training period and one year of mastership training period. Apprentice students attend vocational training centres at least once a week during term time to receive theoretical training.

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How many days of training do apprentice students receive a week at school and in the workplace?

Depending on the nature of their profession, apprentice students receive at least one day of theoretical general and vocational training per week at the vocational training centre. They spend the other working days of the week in practical training in the enterprises with which they have signed their contracts. In the case of professions of a seasonal nature, the theoretical and practical training may be given jointly in certain months.

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How many students can receive applied apprenticeship training in an enterprise with one master trainer?

Each master trainer can assume responsibility for the training of 40 apprentice or intern students.

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How much are apprentice students paid during the course of their training?

As per the amendment dated 21.12.2021 under law no. 6899 on Vocational Training, 9-10-11. grade apprentice students are paid not less than 30% of the minimum wage and 12. grade apprentice students are paid not less than 50% of the minimum wage by the enterprises in which they receive their practical training. The employers make the payments directly to the apprentice students via a bank or in person.

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How, and at what intervals, are enterprises reimbursed with the government incentives for remunerations paid to apprentice students?

Provided the remunerations paid to apprentice students are paid through a bank or signed for, the enterprises are reimbursed every month as a government incentive for two-thirds of the remuneration paid to an apprentice student in enterprises with less than 20 employees and one-third of the remuneration paid in enterprises with more than 20 employees.

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Hür Haber

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Hürriyet Adana Çukurova

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Hürriyet Ankara

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Hürriyet Ankara

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Hürriyet İzmir

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İlk Kurşun

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İlk Sayfa

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İlk Ses

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İlk Ses

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İlk Ses İzmir

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IMEP 1 Closing Event


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İMEP Apprenticeship Training Video

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İMEP Apprenticeship Training Video – Arabic

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IMEP at a Glance

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İmep ​​Business Idea Competition


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IMEP Closing Video

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İMEP Raises Awareness on Combating Child Labor

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İMEP Raises Awareness on Combating Child Labor (Short Version)

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IMEP Short Promotional Video

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IMEP Solidarity Video

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İMEP-VET4JOB Program Promotion Video

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In what institutions is apprenticeship training provided?

Apprenticeship training is provided in vocational training centres (VTCs) and in vocational and technical high schools with VTC programmes.

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In which institutions is VET4JOB active?

The list of partner institutions of VET4JOB can be accessed via .

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In which provinces is VET4JOB active?

VET4JOB is active in Adana, Ankara, Bursa, Gaziantep, Hatay, Istanbul, Izmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya and Mersin.

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In order to keep up with the advancement of technology in developing and changing world markets and to meet the expectations of the sector, education is provided in the field of Industrial Control within the scope of this major, which aims to provide knowledge and skills in hardware and software required for the programming, manufacturing and control of systems that make automatic production in all industrial working areas.

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İnegol Vocational Training Centre

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Infographics Turkish

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Information Note

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Information Note

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Within the scope of this major, which aims to educate individuals that are competent to create, process, store, secure and share electronic data in parallel with technological developments, education is provided in our schools in the branches of Computer Technical Service and Software Development. Individuals are provided with competencies in programming, website design, database, network systems, Cyber security fundamentals, artificial intelligence, game programming, system maintenance repair, etc.

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Within the scope of this major, which is of great importance in creating healthy and comfortable conditions for life, education is provided in the branches of Gas Plumbing Systems, Gas Burning Devices and Service, Heating and Plumbing Systems, Boiler Burning and Maintenance, Water Treatment Systems, Solar Power and Installation Systems, Air Conditioning Systems and Cooling Systems.

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Introduction and Information Meetings

Introduction and information meetings were held on November 9, 2020 with the representatives of the National Education Directorates of 12 provinces where VET4JOB activities will be carried out as well as the managers of vocational and technical training institutions that are program partners, and on November 11, 2020 with the representatives of the Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen. The meetings started with the opening speeches of Şennur Çetin, Head of the Department of Social Partners and Projects at the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training at Ministry of National Education; Süleyman Akgül, Head of the Department of Workplace-Based Vocational Training at the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training at Ministry of National Education; and Yasemin Ertekin, Deputy Secretary General at the Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen of Turkey. The opening speeches were followed by discussions on future steps to be taken in upcoming periods as part of VET4JOB.

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Is it an absolute requirement for students registered for apprenticeship training to work in an enterprise?

The biggest advantage of apprenticeship training is that it provides an opportunity to receive practical training in a workplace. It is therefore obligatory in this form of education for apprentice students to receive practical training by working in the workplaces with which they have signed contracts.

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Is it possible for a student to change the workplace with which s/he has signed a contract for another workplace operating in the same professional field during the course of his/her apprenticeship training?

The contracts which apprentice students sign with enterprises enter into effect upon the approval of the management of the vocational training centre. Changes of enterprise that are in line with the relevant articles of the contract are possible. The contract can only be annulled by mutual consent. If a contract is annulled, the apprentice student has to sign a contract with another enterprise with 15 days, or within 30 days if absolutely necessary. Failure to enter into a contract within this period results in the termination of the student’s school registration.

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Is it possible to attend the master trainer course through distance learning?

It is possible to attend the master trainer (business pedagogy) course by distance learning through the Ministry of National Education’s EBA system. Persons who apply to vocational training centres to attend the course can follow the distance learning process via EBA using the password provided. In this way, they can acquire the necessary knowledge and skills necessary for the role of master trainer and qualify to receive the master trainer certificate provided if they pass the e-exam.

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Is the pay received by apprentice students while they are in apprenticeship training added to their family income and can this lead to a cut in any assistance received by the family?

The pay which apprentice students are paid in the context of their apprenticeship training is not added to the family income. Consequently, there is no question of a cut in any support which the family receives such as Social Solidarity and Assistance, Green Card or Emergency Social Safety Net (Red Crescent Card-Kızılaykart) support.

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Is Turkish language a requirement for benefiting from VET4JOB?

A certain level of Turkish skills must be acquired to benefit from apprenticeship training component of the VET4JOB. Any of the below may register for apprenticeship training with condition that a contract with an enterprise in a professional field falling within the scope of Law No. 3308 on Vocational Training is signed:

  • Persons who have graduated from middle school or imam hatip middle school (*),
  • Persons who have graduated from a high school or school of equivalent level or who have left such a school in an intermediate year,
  • Persons who have graduated from an institution of higher education or who have left such an institution in an intermediate year,
  • (*) The procedure to certify that Syrians under temporary protection are middle school graduates is as follows:
    • For those able to document that they are at least middle school graduates, it is to be certified that they have passed the Literacy Stage I Level Test and that they have registered for an A1 Level Turkish language course.
    • For those unable to document that they are at least middle school graduates, it is to be certified that they have registered for an A2 Level Turkish language course.VET4JOB’s efforts to enable those who wish to become beneficiaries of adult training component of VET4JOB to acquire Turkish language skills are ongoing. Details will be disclosed once these efforts are finalised.

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İskenderun Yeni Gün

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İstanbul Esenler MEM


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İstanbul Güngören MEM


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İstanbul Muhsin Ertuğrul MEM


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İstanbul Mustafa Nevzat Pisak Vocational Training Centre

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İstanbul Mustafa Nevzat Pısak MEM


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İstanbul Sultanbeyli MEM


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İstanbul Yüksel Kaya MEM


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İz Gazete

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İz Gazete

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İzmir Alsancak Nevvar Salih İşgören MTAL


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İzmir Bornova MEM


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İzmir Bornova Vocational Training Center

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İzmir Capacity Building Training Courses Have Completed

VET4JOB, funded by the European Union, carries out activities to improve the capacities of the staff working in VET institutions that train apprentices. Within this scope, the training courses for general knowledge teachers working in VET institutions that are VET4JOB partners in Ankara, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri and Konya were held in İzmir on 21-23 September 2021. Thus, the İzmir leg of the staff training courses for VET4JOB partner VET institutions was completed. VET4JOB, which is carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training and TESK, through implementation partnership of Expertise France and EDUSER, aims to strengthen the capacity of providing apprenticeship training services in programme partner VET institutions with the training activities organized. In the scope of the training course, expert trainers explained topics such as “apprenticeship training and its implementation principles, the business world and apprenticeship training, strengthening social cohesion, social inclusion in education, teenager psychology and Generation Z, distance learning, intercultural dialogue and planning activities to enhance social cohesion”. At the end of the training, participation certificates were presented to the teachers who attended the course. Training courses for the staff of VET institutions in Adana, Mersin, Gaziantep and Hatay will be carried out in Hatay, in October.

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İzmir Karabağlar MEM


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İzmir Karabaglar Vocational Training Center

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İzmir Nevvar Salih Isgoren Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

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In addition to the subjects such as shaping techniques, basic design and technical drawing in jewelry, it is aimed to provide branch-specific knowledge, skills and competencies in jewelry production, decorating the jewelry surface, local jewelry applications, jewelry design on the computer, etc. In our schools, education is provided in Jewelry Production, Precious and Semi-Precious Stone Processing and Showcase Jewelry.

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Kahramanmaraş Dulkadiroğlu MEM


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Kahramanmaraşta Bugün

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Karabük Postası

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Kayseri Ayşe Baldöktü MEM


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Kayseri Ayse Baldoktu Vocational Training Center

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Kayseri Osman Düşüngel MEM


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Kayseri Osman Dusungel Vocational Training Center

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Kocaeli Gebze MEM


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Kocaeli Öncü

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Konya 100. Yil-Vocational-Training-Center

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Konya 100.Yıl MEM


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Konya Ahi Evran Mesleki Eğitim Merkezi


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Konya Ahi Evran Vocational Training Center

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Konya Aykent Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

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Konya Hakimiyet

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Konya Karatay Aykent MTAL


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Konya Postası

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Konya Pusula

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Konya Yenigün

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Launching Event Press Bulletin – 16.12.2020

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Letter for Apprentice Students

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Letter for Parents

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Students are provided with knowledge, skills and competencies related to occupational health and safety, technical drawing, computer-aided drawing and entrepreneurship at national and international standards. Education is provided in the branches of Computerized Machine Production, Industrial Mold, Machine Maintenance and Repair, Computerized Machine Painting, Marble Processing, Computerized Industrial Modeling, Milling, Key Making and Locksmithing, and Watch Repair.

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Main Page Popup Alert – En

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Within the scope of this major, education is provided in the field of Map Cadastre, where knowledge and skills are provided in drawing measurement sketches in accordance with legislation, land measurement methods and calculations, computerized map drawing, zoning applications in accordance with laws and regulations, urban transformation processes and preliminary surveys of land consolidation, project design, planning and cadastre making, renewal and control procedures, etc.

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Maritime is one of the important sectors that enable countries to open up and integrate into the world. Within the scope of this major, which aims to educate high quality professional personnel who can keep up with technological developments and are competitive in accordance with the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Ship Crew Training Certification and Shift Keeping Standards (STCW) and national legislation, education is provided in the field of Fisheries and Aquaculture.

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Within the scope of this program, which is an important part of business life and where consumer satisfaction is important, and which is prepared in accordance with national and international standards for this service sector; knowledge and skills related to business life, diction, customer relations, commercial calculations, office programs, basic law, etc. are provided. In our schools; education is provided in the branches of Real Estate Agency, Salesman and Insurance.

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Marmara Bölge

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Mavi Marmara Gazetesi

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Members of the European Parliament Witness VET4JOB’s Activities On-Site

A delegation of European Parliament members led by Maria ARENA, Head of the Sub-Commission on Human Rights, received information about the site visits to various projects implemented with EU funds in Ankara and Istanbul, as accompanied by Libor CHLAD, Head of the FRIT Division, and Feyhan EVITAN CANBAY, Director of the FRIT Program of the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Turkey. In this framework, the delegation met with the students on 24 February 2022 in an enterprise where the students studying at Esenyurt Vocational Training Center, one of the schools of practice of Vocational Training Programme for Employment-(VET4JOB), which is funded by the FRIT fund of the European Union, attend for practical training.

The enterprise, visited by the delegation, provides production, installation and after-installation services on water treatment systems and provides practical training services for 52 apprentices. The teachers at the Esenyurt Vocational Training Center (MEM) meet with apprentice students one day per week in a modern classroom within the enterprise and deliver theoretical courses to the students. The students attend for practical training in the enterprise under the supervision and guidance of master trainers on the days other than the days for theoretical training and leave day.

Members of the European Parliament and the accompanying delegation were welcomed by Celalettin GOZEN, Esenyurt MEM Director, VET4JOB officials and Sema CELEBI, the manager of the enterprise, on February 24th. After the delegation visited the facility and received information about the activities, they visited the classroom within the enterprise. They had a chat with the students in the classroom about apprenticeship training. After examining the staff cafeteria and social activity areas of the enterprise on-site, the delegation held an evaluation session in the enterprise’s cafeteria. Syrian apprentices and employers who trained apprentices on behalf of different companies also attended this session.

