About Us

Improving the Employment Prospects for the Syrian Refugees and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality VET and Apprenticeship in Türkiye Programme (Vocational Training Programme for Employment-VET4JOB) is coordinated by Expertise France and EDUSER in cooperation with Ministry of National Education and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen.

Funded by the Facility for Refugees in Türkiye, VET4JOB aims to facilitate access to sustainable livelihoods and formal employment prospects for Syrians and host communities, by supporting their skills development through apprenticeship and VET in line with labour market needs.

Official Name of the Programme

Improving the Employment Prospects for the Syrian Refugees and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality VET and Apprenticeship in Türkiye

Funding Institution

European Union Facility for Refugees in Türkiye

Beneficiary Institutions

  • Ministry of National Education (MoNE) Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training
  • Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), affiliated unions and chambers


48 Months

Implementing Partners

  • Expertise France (The French public agency for international technical assistance)
  • EDUSER Consultancy

Target Groups

  • Syrian and Turkish youth between 14-17 age group and not attending formal education
  • Syrian and Turkish adults between 18-45 age group who cannot access formal employment opportunities due to insufficient vocational qualifications
  • Syrians receiving cash assistance through Emergency Social Safety Net
  • SMEs, particularly tradesmen and craftsmen enterprises that train apprentice students and eligible to train apprentice students

Target Institutions

  • 36 vocational training centres and at least 5 institutions/ organisations providing vocational education to adults
  • Sub organisations of TESK in programme provinces, chambers in related fields and enterprises which train apprentice students or eligible to train apprentice students

Programme Institutions

Adana, Ankara, Bursa, Gaziantep, Hatay, İstanbul, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Mersin

The VET4JOB programme will;

  • Reach out to 14,400 new apprentice students and provide support to a total of 28,800 apprentice students in 4 years.
  • Reach out to 8,000 adults and provide them vocational education and skill development courses. 
  • Provide career guidance services for 5,000 apprentice students;
  • Provide support to more than 30 vocational training centres and at least 5 institutions/organisations providing vocational education to adults in 12 provinces including staff training for 350 individuals, psycho-social support training for school counsellors, lunch incentives for apprentice students, small scale construction support and provide education materials.
  • Contribute to improvement of education environment in 350 enterprises that have apprentice students (small scale construction support and provision of education materials etc.).
  • Carry out capacity development activities regarding apprenticeship training for 5,000 enterprises, master trainers and managers who provide practical training service to apprenticeship students.Organize training activities for 570 representatives who are actively working in local operational institutions in the field of vocational education.
  • Provide Turkish catch-up language courses for 5,000 Syrian youth and adults.
  • Provide support and guidance in job-seeking, İŞKUR registration, recognition