While Syrian apprentices conveyed their satisfaction about being in the apprenticeship training system, they stated that they guaranteed their future by taking part in apprenticeship training program. Young people, who agreed that apprenticeship training has contributed significantly to their personal improvement, said they would prefer apprenticeship training again if they had the chance to choose again. Yilmaz TAPAR, the jeweler who trains the apprentice students, said “For the continuity of the profession, it is very important to trust these young people and train them. For qualified masters, we should work for young people from now on and train them for the job properly.”

At the end of the visit, information kits were presented about the activities carried out within the scope of VET4JOB to support the quality of apprenticeship training.

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Merhaba Konya

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Mersin Akdeniz MEM


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Mersin Akdeniz Vocational Training Centre

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Mersin Haber

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Mersin İmece

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Mersin Mozaik

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Mersin Portal

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Mersin Siyasi

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Mersin Tarsus MEM


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Mersin Tarsus Vocational Training Centre

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Education is provided in the branches of Welding, Metal Joinery, Steel Construction, Heat Treatment, Chandelier, Industrial Advertising Billboards, Bodywork, Metal Sheet Processing, Metal Surface Painting and Sheet Metal Works. In this program, students are provided with knowledge, skills and competencies related to basic metal forming technology, technical drawing, basic welding processes including occupational health and safety.

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In this major, which has an important place in developed countries, education is provided in the branches of Casting and Melting. In this context, it is aimed to provide competencies in molding, metal melting, mechanical processes, basic electricity, special casting methods, casting laboratory, coke production, raw iron production, steel production, heat treatment techniques, rolling and quality control, etc.

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Milliyet Ege

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Milliyet Ege

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Milliyet İzmir Ege

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Within the scope of this major, education is provided in the branches of Automotive Electromechanics, Construction Machinery, Automotive Body, Automotive Paint, Automotive Mechanics, Automotive Engine Renovation, Diesel Engines Fuel Pump and Injector Tuning, Motor Vehicles LPG Systems Maintenance and Repair, Motorcycle Repair, Automotive Electrical, Front Layout Tuning and Tyre Engineering in line with scientific and technological developments.

Diesel Engines Fuel Pump and Injector Tuning

Construction Machinery

Motor Vehicles LPG Systems Maintenance and Repair

Motorcycle Repair

Automotive Paint

Automotive Electricity

Automotive Electromechanics

Automotive Body

Automotive Mechanics

Automotive Engine Renovation

Front Layout Tuning and Tyre Engineering

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Muhsin Ertugrul Vocational Training Centre

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Nevşehir Gazetesi

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Nevşehir Kent Haber

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New Developments in the E-MESEM System and VET4JOB Institutions Information Meeting

Improving the employment prospects for the Syrian refugees and host communities by high-quality VET and apprenticeship in Turkey (VET4JOB) Programme, financed by the European Union FRIT fund, held the “New Developments in the E-MESEM System and VET4JOB Institutions Information Meeting” on 7-9 December 2021, in Ankara. The meeting was attended by principals and vice principals of 36 schools from 12 provinces, VET4JOB Provincial Coordinators and VET4JOB Central Team. Korkut KOÇAK, Head of Social Partners and Projects Department, delivered the opening speech of the meeting and underlined the importance the Ministry attaches to VET4JOB being a programme that focuses on apprenticeship training and contributes to increasing the value attributed to vocational training, emphasizing the strengthening of the training-employment-production relationship in TVET. In the three-day meeting, information was provided on the general implementation framework of VET4JOB, the programme activities, the innovations in the E-MESEM system and its use within the scope of VET4JOB, the quality control of maintenance and repair activities under VET4JOB, and occupational health and safety. In addition, Ms Nazan ŞENER, the Director General of Vocational Education and Training, Ministry of National Education, met with the school administrators and exchanged opinions.

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Within the scope of this major, which aims to educate individuals who can use office programs, office machinery and equipment; prepare, file, archive and, if necessary, publish official letters and documents through the web; organize meetings, travels, appointments, etc. of executives; and communicate accurately and effectively within and outside the corporation, education is provided in the branch of the Executive Secretariat.

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ON THE PATH TO MASTERY: Apprenticeship Training from the Perspectives of Şerife, Deniz and Mustafa

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ON THE PATH TO MASTERY: Berru’s Apprenticeship Training

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ON THE PATH TO MASTERY: Burak’s Apprenticeship Training

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ON THE PATH TO MASTERY: Kosai’s Apprenticeship Training

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ON THE PATH TO MASTERY: Nuran’s Vocational Training

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ON THE PATH TO MASTERY: Servet’s Apprenticeship Training

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ON THE WAY OF THE MASTERS: Deniz’s Apprenticeship Training with Master Filiz

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ON THE WAY OF THE MASTERS: Workplace Apprenticeship Training

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One pager – English

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One pager – Turkish

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Our Website is Online

You can stay updated on the programme by following the VET4JOB website and our social media channels.

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Outreach Kit- Children and Family Leaflet

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Outreach Kit-Blue Accordion Field Branch List-Turkish

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Outreach Kit-Child and Family Flyer-Arabic

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Outreach Kit-Employer Flyer-Arabic

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Outreach Kit-Enterprise Leaflet

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Outreach Kit-Red Accordion Field Branch List-Arabic

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Outreach Kit-Red Accordion Field Branch List-Turkish

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Outreach Kit-Vocational Information Leaflet for Adults

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Outreach Kit-Vocational Information Leaflet for Adults-Arabic

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Outreach-Blue Accordion Field Branch List-Arabic

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Within the scope of this major where education is provided in Plastic Processing and Plastic Mold, knowledge, skills and competencies related to technical drawing, hydraulic-pneumatic, computer-aided drawing and basic processes of plastic technology, as well as knowledge, skills and competencies related to branch-specific plastic production technologies and production process, plastic mold technologies and mold production are provided.

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Polatlı Postası

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Polatlı Postası

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Polatlı Postası

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Polatlının Sesi

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Polatlının Sesi

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Polatlının Sesi

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Polatlının Sesi

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Polatlının Sesi

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Polatlının Sesi

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Polatlının Sesi

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Posta Bursa

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Posta İzmir Ege

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Posters – Turkish 2

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Posters – Arabic

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Posters – Turkish

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Preperation Meeting for the 1st Forum Event

The preliminary preparations for the “Apprentice Student Forum” activities to be implemented within the scope of the “Vocational Training Program for Employment” (VET4JOB) took off. In this context, the “Apprentice Student Forum Preparation and Capacity Building Meeting” was held online on April 29th and 30th with the participation of leading teachers in vocational training centres and Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (ESOB) contacts in the selected provinces.

On the first day, Şennur Çetin, Head of Social Partners and Projects Department of DG Vocational and Technical Education of MoNE, and Süleyman Akgül, Head of Department of Work-based Learning DG Vocational and Technical Education of MoNE, and Fuat Elvan on behalf of TESK, EU and Foreign Relations Directorate were delivered the opening speeches of the meeting. During the meeting, VET4JOB Programme has presented to the participant students and the aims of the planned “Apprentice Student Forum” were explained. The programme team leader emphasized the importance of children and youth participation and shared information on how to ensure it. In the last session, the work plan regarding the preparatory work was reflected and the meeting was completed by an overall evaluation.

Apprentice Student Forums

The Apprentice Student Forums, which are planned to be implemented four times at the national level during the programme, aim to provide a platform where apprentice students can evaluate and discuss the opportunities and bottlenecks in the apprenticeship education, have fun together and strengthen their capacities by participating in training within their fields of interest.

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Within the scope of the education provided in the branches of Pre-Printing, Post-Printing, Digital Printing, Flexo Printing, Offset Printing, Screen Printing, Pad Printing and Gravure Printing, knowledge and skills are provided in the fields of correcting pictures in the computer environment, photo processing, digital printing applications, assembly, offset printing technique, hard cover preparation, binding, etc.



Digital Printing

Flexo Printing

Offset Printing

Serigraphy Printing

Pad Printing

Gravure Printing

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In order to educate an instrument maker who has a mastery of fine craftsmanship from an artistic and aesthetic point of view, it is aimed to provide competencies in basic instrument making techniques, technical drawing of musical instruments, basic music concepts, etc. Education is provided in the branches of Production of Western Music Instruments with Plectrums, Production of Folk Music Instruments with Plectrums, Production of Art Music Instruments with Plectrums and Production of String Instruments.

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Programme Description

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Racquet 1

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Racquet 2

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Regional Coordinator

Expertise France is looking for Regional Coordinators (total 7) to ensure the smooth implementation of the VET4JOB Phase 2 programme in line with the description of action, and coordinate all programme related activities in their province/region in close cooperation with the central programme team.

PROVINCES#of potential VTCs

Tentative starting date: 15.10.2024

Deadline for submission of applications: 20.09.2024

Applications must be made in English. Please send your application to the following email address:

[email protected] with the reference to “EF Regional / Provincial Coordinators” and indicate your preferred based location in the subject line and cover letter.

              – A CV, including 2 references

              – A cover letter

Please review the document below for more detailed information.

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Results of Business Start-Up Contest

The Final Event of the “Business Start-Up Contest” held as part of the Vocational Education for Jobs Project (VET4JOB/İMEP) took place in Ankara on February 27th-29th.

İMEP is being implemented by Expertise France and EDUSER in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education (MEB MTEGM) and the Türkiye Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) with the financial support of the European Union (EU),

A total of 102 teams from 12 different provinces entered the Business Start-Up Contest. The entries were evaluated by independent assessors in accordance with the criteria set out in the Business Start-up Contest Implementation Framework previously forwarded to schools. The 12 teams which received the highest points earned the right to take part in the final stage,

The contest was organised to encourage creative ideas and develop the capacities of apprentice students to establish their own businesses. The selected teams developed innovative start-up ideas with an emphasis on social benefit that were based on skills, innovative methods, techniques or tools falling within the scope of apprenticeship training. The final event which these teams won the right to take part in encompassed ideas development, training and mentorship.

Everybody Wins

The final three-day training camp was organised to support the finalist teams in developing their initial innovative, transformative and inclusive ideas further. The aim was to develop the capacity of the apprentice students so that they could move on from the stage of generating a start-up idea to the stage of developing their business plans.

In addition to training and mentorship services, the event gave the apprentice students the opportunity to exchange ideas with one another and with experts in similar fields. Training on topics such as planning, research, prototyping and establishing a business model provided the students with the knowledge they needed to put their start-up ideas into practice.

The names of the winning teams were announced on the last day of the Business Start-Up Contest Final Event. The ‘’Hastalıkta Zorluğa Yer Yok [No Place for Trouble in Illness]” team from the Mersin Akdeniz Vocational Training Centre (VTC) took first place with their idea for social sensitivity towards persons with disabilities and elderly citizens. Second came the “Kaşifler [Discoverers]” team from the Ayşe Baldöktü VTC in Kayseri with their idea related to the circular economy. The “Palmiye [Palm Tree]” team from the İskenderun VTC in Hatay took third place with their start-up idea in the field of the sustainable economy.

The members of the winning team were presented with their plaques and gift voucher by Ministry of National Education Vocational and Technical Education Director General Ali Karagöz. In his speech, Mr. Karagöz stated that apprenticeship training was playing a major part in production and working life in Türkiye and fulfilling an important responsibility. He said that each of the students had become an entrepreneur of the future with the start-up ideas which they had come up with for the contest, All the young finalists, he added, had looked at the world through a different lens to create value in response to a variety of needs.

Mr. Atakan Çelik, Deputy Secretary General of the Türkiye Federation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen, presented plaques and gift voucher to the members of the team which came second. Congratulating all the finalists, Mr. Çelik emphasised the great importance and value of the İMEP programme for vocational training and young people.

The members of the third-placed team received their plaques and gift voucher from Mr. Laurent Guirkinger, Head of the Department of Human and Social Development at the EU Delegation to Türkiye. “Every new enterprise and start-up idea does not merely create employment for the entrepreneur himself or herself; it also has the potential to create employment opportunities for others,” Mr. Guirkinger noted, “For the past three days,” he went on, “besides receiving training on how to be an entrepreneur and how to present their business ideas, the apprentice students have also learned how to work as a team. These skills will undoubtedly assist them in their professional lives.” Mr. Guirkinger said that one of the main goals of the European Union was to enable young people to express themselves as entrepreneurs through concrete activities and to become aware of their potentials to take their first steps towards entrepreneurship. “I believe that this contest is a significant step in this direction and has contributed to achieving this goal,” he remarked.

The other teams which took part in the final of the İMEP Business Start-Up Contest also received plaques as finalists and were involved in this learning process. They were:

Activities that aim to increase dialogue, interaction and cooperation among apprentice students are one of the types of activity which are prioritised under İMEP. The apprentice student forums, solidarity activities and start-up contest have been organised in this context. Throughout the programme, activities directed towards social adaptation provide Turkish and Syrian apprentice students with the chance to learn together, exchange ideas and socialise.

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School Statement

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Scope-Research Summary-16.12.2020

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Second Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Exhibition

Second Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Exhibition

The second Solidarity Exhibition was opened for visits at a ceremony on September 29th. Please click here to visit the exhibition, which features small-scale projects that generate social benefit with an ecological angle. When you click on the relevant poster in the exhibition, you will be able to examine the poster that opens up and to make use of emojis to support the activity. You can also watch a video of the project by pressing the “play” button on the visual in the bottom right-hand corner of the poster.

Second Solidarity Exhibition

This Solidarity Exhibition includes work done to create social benefit within an ecological perspective by the Gebze Vocational Training Centre (VTC) from Kocaeli, by the Mustafa Nevzat Pısak VTC, Muhsin Ertuğrul VTC, Güngören VTC, Yüksel Kaya VTC, Esenler VTC and – with two separate projects –Esenyurt VTC from Istanbul, and by the Osmangazi VTC, Nilüfer VTC, Martyred Commando Private Bahri Avcı VTC and İnegöl VTC from Bursa.

The project carried out by the Kocaeli Gebze Vocational Training Centre aimed to take an advanced recycling perspective to waste and discarded materials. The project was entitled “3Ds: We are Recycling in Solidarity for Nature” (The words Recycling, Solidarity and Nature all begin with the letter ‘D’ in Turkish). Plastic waste was collected in conjunction with the primary school included in the project, and this waste was then used to produce chess pieces. Chess tables were designed using disused student benches, and a chess set carrying bag was produced from waste cloth. At the end of the project, the chess sets – made entirely of waste and discarded materials were presented to the primary school included in the project.

The Istanbul Mustafa Nevzat Pısak Vocational Training Centre project entitled “Living Space for Cats” aimed to offer services to our feline friends living in the vicinity of the school. A living space for cats was established in the school yard. In addition, food waste was collected from the workplaces around the school and used to cook catfood in the school workshop. The project strengthened the link between the cats and the school.

The Istanbul Muhsin Ertuğrul Vocational Training Centre carried out a project called “Paper Birdboxes” with a view to strengthening neighbourly relations with birds. Advanced recycling birdboxes were produced from the waste paper in the school. The birdboxes were then located in different parts of the school and birdseed was put in them. Throughout all these activities, awareness was raised about the resources expended in the manufacture of paper and in the process of paper becoming waste.

Seeking to draw attention to the problem of overconsumption, the Istanbul Güngören Vocational Training Centre carried out a project entitled “Recycling Turns to Decoration”. In this project, decorative objects were designed, and everybody joined forces to produce them using hundreds of items of waste and discarded materials. An exhibition was held at the school to inform the students and their families about the objects. Finally, the objects were presented as gifts to various people as examples of advanced recycling, thus strengthening the habit of making gifts without expecting anything in return.

The Istanbul Yüksel Kaya Vocational Training Centre focused on plants in its project, the “Happiness Garden”. Large flowerpots and decorative old car tyres were placed around the school patio, and flowers and vegetable seedlings were planted in them. All the plants sown were fertilised by turning the organic waste from the school kitchen into compost. The activity strengthened solidarity for the soil communities of our planet.

The first of the two projects of the Istanbul Esenyurt Vocational Training Centre, entitled “My Voluntary Barber in My School”, set out to provide haircuts and personal care to children from needy families and residents of homes for the elderly. First a system was developed for making appointments, then haircuts were designed for the children and young people living around the school and the haircutting went ahead. Subsequently, a visit was paid to a home for the elderly and the residents were provided with haircuts and personal care. The project contributed to developing sensitivity towards the needy people in our society and strengthening the spirit of solidarity.

The Istanbul Esenyurt Vocational Training Centre gave its second project the name “First Read the Contract; Then Thow Down the Gauntlet with your Team”. With this project, the centre opted to focus on the rights of apprentice students. Informational activities were organised for school students in Grade 9 about the apprenticeship contract and the rights and responsibilities of students. Then a football match was organised among those apprentice students who had demonstrated their familiarity with the contents of the contract. During the match, the students were encouraged to use water bottles made of materials that are not harmful to nature, switching the focus to the protection of the environment.

With its “Always To Be One” project, the Istanbul Esenler Vocational Training Centre sought to demonstrate the importance of mutual assistance and of exerting effort for the sake of the common good. By providing services such as hair, beard, nail and skin care to persons who have difficulty accessing them, they aimed to contribute to their wellbeing and brighten their lives. A team of volunteers was formed who performed haircuts, hair and nail care, make-up, skin care and similar tasks. In this way, vocational skills were deployed to strengthen the spirit of doing good for the society one lives in without expecting any reward.

By developing natural hair sprays inspired by nature, the Bursa Osmangazi Vocational Training Centre sought to reduce the negative impact on our planet of chemical cosmetic products used in the care and modelling of hair, and to raise awareness about this topic. As part of its project, “Let the World Grow More Beautiful with You”, the Centre produced hair sprays made from natural materials such as lemon and flower essences and water. The project team also shared these with local shops. In addition, activities were conducted to inform people that cosmetic products made from chemicals are a threat to human health, pollute the planet and constitute an ecological hazard by damaging the natural life cycles of all beings.

With its “Home and Food for our Four-Footed Friends” project, the Bursa Nilüfer Vocational Training Centre met the needs of cats and dogs living in the neighbourhood for shelter through the advanced recycling of waste wooden materials. In addition, the animals’ nutritional needs were met with excess food collected with the support of nearby workplaces. As part of the project, awareness raising activities about street animals were conducted both at the school and at the public education centre with which the project cooperated.

Inspired by nature, the project, “Ecological Balance through Renewable Energy”, carried out by the Bursa Martyred Commando Private Bahri Avcı Vocational Training Centre focused on supplying nature-friendly, clean, quality energy from solar power. Awareness raising activities were organised at the school on the topic of renewable energy. Solar panels were placed on the school roof, and by means of this system, the electricity needs of various devices – including computers, mobile phones and mini-refrigerators – came to be supplied using solar power. The spirit of solidarity for the use of renewable energy was enhanced.

Considering that seeds are the essence of life, and that mistakes made by humanity are a serious threat to seeds, the Bursa İnegöl Vocational Training Centre carried out a project called “Seeds, the Essence of Life”. As part of the project, eight seedbeds were made of waste wood materials collected from local tradespersons. The seedbeds were painted all together and filled with soil. Cucumber, maize, strawberry, potato and tomato seedlings grown using heirloom seeds were planted in the seedbeds. Informational activities were conducted at the school to raise awareness about the making of seedbeds, the importance of using heirloom seeds and the growing process. Plans were made to share out the seeds to be obtained from the plants being grown. The project developed our ability to preserve the long history of our planet.

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On the basis of occupational health and safety measures in accordance with national and international standards, education is provided in the branches of Ship Building, Ship Outfitting, Yacht Building and Composite Boat Manufacturing in this major, where the competencies for the production and design of marine vehicles designed for the travel, fishing, military or commercial (passenger and freight transportation) sectors are provided.

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Short Promotional Video

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Social Adaptation Activities Meet Art in Apprenticeship Training

Within the scope of the Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB) executed in partnership with the Expertise France and the EDUSER and in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education and TESK, and supported by the European Union, the Provincial National Education representatives in the implementation provinces of the programme, the relevant trainers of the schools where apprenticeship training is provided and the local provincial coordinators of the VET4JOB met in Ankara on 12-13 October 2022 within the scope of the “Evaluation of Social Adaptation Activities, Experience Sharing and Planning Activity”.

Prof. Fusun Akarsu, retired lecturer of Facuty of Educational Sciences of Bosporus University, Ayse Akarsu, Physical Musician, and Miray Eslek, Musician, took place among the instructors staff of the two-day interactive meeting. In the study, in addition to evaluating the strengths and developmental aspects of the social adaptation activities currently carried out within the scope of VET4JOB, many different social adaptation activity options including body percussion were shared with the participants through interactive games. In the later stages of the event, the approach of adaptation with art was conveyed to be applied in social adaptation activities, and experiences were shared through examples.

The main outputs of VET4JOB include the goal of strengthening social adaptation in education and working life of youngsters and adults. During the event, it is aimed to reach 36,800 people with social adaptation activities, and the activities carried out reached 6,994 participants in different provinces as of the end of August. 27% of the participants were women and 35% were Syrians.

Principles of VET4JOB Social Adaptation Activities

While organizing social adaptation activities, the principles of creating time and space to initiate and maintain interaction; strengthening social relations, strengthening self-confidence, skills and access to opportunities; recognizing and accepting differences, ensuring voluntary participation and overcoming obstacles; the importance of participation and feedback and the importance of enjoying together are on the foreground.

Social adaptation activities carried out within the scope of VET4JOB will continue to be implemented by adding new components and new stakeholders in the future.

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Solidarity after earthquake – Daily Life

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Solidarity after earthquake – Personal Care

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Solidarity after earthquake – Social Life

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Son Söz

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Son Söz

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Son Söz

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Son Söz

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Student Statement

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Syrian and Turkish adults between 18-45 age group who cannot access formal employment opportunities due to insufficient vocational qualifications

VET4JOB will guide adults in 18 to 45 age group, who cannot join formal employment due to limited vocational skills, towards attending vocational training courses, and introduce course beneficiaries with support mechanisms that are necessary for accessing formal employment. For example, in order to enable women to attend adult vocational courses, preschool teachers will be assigned under VET4JOB to support women with child care responsibilities. Thereby, while women attend courses to develop their vocational skills, children will have the possibility to play and obtain education with their peers, and employment opportunities will be created for pre-school teachers. Moreover, VET4JOB will refer adult beneficiaries in 18 to 45 age group who have vocational skills but lack recognized vocational training certificates to “Recognition of Prior Learning” system, and provide support services for them to obtain certificates through the Ministry of National Education, the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen and the Vocational Qualifications Authority.

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Syrian and Turkish young people and children between 14-17 age group and not attending formal education

VET4JOB will support young people in 14 to 17 age group living in the programme provinces who completed lower secondary school and not attending formal education and/or high school drop outs in registering to formal apprenticeship training programmes offered in vocational training centres and completing their compulsory education. In this scope, VET4JOB’s objective is to first inform young people and their families on the opportunities provided by apprenticeship training and their right of access to education, and to ensure young people obtain vocational skills necessary to join formal employment through apprenticeship training. To this end, VET4JOB will conduct activities in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education and TESK to enhance the service provision capacity of apprenticeship training and boost the demand on formal education option.

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Tanık Haber

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Tanık Haber

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Tarsus Akdeniz

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Tekip-Techical-Tender-Preparation-Training “Technical Tender Preparation and Approximate Cost Calculation Training” with the participation of teachers assigned from program partner institutions within the scope of the “Vocational Training Program for Employment” (VET4JOB) carried out in Ankara on 8-9 July 2021. The Programme is financed by the European Union and has been conducted in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education (MEB) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK). The opening remarks of the event were addressed by Project Coordinator Dr. Balkır Özünlü on behalf of Social Partners and Projects Department of DG Vocational and Technical Education of MoNE and VET4JOB Programme Leader and Field Coordinator İzzet Çevik. During the two-day training, the issues related to the procurement processes of goods and services were handled by Trainer Ömer Özgören. During the workshop session, the groups had the opportunity to reinforce their theoretical knowledge by preparing technical specification samples and applying them. At the end of the training, “participation certificates” were presented to the participants.

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TESK Examination Committee Training Takes Place in Ankara January 23rd

Members of the chambers of tradesmen and craftsmen from the provinces participating in the Vocational Training for Employment Programme (İMEP/VET4JOB) came together in Ankara for a “training of trainers” activity from January 23rd to January 25th.

İMEP is being conducted by Expertise France and EDUSER with the Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen of Türkiye (TESK) and the Ministry of National Education as beneficiary partners. The appointed members of the local chambers were in the capital to take part in the “TESK Examination Committee Training of Trainers” event.

The opening speech was delivered by TESK General Secretary Murat Cangül. İMEP seeks to facilitate access to sustainable livelihoods and formal employment prospects for its target groups by supporting their vocational skills. The training activity aimed to ensure the expansion of quality apprenticeship training focusing on the benefit of the student.

The training event addressed topics such as the concepts of measurement and evaluation, the vocational certificates issued under Law No. 3308 on Vocational Training, the duties of the chamber representatives sitting on the Ministry of National Education examination committees, the place of OHS criteria in the skills examination process, the award of vocational certificates in professions where apprenticeship training is not implemented, the directive on principles and procedures for courses and examinations to be conducted by the Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen, communication and teamwork, and the examination and certification work carried out for professions falling within and outside the scope of Law No. 3308.

The trainers shared their experience with the examination committee members by means of interactive presentations. At the end of the training, certificates were presented to the participants, who are expected to provide guidance to the examination committees.

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TESK İDDG Training Completed in Antalya

The Vocational Training for Employment Programme (İMEP/VET4JOB), which is supported by the European Union, aims to facilitate access to sustainable livelihoods and formal employment prospects through quality apprenticeship training and vocational training in line with the needs of the labour market. The third and final group training provided under İMEP for the Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen of Türkiye (TESK) Workplace Inspection and Consultancy Groups (İDDGs) was held in Antalya from January 11th to 13th.

TESK General President Bendevi Palandöken delivered the opening address at the TESK Workplace Inspection and Consultancy Group (İDDG) Training Event, the purpose of which was to strengthen advisory skills so as to increase the quality of the training provided in the workplaces in which apprentice students being trained up for mastership receive their practical training.

The three days of training were aimed at the İDDGs established at the level of unions of chambers of tradesmen and craftsmen (ESOBs) and at other relevant units. Besides technical and administrative topics such as apprenticeship training, practical training in the workplace, digitalisation and student work portfolios, the training event also addressed the duties and responsibilities of the employer and emphasised the struggle against child labour. Problems encountered in the functioning of the İDDGs were taken up, and new approaches and proposed solutions were discussed.

The training of a total of 200 members of TESK İDDGs has been completed in t

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TESK Workplace Inspection and Consultancy Groups Training Started

The Vocational Training Program for Employment (IMEP) supported by the European Union and carried out in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) and in executive partnership with the Expertise France and the EDUSER aims to facilitate access to sustainable livelihoods and registered employment by supporting through high-quality apprenticeship and vocational training in line with the needs of the labor market.

Within the scope of IMEP, the Training of TESK Workplace Inspection and Consultancy Groups (WICG) started in Antalya on November 30, 2022 with the opening speeches of TESK President Mr. Bendevi Palandoken and the President of the Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen of Antalya, Adlihan Dere. The training of TESK Workplace Inspection and Consultancy Groups aims to strengthen the counseling skills of apprentice students to improve the quality of education in the enterprises where they receive their hands-on training.

The three-day training held for the WICGs and relevant units at the level of TESK and the Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (UCTC) covered technical and administrative issues such as apprenticeship training, hands-on training in the workplace, digitalization and student’s work file as well as the duties and responsibilities of the employer side, emphasizing the fight against child labor. The training also included subjects such as basic communication skills, environmental awareness, and climate change.

In the workshop held in two groups on the last day of the training, problems related to the operation of WICGs, new approaches, and solution suggestions were discussed. In the final session, the reports on the workshop results were presented by the groups’ spokespersons, and the importance and priorities of the inspection and consultancy were emphasized. It is planned to complete training for two hundred (200) TESK WICG members within the scope of IMEP by the end of 2022.

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Within the scope of this major, knowledge, skills and competencies related to textile fibers and basic textile applications are provided for the production and feature development from yarn to fabric. Education is provided in the branches of Weaving Operation, Non-Woven Surfaces, Industrial Socks Knitting, Industrial Plain Knitting, Industrial Round Knitting, Yarn Production Technology, Textile Printing and Patterning, Textile Finishing Processes and Textile Dyeing.

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The 2nd Apprentice Student Forum Is Held

The second of the Apprentice Student Forums organized within the scope of the “Improving the Employment Prospects for the Syrian Refugees and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality VET and Apprenticeship in Turkey Programme (Vocational Training Programme for Employment-VET4JOB)” was held in Istanbul.


The 2nd Apprentice Student Forum within the scope of the “Improving the Employment Prospects for the Syrian Refugees and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality VET and Apprenticeship in Turkey Programme (Vocational Training Programme for Employment-VET4JOB)” conducted by Expertise France and EDUSER in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education (MEB -MTEGM) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) with the financial support of the European Union was held in İstanbul on 8-10 June, 2022.

Voice of the Apprentice Students

Apprentice student forums aims to address the opportunities and bottlenecks of apprenticeship training from the perspective of apprentice students, to support these students to carry out participatory processes for the education system they are involved and to enable them to make their voices heard. With the student-to-student approach, developing interaction between youth, reinforcing them and creating a space for them to improve their leadership skills are also included in the objectives of the apprentice student forums. In addition, the forums are aimed to serve as a platform for jointly generating ideas on common issues, enabling students to advocate for themselves, increasing the opportunities for dialogue, and introducing apprenticeship education by these students.

The forums are held with the participation of 1 leader teacher and 2 leader students from each of the 36 vocational education institutions in 12 provinces within the scope of İMEP|VET4JOB and the representatives of the Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (ESOB) in the programme provinces.

The apprentice students who attended the 1st Apprentice Student Forum, which was held on the digital platform specifically developed due to the pandemic conditions on 21-22 October 2021, discussed the difficulties and opportunities in the educational processes, examined the basic principles of dispute management and communication with expert trainers, participated in the entertaining activities to complete the given tasks and developed an action plan for the future.

The opening speeches of the 2nd Forum, which was held on 8-10 June with the participation of approximately one hundred and fifty attendants, were addressed by Mr. Süleyman Akgül, Head of the Workplace-Based Vocational Training Department on behalf of the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of National Education, Mr. Fuat Elvan, Project Specialist on behalf of the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), Mrs. Feyhan Evitan Canbay, Program Manager on behalf of the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, and Mr. Laurent Marion, Head of the Stability and Resilience Department on behalf of Expertise France.

The Second Forum Has Become the Voice of More Than 10 Thousand Students

In the preparation processes of the 2nd Apprentice Student Forum, the leader students, along with the leader teachers, developed solution offers to the problems identified in the first forum by establishing a dialogue with a total of 11.238 students in their schools. The students ensured the participation of business owners, sector experts, teachers and administrators as well as students in the preparatory meetings they held. The leader apprentice students rediscussed their solution offers they have developed as a result of the studies they carried out within the framework of the questions “What kind of solutions can be developed for the difficulties experienced at school and at workplace?”, “What kind of solutions can be developed to overcome the difficulties experienced in social life at school and at workplace?” on a common platform in the 2nd Apprentice Student Forum.

At the closing event of the 2nd Apprentice Student Forum, four students representing the students set on the same table with the decision makers. The representative students shared the prepared Forum Statement with influental messages and with this statement, they expressed their solution proposals to the problems identified for improvement of apprenticeship education in Türkiye, what the apprentice students should do fto achive results and their expectations from the decision makers. Thus, they have invited all actors of apprenticeship education in Türkiye to take steps together to write a new success story.

Mr. Korkut Koçak, Head of Social Partners and Projects Department on behalf of the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of National Education, Mr. Sertaç Işık, Project Specialist on behalf of the Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen of Turkey (TESK), Mr. Libor Chlad, Head of FRIT Department on behalf of the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey and Mr. Laurent Marion, Head of Stability and Resilience Department on behalf of Expertise France, attended the forum on the same table with the selected leader students and listened to their approaches to the problems and their solution proposals. They expressed their messages that they would support the efforts to improve the conditions of youth receiving apprenticeship education and strengthen the students in this education system.

The implementation of the 2nd Apprentice Student Forum before the 12 June World Anti-Child Labour Day had a special meaning. İMEP|VET4JOB, which carries out its activities with a perspective that focuses on anti-child labor and the best interest of the child, contributes to anti-child labor by offering a qualified training and career option to youth by highlighting the apprenticeship education under the protection and supervision of the state for youth who are deprived of education and have to tend towards child labor. Two other apprentice forums will be organized at national level during the implementation process of İMEP|VET4JOB, thus opportunities will be created to focus on apprentice student rights and motivation will be created for apprentice students to continue and complete their training.

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Third Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Exhibition

The third and final Solidarity Exhibition was opened for visits on January 4th 2024 at a gathering of teachers, master trainers and apprentice students. Please click here to visit our final exhibition. When you click on the relevant poster, you will be able to examine the poster that opens up, to make use of emojis to support the activity and, by pressing the “play” button on the visual in the bottom right-hand corner of the poster, to watch a video of the project.

On display in the final Solidarity Exhibition are the solidarity projects carried out by the Şahinbey and Şehitkamil Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) in Gaziantep, which took part with two separate projects, the Çukurova VTC from Adana, the İskenderun VTC from Hatay, and the Tarsus and Akdeniz VTCs from Mersin. The exhibition also features, under three main themes, the efforts made as part of İMEP in the wake of the earthquakes,

The “Smart Bank” project carried out by the Gaziantep Şahinbey Municipality Vocational Training Centre aims to solve the problem of charging mobile devices in open spaces and public institutions in a sustainable and nature-friendly manner. A smart bank was designed for converting solar energy into electrical energy. The process was then completed by using waste metal materials to form the bank. A patent application has been made for the smart bank system developed under the project. In addition, students at the school were informed about the system. As part of these promotional activities, awareness-raising activities were conducted regarding the importance of renewable energy.

The second project by the Gaziantep Şahinbey Municipality Vocational Training Centre was the “Eco Multi-Socket” project, aiming to prevent the waste of electricity and bring about green and technological transformation. Under this project, a smart multi-socket plug was developed that reduces the electricity used by electrical appliances when in standby mode to zero. This product was given the name “eco multi-socket”. An application was made to register the eco multi-socket developed under the project as a trademark. Moreover, information about the product was provided to all the students at the school and to the workplaces located around the school. During these activities, attention was drawn to energy saving and the sustainable use of energy.

The “My Charger is on my Back” project carried out by the Gaziantep Şehitkamil Vocational Training Centre also focused on energy issues. Inspired by the fact that solar energy is clean and sustainable, this project aimed to develop a product that can be used frequently in everyday life and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. In cooperation with the Gaziantep Şahinbey Municipality VTC, a portable smart rucksack with a solar energy charger was designed and produced. Information was then provided about the product in various schools and workplaces. As the project was developed jointly by teams from two schools, it greased the wheels of solidarity.

The “Green Philanthropy” project conducted by the Adana Çukurova Vocational Training Centre concentrated on the development of a sense of ecological social responsibility in apprenticeship training. To support the needs of street animals for shelter, the furniture and interior design students in the team and their teachers used waste wooden materials obtained in cooperation with local businesses to create cat houses and dog kennels. The men’s hairdressing students and their teachers visited an old people’s home and cut the hair and trimmed the beards of residents who wanted this service. The hair that had been cut was then buried under the trees in the school garden so that it would benefit nature as a fertiliser.

The “We’re Lighting the Nights with Solar Power” project carried out by the Hatay İskenderun Vocational Training Centre aimed to emphasise the importance of using renewable energy, increase the use of solar power and strengthen the students’ vocational capabilities as well as drawing attention to climate change. A group of students were provided with theoretical and practical training with a view to setting up a system that would provide automatic lightening after dark using a modular solar power system mounted on the school roof together with a photocell relay. Following the training, the system was installed and put into use. In this way, the spirit of solidarity for our planet with respect to our use of energy was strengthened.

The Mersin Tarsus Vocational Training Centre carried out a project entitled “Old Benches Turn to Arbours” in order to put disused, discarded and waste materials back into use by means of advanced recycling. Under the project, an arbour was made out of benches and desks at the school that were no longer being used. The arbour was constructed through teamwork and then positioned in the school garden in a place where it could be seen from outside. This project strengthened the spirit of solidarity for the application of sustainability principles to vocational practice.

With its project “A Drop of Life”, the Mersin Akdeniz Vocational Training Centre determined to store the water dripping from air conditioners and regain it for plants. The aim was also to create awareness about the importance of every single drop of water. To this end, a solar-powered device was developed for storing the air conditioner water and watering trees. Informational activities about the use of the device were conducted in the school. The device was placed in the school garden, thus ensuring that the plants in the school garden are watered using this sustainable system.

The support provided as part of İMEP (VET4JOB) to meet the daily needs of individuals living in the region affected by the earthquakes was summed up under the title “We’re Supporting Daily Life in the Post-Earthquake Period”. During this period, sleeping bags, sets of sheets and quilt-covers, and clothes were sewn for families that had lost their homes and belongings in the quakes. Packages containing basic foodstuffs were prepared and distributed to the families. Shampoo and hygiene sets were distributed to meet the hygiene needs of families living in tent and container settlements. Three toilets with sections for men and women were constructed with the labour of metal technology students and teachers, and arrangements were made to install these toilets in tent and container settlements in Hatay.

The support provided for the needs of individuals living in the region affected by the earthquake was conveyed through the item “We’re Supporting Personal Care in the Post-Earthquake Period”. Personal care spaces were set up in temporary accommodation centres and tent and container settlements, and personal care equipment was installed. Services were provided to children, women and men in the personal care centres that had been set up. Personal care services were also provided in hospitals for earthquake victims undergoing treatment. All these efforts strengthened our abilities to show solidarity in hard times.

The exhibit “We’re Supporting Social Life in the Post-Earthquake Period” covered the work done with the aim of supporting the psychological wellbeing of individuals living in the region affected by the earthquakes. Biscuits and cakes were baked for small children affected by the earthquake and their families. Hobby courses were organised for people living in the tent and container settlements to support their morale. Psychosocial support sessions were conducted in some of the adult training courses. Social adaptation activities were conducted for apprentice students who changed their places of residence after the earthquakes and for their families. Logistical and financial support was provided for the courses arranged by adult education centres cooperating with İMEP for primary school, middle school and high school students who had had to interrupt their education. Painting exhibitions were organised with the participation of apprentice students, and the proceeds from sales of the works in the exhibitions were used to support earthquake victims.

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Ticari Hayat

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Ticari Hayat

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Ticari Hayat

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Ticari Hayat

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Ticari Hayat

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Ticari Hayat

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Training Needs and Technologies in the Apprenticeship System

A workshop titled “Training Needs and Technologies in the Apprenticeship System” has digitally organized between April 7th -8th 2021 within the scope of “Vocational Training Programme for Employment” – VET4JOB. The Programme is coordinated by Expertise France and EDUSER in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK). The workshop aimed to raise awareness about visionary training technologies in vocational training. It was also aimed to prepare the business plans and determine the road maps in the presence of experts of the Technical Teams (TEKIP) primarily to improve educational environments in designated areas in the selected vocational secondary education institutions within the scope of. VET4JOB Programme. The opening remarks were addressed by Şennur Çetin, Head of Social Partners and Projects Department of DG Vocational and Technical Education of MoNE, and Fuat Elvan on behalf of the EU and Foreign Relations Directorate of TESK. Teachers from vocational secondary training institutions in the fields of Electrical-Electronics Technology, Metal Technology, Motor Vehicles Technology, Machinery Technology, Furniture, and Interior Design have participated in the workshop. During the two-day workshop, training were delivered by expert trainers on the following topics: “Changing needs in education and new education concepts”, “Means of accessing information and its use”, “Open-source exploitation and copyrights”, “Digital education environments developed for Vocational Education Centres”, “Contemporary and traditional uses of educational technologies, the advantages and disadvantages”. Afterwards, group work were carried out under the coordination of experts to support technical preparations for educational materials in the specified fields and selected vocational secondary training institutions.

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Training of Trainers for Administrators, Masters and Master Trainers at Workplaces

Funded by the European Union, VET4JOB is carried out with the cooperation of the Ministry of National Education, Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training, and TESK, through the implementation partnership of Expertise France and EDUSER, with the participation of 36 VET institutions in 12 provinces. In the scope of the programme activities, with the aim of creating a pool of expert trainers who will train 5,000 administrators/masters/master trainers in 12 provinces; “Training of Trainers for Administrators, Masters and Master Trainers at Workplaces” was held in İzmir on 10-12 August 2021 with the participation of administrators and teachers working in 36 VET institutions. The activity covered topics such as the purpose, scope, principles and implementation principles of apprenticeship training; place and role of businesses in apprenticeship education, apprenticeship education and child labour, Generation Z in work life; monitoring practical training at the workplace, coordinator-master trainer cooperation and the introduction of the VET Student Portfolio in Workplaces. After the training, training teams will be formed in the provinces and administrators/masters/master trainers will start deliverin training courses.

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Training of Trainers for Journeyman and Mastership Exam Boards Started

IMEP, which is carried out by the Expertise France and the EDUSER in beneficiary partnership of the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), is implemented by EU financing. Within the scope of IMEP, which aims to facilitate the access of host communities and Syrians to sustainable livelihoods and registered employment by supporting their professional skills through apprenticeship and vocational training in line with the needs of the labor market, teachers working in institutions in the program implementation provinces met in Adana on November 22-24, 2022 for “Training of Trainers for Journeyman and Mastership Exam Boards”.

The opening speeches of the training organized for the teachers who will take part in the Journeyman and Mastership Exam Boards were given by Mr. Süleyman Akgül, Head of the Workplace-Based Vocational Training Department on behalf of the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education, and Mr. Yaşar Koçak, Provincial Director of National Education of Adana.

“Training of Trainers for Journeyman and Mastership Exam Boards”, which will be held for the second time in December includes subjects such as Vocational Qualification Authority (VQA) exam and certification practices within the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), knowledge-skills and competencies, qualifications and levels, code of practice for journeyman and mastership exams, skill exams, rules to be followed by exam board members and evaluators, duties of the institutions where skill exams are held, OHS criteria in the process of skill exams, and E-MESEM applications in the vocational training program. The trainer staff of the meeting included officials from the Directorate General for Measurement, Assessment and Examination Services of the Ministry of National Education, Workplace-Based Vocational Training Department, Department of Workplace Health and Safety Unit, Departmant of Training Information Systems, and VQA. The trainers made interactive presentations sharing their experience with the members of the exam boards. At the end of the training, certificates were presented to the participants who are expected to provide guidance to the exam boards.

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Training of Trainers for TESK Training Supervisors Completed

Within the scope of the Vocational Training Program for Employment (IMEP) supported by the European Union and carried out in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) and in implementation partnership with the Expertise France and the EDUSER, the training of trainers for the TESK training supervisors in the program implementation provinces was completed in Ankara on November 16-18, 2022. The three-day interactive meeting covered issues such as the Training-Related Articles and Applications of the Law No. 5362 on Professional Organizations of Tradesmen and Craftsmen, Regulations and Directives, Development of Cooperation Procedures with Other Stakeholders involved in Training, Fight Against Child Labor, and Apprenticeship Training, Employers’ Rights and Responsibilities, Vocational Training Law No. 3308, Digital Literacy, Personal Development, Professional Development, Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK), and Hybrid Learning Model. At the end of the training, certificates were presented to the participants.

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Training of Trainers Pilot Study for Turkish Speaking Support Programme was Conducted

Within the scope of VET4JOB, “Turkish Speaking Support Programme” service will be provided to 5,000 Syrian youth and adults. The training of trainers pilot study of this programme was held in Adana between 22nd -24th of February 2021 with the participation of 7 teachers. After this training delivered by Prof. Dr. Tolga Erdoğan and Associate Professor Kaan Büyükikiz, the programme will be carried out according to the results of the pilot implementation by the teachers who have received the training.

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Training of Trainers was held on Vocational Counseling and Career Guidance Services for Trainees Participating in Adult Training within the scope of IMEP

“Training of Trainers on Vocational Counseling and Career Guidance Services for Trainees Participating in Adult Training” was organized in Ankara on 28-30 June 2022 within the framework of the IMEP (Vocational Training Program for Employment) financed by the European Union and implemented in cooperation with the Directorate General for Vocational and Technical Education affiliated with the Ministry of National Education and TESK (The Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen) and in partnership with the Expertise France and EDUSER.

The opening speeches of the training program organized for teachers, qualified instructors and experts who will provide vocational counseling and career guidance services to the participants of adult training courses were made by Mr. Korkut Kocak, Head of Department for Social Partners and Projects on behalf of the Directorate General for Vocational and Technical Education affiliated with the Ministry of National Education, and Mr. Fuat Elvan, Project Coordinator on behalf of TESK.

Within the scope of the three-day training program, Prof. Dr. Metin Piskin, a faculty member of Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences addressed the subjects of paradigm shift in working life, self-knowledge and self-reporting, talents, interests and personality traits, professional values, and environmental factors affecting the choice of profession, and multicultural career counseling; and Prof. Dr. Muge Kart addressed the issues of decision-making, goal setting, job-occupation and career counseling assistance skills. IMEP experts Necla Haliloglu and Oner Dogan outlined different perspectives and approaches on entrepreneurship and provided information in different fields from the legal infrastructure of entrepreneurship to sources of funds. ISKUR (Turkish Employment Organization) expert Kamuran Cosar described the registration process for ISKUR and informed the participants about the services provided by their organization.

At the end of the training, certificates were presented to the participants who were expected to help the target group of IMEP choosing a profession suitable for their interests, desires, abilities and competencies and provide guidance on developing their employability skills.

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Training Programme for TESK Secretaries General Held in Ankara

VET4JOB, which aims to disseminate high-quality apprenticeship training in Turkey with the support of the European Union, continues its training activities with the beneficiary partnership of the Ministry of National Education and TESK. The training programme, which was designed to enhance the capacity of TESK secretaries general in the provinces within the scope of the program, was held in Ankara on 21-23 December 2021. TESK Deputy Secretary General Çetin Demirkazık delivered the meeting’s opening speech. In his speech, Demirkazık emphasized the importance of apprenticeship training for the business world and stated that TESK shows ownership for VET4JOB with this During the training programme held for TESK secretaries general in the provinces where the programme is implemented, the implementation principles regarding the Law on Tradesmen and Craftsmen Professional Organizations were analysed. Employers’ rights and responsibilities in the fight against child labour and apprenticeship training were discussed. The three-day training featured various topics, such as cooperation models and protocols with professional organizations, the implications of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change for the tradesmen and craftsmen, digitalization, data analysis, presentation methods, and adult learning characteristics. At the end of the training, participation certificates were presented to the TESK secretaries general who attended the programme.

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Within the scope of this major where education is provided in Logistics in our schools, knowledge, skills and competencies related to basic transportation and office application processes, as well as branch-specific knowledge, skills and competencies related to warehouse management and programs, transportation models, customs procedures and programs, logistics documents, calculations and procurement are also provided.

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Turkish Billboard 1

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Turkish Billboard 2

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Two-pager – English

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Two-pager – Turkish

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VET4JOB Additional Training of Trainer on Turkish Speaking Support Program Has Conducted

In order to strengthen the learning of Turkish as a foreign language by apprentices and adults with insufficient Turkish language skills, an additional three half-day “Training of Trainers Turkish Speaking Support Program” has conducted within the scope of “Vocational Training Programme for Employment” (VET4JOB). Turkish language teachers from the VET4JOB partner VTCs were invited and participated to the online program, which was held between 7th-9th of February 2022 VET4JOB Program supported by the European Union, is carried out in cooperation with 36 institutions in 12 provinces, in partnership with the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK). The Turkish Speaking Support Program of VET4JOB Program aims to provide daily speaking practice that will contribute to the social integration of Syrians. Prof. Tolga Erdogan and Assoc. Prof. Kaan Büyükikizli implemented the training of trainers sessions as the filed experts. During the training sessions, field experts and participating teachers -who will be included in the VET4JOB Turkish Speech Support Program Trainer Pool and play an active role in proper Programme activities- carried out studies on developing methods and techniques, measurement and evaluation methods and applications for the development of Turkish speaking skills. The learning-teaching processes were explained through different case studies.

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VET4JOB Capacity Building Training Courses Continue for VET Institutions

VET4JOB, which is carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training and TESK, through implementation partnership of Expertise France and EDUSER, held three-day training courses in İzmir on 14-16 September 2021. The training courses were a part of VET4JOB capacity building activities and were attended by administrators in the programme partner institutions. Designed to contribute to the service provision skills of the administrators in VET institutions, the training course was held by expert trainers in areas such as “new developments in apprenticeship training and legislation, stakeholder cooperation and understanding the business world, family cooperation in apprentice training, use of the E-MESEM platform, teenager psychology and Generation Z, strengthening social cohesion, social inclusion in education, distance learning/ICT, innovative equipment use in apprenticeship training, preparing presentations and presentation methods, using VET Student Portfolio in Workplaces to monitor practical training in apprenticeship, methods for reaching and persuading the target group and individual meeting methods”. At the end of the training, participation certificates were presented to the administrators who attended the course.

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VET4JOB Closing Event

VET4JOB Closing Event

The Closing Event of the Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB), which started on 1 January 2020 with the cooperation of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) with the support of the European Union, was held on 23 May 2024 in Ankara.

The event was attended by apprentice students, teachers, school principals, representatives of the unions of tradesmen and craftsmen chambers (ESOB) affiliated to TESK, vocational training course trainees and trainers from adult education institutions, as well as representatives of program stakeholder institutions and organizations, relevant public institutions and international institutions from 12 provinces where the program was implemented.

The closing event started with a musical performance by Turkish and Syrian apprentices. The opening speeches of the event were delivered by Jurgis Vilčinskas, Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye, Ali Karagöz, Director General of Vocational and Technical Education of Ministry of National Education (MoNE), Burhan Aksak, Deputy President of TESK and Xavier Cousquer, Director of Peace, Stability and Security Department of Expertise France.

In the first session of the event, the VET4JOB program was evaluated from the perspective of the beneficiaries. Program beneficiaries such as apprentice students, teachers and school administrators, vocational course participants, employers, etc. were given the floor to share the activities implemented within the scope of VET4JOB with the audience through the eyes of the beneficiaries. Different people whose lives have been touched by VET4JOB shared their experiences with the program.

In the second session, VET4JOB, which was likened to a hero, discussed the process of setting out, the dimension of the fight against child labor and the art and social cohesion activities developed in this journey. In this session, the experience from the perspective of MoNE and TESK was also evaluated, while plans for vocational courses in the coming period and the roadmap for VET4JOB 2 were shared.

Different exhibitions and experiential areas took place at the VET4JOB Closing Event.

Within the framework of “Common Good and Solidarity”, the Solidarity Exhibition area hosted posters in Turkish and English of socially beneficial projects with an ecological approach that brought together apprentice students, teachers and businesses.

Participants shared their feelings and thoughts on the Memorial wall, which was prepared similar to the graffiti works done on school walls.

For those who prefer apprenticeship training, the Road to Mastery wall revealed what kind of a process awaits students graduating from secondary school in the four years they will discover themselves and acquire new skills during their apprenticeship training.

Provincial Vocational Course Stands: 12 provincial stands were set up to show what was produced and what kind of skills were acquired in the vocational courses organized in the VET4JOB implementation provinces, and the products from the provinces were exhibited here.

The Virtual Stage offered an experience that allowed participants to interactively color the graffiti wall in a virtual environment. They were also given the opportunity to watch the videos produced during the program in a different ambiance.

With the Vocational Education Experiencing Workshops, participants had the opportunity to participate in workshops at different booths and took with them the keychains, bracelets, small paintings made of mosaic stones and the stones they had patterned with to commemorate the day.

The event ended with a performance where apprentice students made their voices heard accompanied by music.

Tangible Outputs of VET4JOB

In line with the needs of the labor market, VET4JOB supported skills development through apprenticeships and vocational training and had a tangible impact on the following topics:

✅Impact 1 �� More than 135,000 young people joined apprenticeships (≈14,500 of them Syrian)

In 12 provinces (Adana, Ankara, Bursa, Gaziantep, Hatay, İstanbul, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Konya, Mersin), Provincial Directorates of National Education, 36 VTC/MTALs (Vocational Traning Centers and Vocational Technical Anatolian High Schools), 5 training centers providing vocational training for adults, unions and chambers of tradesmen and craftsmen affiliated to TESK, and public and private adult education institutions worked in close cooperation. Through VET4JOB outreach activities, a total of 44,445 people were reached and informed about apprenticeship training and vocational training opportunities for adults and directed to appropriate support services.

In 12 provinces, Turkish and Syrian youth who were identified as not attending formal education were referred to vocational training centers. The young people who started vocational training learned their professions in the kitchen by combining the theoretical education they received at school with practical training in enterprises.

✅Impact 2 �� Over 4,000 working children were identified and referred to formal education or apprenticeship training

Through apprenticeship training, which is a type of formal education, young people were enabled to continue their vocational training under state protection, benefiting from the rights of apprentice students, and to be better prepared for employment. Information activities were carried out on the rights of apprentice students, and communication activities were carried out to raise awareness on the harms of child labor.

✅Impact 3 �� More than 21,000 apprentice students received food card support

Within the scope of the program, food card and stationery set support was provided to students enrolled in apprenticeship training. With this support, it was aimed to encourage young people to apprenticeship training and support students to continue their education processes.

✅Impact 4 �� 14,234 people received vocational training certificates in the adult education centers supported by the program (8,565 women and 5,669 men)

Through VET4JOB, Turkish and Syrian adults who want to learn a profession or improve their professional skills were directed to appropriate vocational courses and their access to employment was facilitated through vocational courses in various fields. Through development and adaptation courses, it contributed to the retention and advancement of those already working in employment. A holistic service approach was followed to increase the impact of vocational training and support people’s employment-related goals as much as possible. Within the scope of this approach, trainees were provided with services such as pre- and post-training language courses, vocational counseling, career guidance, recognition of prior learning, registration with Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR), work permit support, in addition to vocational training in their chosen field. As of April 2024, 808 people were provided with employment/income-generating job opportunities.

✅Impact 5 �� Physical capacity of 41 vocational education institutions, 33 of which are VTCs, 3 Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools and 5 adult education centers affiliated to TESK, improved

Work was carried out to address small-scale maintenance and repair deficiencies of schools, prepare schools for face-to-face training after COVID-19 and create additional capacity to enroll more apprentices. Necessary activities were also carried out to create or renovate cafeterias and social areas. In addition, in order to ensure that apprentice students in the institutions within the scope of VET4JOB can receive training with new technology, computers, 3D printers and training sets for educational purposes were provided and delivered to the institutions along with furniture equipment. In addition, capacity building trainings were organized for principals and teachers working in VTC/MTALs within the scope of VET4JOB, reaching a total of 492 people.

✅Impact 6 �� The VET4JOB program supported the improvement of the practical training environment of apprentice students in approximately 800 workplaces

In order to ensure that apprentice students receive qualified practical training, workplaces whose physical facilities will be improved in favor of apprentice students were identified in line with the program criteria. In 735 enterprises benefiting from the workplace improvement support, apprentice students were provided with a quality, safe and socialization-friendly training environment.

✅Effect 7 �� More than 50 thousand people reached through social cohesion activities

Student forums and solidarity activities organized as part of VET4JOB social cohesion activities helped apprentice students improve their communication skills, discover their leadership skills and gain experience in teamwork. The social cohesion activities, in which both students and adult trainees participated, aimed to strengthen the feelings of solidarity in society while supporting individuals to respect and empathize with different thoughts and perspectives.

Impact 8 �� Thousands of young people and adults benefited from employment preparation services

Within the scope of career counseling services, apprentice students and adult trainees were provided with counseling and guidance services on preparing and implementing career plans, including self-employment. Throughout VET4JOB, 616 people were also supported in the recognition of prior learning by covering their exam fees and travel expenses. Under the program, 1,763 beneficiaries were registered with İŞKUR. While the number of men registered with İŞKUR was 441, the number of women was 1,322. While 582 Turks were registered with İŞKUR, 1,181 Syrians benefited from this service. The program assisted around 1,000 people in obtaining work permits.

The success of the VET4JOB program was confirmed with a follow-up project for the next five years. Starting in March 2024, the VET4JOB 2 program will continue with the goal of supporting host and refugee communities to access sustainable livelihoods and formal employment by supporting apprenticeships and vocational training.

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VET4JOB Experience Sharing and Feedback Workshop Held

The VET4JOB Experience Sharing and Feedback Workshop took place in Ankara on June 1-2, 2023. The workshop brought together representatives from local institutions and organizations involved in the implementation of the Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB). VET4JOB is supported by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France and EDUSER in partnership with the Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training (DGVET) of the Ministry of National Education and Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) as the beneficiary.

During the first day of the two-day workshop, participants discussed the achievements, challenges, and underlying causes encountered while carrying out the program activities. They also shared their experiences regarding the conducted studies. On the second day, based on the lessons learned, suggestions were compiled for the second phase activities of VET4JOB, which are planned for next year. The workshop was completed with active participation from all parties, and a high level of dedication to the discussions.

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VET4JOB Programme Introduction Presentation

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VET4JOB Raises Awareness about Combating Child Labour

“My Apprentice Students on their Way to Mastership” awareness-raising meetings drawing attention to the struggle against child labour have been organised as part of the Vocational Training for Employment Programme (İMEP/VET4JOB) supported by the European Union. These events have taken place in each of the provinces in which the programme is being implemented.

The last two of the 12 meetings, which targeted entrepreneurs and master trainers in workplaces in which apprentice students are receiving their practical training, were held in Istanbul and Hatay. The Istanbul meeting was jointly organised by the Istanbul provincial directorate of National Education and the Istanbul Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (İSTESOB) on November 23rd, and the opening address was delivered by İSTESOB president Faik Yılmaz. The Hatay meeting was jointly organised by the Hatay provincial directorate of National Education and the Hatay Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (HESOB) on December 1st 2023, and opening speeches were made by Mustafa Karasu, the deputy provincial director of National Education in Hatay, and HESOB president Aziz Fatih Yılmaz.

At the “My Apprentice Students on their Way to Mastership” awareness-raising meetings, the entrepreneurs were informed about the harms done by child labour and about the conditions that expose children to economic exploitation, arrest their education and negatively affect their health and physical development. Awareness was raised on the issue and it was stressed that it was a social responsibility to place children within a ring of protection. In addition, an interactive evaluation was conducted of the duties and responsibilities of the apprentice student, the school, the family and the employer – the actors in the four-way cooperation for apprenticeship training.

Apprentice students from the schools implementing İMEP took the stage during the meetings to appeal to employers and share with them their proposed solutions for the problems identified during the Apprentice Student Forums so as to contribute to the implementation of apprenticeship training under improved conditions. The leader apprentice students stated that they wanted to feel like students, and called on business owners and school administrators to respect their rights as students.

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VET4JOB Solidarity Digital Exhibition Opens

The virtual exhibition of the 1st solidarity event of Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB), conducted in cooperation with the Directorate General of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of National Education DG TVET and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), and supported by the European Union, was opened to visit on May 9, on the Europe Day. Solidarity event, which melts the concepts such as solidarity, sustainability, environment, cooperation, and social adaptation, which constitute the principles of the European Union in the same pot, is among the most prominent activities of VET4JOB.

“Apprentice Student Vocational Solidarity Activities” carried out within the scope of VET4JOB, briefly referred to as the Solidarity event, started with the aim of enabling apprentice students to develop and implement environmentally sensitive social entrepreneurship projects in teams. For guidance, the students, teachers, and master trainers in VET4JOB Solidarity teams were given training on sustainability, design-oriented thinking, social benefit, team work and effective presentation.

Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Activities

The first Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Activity started in Kizilcahamam, Ankara on October 5-7, 2022. In the training attended by apprentice students, teachers and master trainers from Ankara, Izmir, Kayseri, and Konya, all content was designed in an interactive and dynamic structure. Students started their training by learning the concept of “collective” After a colorful acquaintance phase, they learned new information about the current state of the planet and sustainability through games. Before the training, the main theme of which was sustainability, flasks were presented to the students to raise the awareness of leaving less waste in nature. Apprentice students quickly adopted this message and used their flasks when they were thirsty.

The second training activity within the scope of solidarity was carried out in Adana on December 6-8, 2022. Apprentice students, teachers and qualified instructors from Adana, Mersin, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras, and Hatay met. As in the previous meeting, their studies focused on ecological, economic, and social sustainability. While thinking design-oriented, they used their dexterity in teams and floated the ships they designed. In the post-study evaluation, they elaborated on issues such as the challenges and advantages of being a team, the inefficiency of doing business without planning, and the importance of time management.

The third Apprenticeship Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Activity was held in Abant, Bolu on January 9-11, with the participation of the Bursa, Istanbul, and Kocaeli teams, who returned to their respective cities to design and implement their projects with the newly acquired knowledge and perspectives. At the end of the training, Hac Fayad, an apprentice student from Bornova Vocational Training Center, answered to the question “What did you learn in Solidarity?” as follows: “I was very surprised by what I learned about our planet. I did not know that we had done so much damage to the world”, reflecting the students’ astonishment at what they learned. Please check the previous issue of Cevher to find out what the apprentice students conveyed after the Solidarity Training.

VET4JOB Solidarity teams, with the support of their newly acquired capacity and the members of their community, rolled up their sleeves to realize social benefit-oriented activities. Thus, the way to the exhibition started with training and continued with the teams returning to their homes, determining the project topics, planning, and implementing the projects. On May 9, the 1st Solidarity Exhibition was opened to visit. Click here to visit the exhibition with the posters describing the projects implemented within the scope of solidarity.

The First Solidarity Exhibition

The First Solidarity Exhibition contains posters and videos embedded into posters explaining the projects of Siteler and OSTIM MEM teams from Ankara, Ahi Evran, 100. Yil MEM and Aykent MTAL teams from Konya, Bornova, Karabaglar MEM and Nevvar Salih Isgoren MTAL teams from Izmir, and Osman Dusungel and Ayse Baldoktu MEM teams from Kayseri.

Ankara Siteler Vocational Training Center raised awareness for reusing denim products that are out of use of all students and teachers of the school, as well as individuals around the school, with their project titled “From Blue to Green: “Unused Jeans Turn into Bags” The team implemented an exemplary zero-waste project aimed at raising awareness for reuse by designing and sewing bags using out-of-use jeans. In this way, they invited the participants and the people to zero-waste studies to be carried out at the social level. In fact, 70 design bags were produced by converting 20 kg of textile waste during the project, preventing the use of 3.2 kg of chemicals, and saving 2 thousand liters of water.

The team of Ankara OSTİM Vocational Training Center developed a project titled “I Sort Waste, I Support Economy” in order to recycle with waste separation and increase social awareness with technological design and creation. Within the scope of the project, a sensor waste sorting machine with a capacity to separate 700 kg of waste was produced by using some parts produced using 3D printers as well as idle machine parts.

The team of Konya Ahi Evran Vocational Training Center carried out a project called “Boss Apprentice Student” The aim of this project is to raise awareness about respect, trust and non-violent communication and strengthen communication between schools and businesses. In addition to informative studies, visual materials for schools and businesses were produced in the implementation of the project, which also included a large survey.

Solidarity team from Konya 100. Yıl Vocational Training Center developed a project called “Wasted Money” with the aim of increasing social awareness on energy saving and conscious electricity consumption. They made “reactive power compensation” in order to prevent reactive penalty payments in the electricity bills of two schools cooperated under this project. Thus, 3,200 kilowatts of energy were saved and a total penalty payment of TRY 7,500 was avoided.

The team of Konya Karatay Aykent Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School is engaged in soilless agriculture at the school garden aiming to strengthen its ties with our planet. At the same time, they announced their efforts and drew attention to sustainability in the school newspaper they distributed in and around the school. The Name of their Project: “We Meet Soilless Agriculture, We Make a Difference with Our School Newspaper” The team, which achieved their objective of doing soilless agriculture through the mini greenhouse system they established, not only grew 20 kilos of lettuce, but also saved 2,160 liters of water. They print their school newspapers in limited numbers and mostly share it digitally, also aiming to reduce the use of water and chemicals required for printing to prevent tree cutting.

Izmir Bornova Vocational Training Center implemented a project titled “Think Before Throwing; Do not Throw but Recycle, and Support” to question the waste issue and increase social awareness and cooperation, and provided and installed waste collection boxes to the school, and hold an information seminar about plastic waste. So far, 50 kg of plastic waste bottles were collected and income was generated for 2 children in need.

Izmir Karabaglar Vocational Training Center carried out a study to provide social benefits for the neighborhood where the school is located. In order to meet the hair, nail care and hygiene of underage disadvantaged children who cannot access hair, nail care and hygiene services, they implemented the project titled “We’re here to Add Beauty to Your Beauty” In this context, the children in need in the vicinity of the school were identified, and interviews were conducted with some of the children and parents, and the children and young people were provided with haircut, hair design, and hand and nail care services.

Nevvar Salih Isgoren Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School from Izmir aimed to increase social awareness and cooperation by establishing a circular waste system with their project titled “We Convert Our Food Waste into Green Plant and Our Waste Oils into Soap” which show an example of solidarity with teachers, school employees, guests of the school-affiliated practice hotel, and local artisans. Realizing that there are many raw foods waste going to the garbage in the food and beverage workshops of their school, in the kitchen of the practice hotel affiliated to the school and in the workplaces of the artisans who produce food in the vicinity, the team made awareness studies about raw food waste by taking advantage of such waste. Besides, within the scope of their project, they collected 70 kilos of waste oil and used it to produce 30 kilos of soap, and included worms in their project to make compost with 130 kilos of food waste.

The Solidarity team of Kayseri Osman Dusungel Vocational Training Center developed a project that offered an example of solidarity with students with special needs in a special education institution near their school with their project titles “Take and Mix, Do and Fix” First, the team identified and obtained textile waste, and then, re-evaluated this waste and produced 200 pencil boxes and presented them to students with special needs following an induction event. During the project, 30 kilos of textile waste were recycled, 5 kilos of chemicals were avoided and 3 thousand liters of water was saved.

Ayse Baldoktu Vocational Training Center from Kayseri made workplace arrangements in order to reduce water consumption with the solidarity of students, teachers and the employees of a restaurant in Kayseri with their project titled “Respect for the Environment, Green and Nature” developed in order to keep the environment and nature clean, and keep the living species in the surroundings alive and tree the environment, allowing the remaining food in the aforementioned restaurant to be separated as animal share and ensuring cooperation with municipal animal shelters. Within the scope of this project, tree seeds were collected, germinated, and then planted in suitable places during a nature trip.

All the projects of Solidarity have produced very meaningful results that make faces smile. Please click to visit the exhibition!


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VET4JOB started!

The Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB) carried out with the cooperation of Ministry of National Education and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen has started on January 1, 2020. The programme aims to facilitate access to sustainable livelihoods and formal employment prospects for Syrians and host communities, by supporting their skills development through apprenticeship and VET in line with labour market needs.

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Vocational Counseling and Career Guidance Training Completed

Within the scope of the Vocational Training Program for Employment (IMEP) supported by the European Union and carried out in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) and in executive partnership with the Expertise France and the EDUSER, the “Vocational Counseling and Career Guidance Training” for teachers in vocational training centers where apprenticeship training is provided in the implementation provinces of the program was held in Antalya. A total of 100 participants were given trainings for 3 days on October 19-21, and November 8-10, 2022 in order to support the career development of individuals who receive training in Vocational Training Centers.

During the training program, issues such as vocational and career counseling models, the scope and implementation processes of the services provided, points to take into consideration in the first interviews, interview techniques, adaptation to the workplace, and strategies to prevent school dropout rates were discussed. In the last session of the training, expectations were conveyed by the participants, and a general evaluation was carried out.

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Vocational Education Centres Journeyman and Master Examination Commissions Training of Trainers was held in İzmir

Vocational Education Centres Journeyman and Master Examination Commissions Training of Trainers was held in İzmir

Within the scope of the Vocational Education for Employment Program (VET) implemented by Expertise France and EDUSER in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education (MoNE DGVET) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) with the financial support of the European Union, “Training of Trainers for Vocational Education Centres Journeyman and Master Examination Commissions” was held in İzmir on 14-16 November 2023.

The program, which was opened by Mr. Süleyman Akgül, Head of Workplace-Based Vocational Education Department of the Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education, was attended by 40 vocational course teachers selected from among the teachers who participated in the training organized in 2022 for the members of the examination commissions working in the journeyman and mastership exams in VET4JOB schools, taking into account the province, school and field / branch distribution.

In the training of trainers program, topics such as basic principles of adult education, effective communication in adult education, classroom and time management, active teaching strategies, use of technology in education, distance learning methods and approaches, measurement and evaluation were included.

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Vocational Education Program for Employment (İMEP)_Restarters

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Vocational Training Programme Communication Campaign for Employment Started

With the financial support of the European Union, in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE MTEGM) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), the Communication Campaign is launched by the event held on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at the OSTİM Vocational Training Center for the “Improving the Access to Employment for the Syrian Refugees and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality Apprenticeship and Vocational Training Programme (Vocational Training Programme for Employment-VET4JOB) implemented by Expertise France and EDUSER. Representatives of MoNE General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education, TESK and international organizations, employers that train apprentices, OSTIM Vocational Training Center’s teachers, students and their families participated to the event.

Vocational Training Programme for Employment (İMEP/VET4JOB) is implemented, which is one of the most comprehensive programmes contributing to the vocational training of non-educated Turkish and Syrian children under Temporary Protection in line with the needs of the labour market through apprenticeship and vocational training. VET4JOB emphasizes the advantages of apprenticeship education as a part of formal education system and supports youth to stay in education and prepare them for registered employment. Thus, it contributes to the training of qualified labour force. The programme aims to raise awareness by focusing on the harms of child labour and the rights of the apprentice students. VET4JOB, being implemented 36 vocational education institutions in 12 cities with the financial support of the European Union, started on 1 January 2020 and will continue until the end of 2023.

The main theme of Communication Campaign for VET4JOB is “On the Path to Mastery: Apprenticeship Training” in order to raise awareness of the public including the families, children and businesses that train apprentice students and to improve its value in the eyes of the society by explaining the advantages of apprenticeship education. The Communication Campaign is planned to be implemented in cooperation with TESK’s local organizations in local provinces and 36 vocational education institutions within the scope of VET4JOB.

During the Kick-off Ceremony of VET4JOB Communication Campaign, Korkut Koçak, the Head of Social Partners and Projects Department of MoNE MTEGM, Atty. Fatma Yasemin Ertekin, the Deputy General Secretary of TESK, Feyhan Evitan Canbay, the Director of Socio-Economic Development Programme of the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, Tanguy Denieul, Turkey Director of French Development Agency (AFD) addressed opening remarks and Fatma Özdemir Uluç, VET4JOB Team Leader at Expertise France, explained the aim of the VET4JOB Communication Campaign and emphasized the importance of apprenticeship education.

Korkut Koçak, the Head of Social Partners and Projects Department of MoNE MTEGM, spoke on behalf of the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of National Education: “As the Ministry of National Education, we make our plans by considering foreign students while carrying out our routine activities. In this context, we have been working for a long time to solve their problems in the field of education through various projects and to facilitate their transition to registered employment in the labour market by increasing their education and skill levels. We see the apprenticeship training given in our vocational training centres as one of the most effective and inclusive solutions to this problem.”

Fatma Yasemin Ertekin, the Deputy General Secretary of TESK, points out “Vocational Training for Strong Turkey is indispensable in today’s world. Today, the level of vocational training is one of the factors that determine the development levels of the countries. In a scope where change is continuing at a dizzying pace, countries feel the need to take permanent and effective steps towards the future in terms of vocational and technical training. We have no doubt that our country will plunge into the upcoming years as a stronger country with effective vocational education approach and policies that would embrace the future.”

Dr. Fatma Özdemir Uluç, VET4JOB Team Leader, says “Apprenticeship training is an excellent four-year education model that focuses on the child, teaches the theoretical foundations of the occupation under the protection and assurance of the government, gives students the opportunity to learn an occupation in all aspects and thus is a public service, and brings together businesses that assume the responsibility for education. By doing and experiencing, students not only learn an occupation and art with all its subtleties, but also acquire basic life skills. We desire to ensure that schools and businesses, and most of all, students, become ambassadors to promote apprenticeship training and institutions through workshops that support their communication skills and personal development.”

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What are the rights of apprentice students in enterprises?

Apprentice students have the right to attend vocational training centres – i.e., schools – for theoretical training at least once a week in line with the academic calendar announced every year. Apprentice students are considered on paid leave on the days they go to school and on public and religious holidays. Apprentice students are entitled to one month of paid leave each year besides the time they are allowed off to attend theoretical education. In addition, one month of unpaid leave may be given to apprentice students with valid excuses that are accepted by the enterprise after obtaining the opinion of the management of the vocational training centre. Apprentice students benefit from all their rights as students. Apprentice students may not be made to work more than eight hours a day or in shifts. Apprentice students have the right to receive monthly remunerations of not less than 30 per cent of the minimum wage starting from the date when the In-Enterprise Vocational Training/Internship Contract takes effect. Apprentice students start to benefit from the right to insurance against workplace accidents and occupational and other diseases on the date when the apprenticeship contract takes effect without need for a separate application.

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What are the stages of applying for apprenticeship training?

  • First obtain information from the nearest vocational training centre: 
  • Then determine the profession for which you will be trained in accordance with your interests and skills: 
  • Sign a contract with a workplace active in the professional field which you have chosen.
  • After your contract has been signed by the authorised representative of the enterprise, by your parent or guardian and by yourself, submit it to the vocational training centre where you are to be trained.
  • Start to acquire your profession by following the theoretical training in the vocational training centre and doing the practical training in the workplace.

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What benefits does apprenticeship training have for enterprises?

Apprenticeship training is important for the future of sectors and the sustainability of enterprises, since it provides them with qualified human resources. Apprenticeship training enables enterprises to train their own qualified employees in accordance with their needs. Students who successfully complete their apprenticeship training possess the vocational qualifications that are required for skilled jobs and therefore contribute to their sectors as qualified employees. Apprentice students are insured against workplace accidents and occupational and other diseases, and the premiums are paid by the state. The remunerations paid to apprentice students are exempt from all kinds of tax. Enterprises are obliged to pay apprentice students at least 30 per cent of the minimum wage. They are reimbursed for two-thirds of this amount as a government incentive in the case of enterprises that have less than 20 employees and for one-third in the case of enterprises that have more than 20 employees

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What certificates can students completing their apprenticeship training obtain?

Apprentice students who receive training in vocational training centres receive a journeymanship certificate at the end of grade 11, once they succeed in the journeymanship examinations and have passed in all of their subjects. Journeymen who succeed in the mastership examinations and have not failed in any of their subjects receive a mastership certificate. Vocational training centre students who have earned the right to a mastership certificate may obtain a vocational high school diploma if they succeed in the supplementary subjects required by the Ministry of National Education by taking part in face-to-face education programmes arranged at vocational training centres or by studying in ‘open’ secondary education institutions. Holders of mastership certificates who are successful in the 40-hour occupational pedagogy course programme designed for them are awarded a master trainer certificate

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What criteria were used when determining the provinces, institutions and professional fields to be included in VET4JOB?

The provinces, institutions and professional fields to be included in VET4JOB were determined in light of a comprehensive research. The research was done in two stages. First, a desk review was conducted and quantitative data from the potential provinces were analysed. In the second stage of the research, a labour market analysis was carried out to analyse both quantitative and qualitative data. As a result of these studies, it was decided to carry out VET4JOB apprenticeship training in 36 vocational training institutions serving a total of 31 districts in 12 provinces. A Turkish summary of the VET4JOB scope research in Turkish can be accessed via The English version of the summary can be accessed via . 

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What do participants in the master trainer course learn?

In order to enable them to provide applied training for students receiving apprenticeship training in enterprises, master trainer candidates are taught the following subjects: principles of apprenticeship and vocational training; educational psychology; communication and communication tools in education; vocational analysis and the preparation of training programmes; training methods for workshops and vocational courses; work safety, work quality and cost relations, and assessment and evaluation in training.

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What documents are needed to register for apprenticeship training?


  • – Education certificate (*)

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  • What happens if an enterprise does not comply with its obligation to send the apprentice student to the vocational training centre for theoretical training?

    The enterprise is obliged to send the apprentice student to the vocational training centre for theoretical training. If the enterprise does not fulfil this obligation, the apprenticeship contract can be terminated unilaterally by the vocational training centre and the apprentice student is referred to another enterprise.

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    What is apprenticeship training?

    Apprenticeship training is one form of formal vocational training. In this option, the students receive their theoretical training in the relevant profession at school and their practical training in enterprises under the supervision of experienced master trainers. Students who graduate from apprenticeship training thereby complete their 12 years of compulsory education.

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    What is the duration of apprenticeship training?

    For students who graduate from lower secondary school (middle school) and begin their apprenticeship training from grade 9, the training extends over a period of four years, consisting of three years of journeymanship training and one year of mastership training.

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    What is the make-up education that has to be completed to obtain a vocational high school diploma?

    In order to be able to obtain a vocational high school diploma, holders of journeymanship or mastership certificates who are at least lower secondary school (middle school) graduates or imam hatip lower secondary school (middle school) graduates, and students currently studying in vocational training centres who are not included in a diploma programme, must take part in a “Vocational Training Centres Weekly Timetable and Diploma Programme”, also known as make-up education. Make-up education consists of the supplementary subjects contained in the said programme. Students who succeed in all of the subjects in the programme earn the right to obtain a vocational high school diploma.

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    What kind of responsibilities do master trainers take on in the training of apprentice students?

    Master trainers are responsible for the planning, implementation, evaluation and further development of skills training for apprentice students within the context of the annual in-enterprise applied training plan provided to them by the vocational training centre. Master trainers carry out this work in harmony with the coordinator teacher and/or course teacher in the light of the means available to the enterprise and the theoretical courses provided in the vocational training courses. During the training, master trainers inform students about the general operations and production of the enterprise, the flow of work, and occupational health and safety. Master trainers also monitor and evaluate the practice exercises, work, projects, experiments or services which the students carry out as part of their skills training, depending on their personal characteristics and the requirements of the job. For this purpose, the master trainers make use of a Vocational Training in Enterprises Work File, which they also submit to the relevant examination commission for use in the journeyman and mastership exams. In addition, master trainers evaluate the skills training of the students at the end of each term, recording their marks on the forms provided for this purpose and submitting them to the coordinator teacher.

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    What kind of services does VET4JOB provide?

    Detailed information on VET4JOB services can be accessed via and The programme’s promotional video can be accessed via

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    What kind of theoretical and practical training is included in apprenticeship training?

    The theoretical training consists of face-to-face training provided in the vocational training centre for at least one day per week (*). The practical training is the applied training given in the workplace on the other days of the week under the supervision of a master trainer. The workplace training is monitored and controlled by coordinator teachers assigned by the vocational training centre.  (*) The supplementary subjects taken by apprentice students participating in the “make-up” diploma programme may be taken in the evenings and/or at weekends through face-to-face training in the context of the full-day full-year training scheme.

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    What kinds of responsibilities do the enterprises that provide apprenticeship training take on?

    Enterprises that provide apprenticeship training are responsible for: assigning a master trainer to be responsible for the applied training of the apprentice student, employing the apprentice student on tasks related to his/her vocation, preparing the apprentice student for the journeyman examinations by fully implementing the applied training programme related to his/her vocation, enabling the apprentice student to take the first journeyman examination that is held, and providing the necessary environment and materials for the applied examination. The enterprises are also responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the apprentice students with regards to the production, manufacturing, services, projects and practice exercises which they carry out in order to keep track of their achievements with respect to occupational competencies. This is done by recording information in the relevant parts of the Vocational Training in Enterprises Work File. In addition, enterprises are responsible for reporting the applied training final evaluation score to the vocational training centre at the end of each term and for informing the centre of absences from the enterprise every month. Finally, enterprises providing apprenticeship training are responsible for support to assist the development of the national, moral, humanitarian and spiritual values of the apprentice student.

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    What opportunities does a master trainer certificate create and how is this certificate obtained?

    Master trainers are people who have acquired the competence of a master, who are responsible for the workplace training of candidate apprentices, apprentices, journeymen and students of technical and vocational education schools and institutions, and who are familiar with the techniques of vocational training and able to implement them. Only enterprises that employ master trainers or in which the employer is a master trainer are permitted to offer practical training opportunities to apprentice students.To obtain a master trainer certificate, a person must have acquired the competence of a master and completed the 40-hour occupational pedagogy course offered outside working hours by the Ministry of National Education through face-to-face education or via distance learning. Master trainer certificates are awarded to those who pass the examination held at the end of the course. 

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    What opportunities does a mastership certificate create?

    The term ‘master’ refers to a person who has acquired the knowledge skills and working habits required for a profession, who is able to put these into practice in the production of goods and services to the standards acceptable in business life, and who is capable of planning production, resolving the problems that might be encountered in the course of production, expressing his or her thoughts in writing, orally and through drawings, and making practical calculations related to production. A mastership certificate is therefore an important document signifying competence in the professional field in which its holder has been trained.Holders of a mastership certificate can use it to open their own workplaces or to obtain employment easily as a qualified employee in a workplace.

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    What were the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on apprenticeship training, a central element of VET4JOB?

    The VET4JOB team carried out a comprehensive research study to analyse the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on apprenticeship training. The study involved 1,187 people representing all the various components of apprenticeship training. The research summary in Turkish, which discusses the period of the pandemic between 15 March and 01 June 2020, can be accessed via The English version of the summary can be accessed via .

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    When does registration for apprenticeship training take place?

    • Students completing their lower secondary school (middle school) or imam hatip lower secondary school (middle school) education may register on the dates indicated in the “secondary education institutions preference and placement calendar” published by the Ministry of National Education before the start of the school year. 
    • Those who do not register or are unable to register with a school on the dates set for the central placement system may register for apprenticeship training whenever they wish, in any of the 12 months of the year.
    • Students currently studying in high schools and schools of equivalent level who have applied to the vocational training centre at which they wish to register with a student identification document obtained from the management of their school may have their transfers processed in any of the 12 months of the year.
    • Persons who have graduated from a high school or school of equivalent level or an institution of higher education or who have left such a school or institution in an intermediate year may register in any of the 12 months of the year.
    • Persons who are older than 18 and are not attending an educational institution and who are working in an enterprise may register for apprenticeship training in any of the 12 months of the year.
    • Persons who have signed a contract with an enterprise remain registered with the vocational training centre for the whole of the calendar year. Those who have re-registered by the last working day of December continue to receive training in their current grades. Those who register from the first working day of January onwards are allowed to continue their vocational training in the workplace but are not given year-end points for the year in question. They are considered to have used their right to study for that particular year and their theoretical training starts with the new school year.

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    When does the insurance take effect for those who register for apprenticeship training?

    A student’s insurance takes effect on the first day of work following the day on which the contract signed with the enterprise in the selected profession and is submitted to the vocational training centre. The insurance procedures are carried out by the school and the insurance premiums are paid by the state. This insurance only protects the apprentice student against professional diseases and accidents at work. The premiums paid do not count as service towards retirement.

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    When transferring to a vocational training centre from another high school, are students exempted from the subjects they have already taken?

    When registering with a vocational training centre, exemptions are made for those common subjects which the student has already completed successfully at a high school or a school of equivalent level.

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    Where can information about professions be found?

    Apprentice students can receive training in whichever of a total of 1841 different professional fields listed under 34 branches is most appropriate to their interests and skills. Information about the fields and branches can be found at Assistance with orientation and guidance in the choice of profession may be sought from vocational training centres.

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    Where can information about professions be found?

    Videos introducing a significant proportion of the professions for which training is provided through the various technical and vocational education options, including apprenticeship training, can be found at: . 

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    Where can the contact details of institutions offering apprenticeship training be found?

    Contact details of institutions offering apprenticeship training can be found at the following address: First select the province and district, and then choose “Vocational Training Centre (MEM)” from the types of institution menu.

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    Where should enterprises apply with any questions they have about apprenticeship training?

    Enterprises can obtain detailed information by applying to the nearest vocational training centre for answers to their questions about apprenticeship training.

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    Which conditions must enterprises fulfil to benefit from government incentives?

    In order to benefit from the government incentive for the remunerations paid to apprentice students, these remunerations must be paid via a bank or signed pay slip, and a copy of the bank receipt or signed pay slip must be submitted to the vocational training institution with which the apprentice student is registered.

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    Which enterprises can provide apprenticeship training?

    Enterprises that are active in professional fields/branches included in the vocational training programmes and have at least one employee holding a master trainer certificate can provide apprenticeship training.

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    Who can benefit from VET4JOB services?

    VET4JOB is currently providing services to Syrian and Turkish children and young people between the ages of 14 and 17 with apprenticeship training. Vocational education and training activities for Syrian and Turkish adults between the ages of 18 and 45 who are unable to access formal employment due to insufficient vocational qualifications will begin shortly. VET4JOB also carries out activities to improve enterprises which train or may train apprentice students. Detailed information on VET4JOB target groups can be accessed via

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    Who can register for apprenticeship training?

    Any of the following may register for apprenticeship training provided that they sign a contract with an enterprise in a field of a profession falling within the scope of Law No. 3308 on Vocational Training:

    • persons who have completed a lower secondary school (middle school) education or an imam hatip lower secondary school (middle school) education (*),
    • persons who have graduated from a high school or school of equivalent level or who have left such a school in an intermediate year,- persons who have graduated from an institution of higher education or who have left such an institution in an intermediate year.Persons who have left high schools or institutions providing higher levels of education may apply to vocational training centres based on their previous level of education and commence their apprenticeship training from an intermediary grade appropriate to their circumstances. There is no upper age limit for apprenticeship training. Students registered [for distance learning] in ‘open’ high schools or ‘open’ institutions of higher education may also continue their education as apprentice students in vocational training centres.
    • (*) The procedure for certifying that Syrians under Temporary Protection are lower secondary school (middle school) graduates is as follows:
      • For those able to document that they are at least lower secondary school (middle school) graduates, it is to be certified that they have passed the Literacy Stage I Level Test or that they have registered for a Turkish language course at level A1. 
      • For those unable to document that they are at least lower secondary school (middle school) graduates, it is to be certified that they have registered for a Turkish language course at level A2.

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    Who is a master trainer?

    A master trainer is an individual who has gained a mastership qualification, is responsible for the in-enterprise training of apprentices, journeymen and students of vocational and technical education schools and institutions, is familiar with the techniques of vocational training and able to implement them, and holds a master trainer certificate.

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    Who is responsible if something happens outside the enterprise to a student when the student is absent from his/her training in the enterprise?

    If an apprentice student does not attend the enterprise on a day when he/she is supposed to be present and something happens to him/her outside the enterprise, the responsibility belongs entirely to himself/herself and his/her legal guardian.

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    Will the right to benefit from supports such as Social Solidarity and Assistance support, the Green Card (Yeşilkart) and the Emergency Social Safety Net (Kızılaykart) be cut off in case of benefiting from VET4JOB services?

    The wage the apprentice students receive during their apprenticeship training is not added to the family income. Consequently, the fact that an apprentice student is employed with social security cover and generates an income does not result in any interruption in the supports provided for the family, including Social Solidarity and Assistance support, the Green Card (Yeşilkart) and the Emergency Social Safety Net (Kızılaykart). For other VET4JOB beneficiaries, the services are under no income-generating category, so no situation arises that would require the right to benefit from such supports to be interrupted.

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    Workshop on Vocational Training Students’ Job File Preparation at the Workplace

    In the scope of “Vocational Training Programme for Employment” (VET4JOB) which is financed by the European Union, carried out by Expertise France and EDUSER in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education (MEB) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), a workshop was carried out on vocational training students’ job file preparation at the workplace in Ankara. VET4JOB aims to foster employment by providing vocational skills through apprenticeship and vocational training work to youth and adults . Through this perspective, a two-day workshop was organized with the participation of vocational training centres’ high ranked officials and private sector representatives in order to set a standard for monitoring and evaluation of the practical training of apprentice students at the workplace. In the first day of the programme, Mr. Süleyman Akgül, Head of Department of Work-based Learning DG VET of MoNE and Mr. Fuat Elvan on behalf of TESK addressed opening speeches. VET4JOB 1st Module Leader and Field Coordinator İzzet Çevik explained the purpose and scope of the workshop during his presentation. Afterwards Head of Education, Projects and R&D Unit of Ankara Chamber of Craftsmen (ANKESOB) Erdoğan Özen made his presentation titled “Current Situation, Problems and Needs”, VET4JOB Project Labour Market Specialist Aydın Türkoğlu addressed his presentation on “Vocational Education Student Job File Draft Study at the Workplace”. Following the presentations, the participants were divided into three groups and exchanged their views on the draft framework developed. During the group work, answers are sought for questions such as how to increase the quality of apprenticeship trainings, how to eliminate the deficiencies in practical trainings, and how the student job file should be organized and effectively applied in a way that contributes to this process. At the end of the second day of the workshop, group work presentations were delivered and the meeting has ended by taking the opinions and suggestions of the relevant parties on the students’ draft job file.

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    Yuksel Kaya Vocational Training Centre

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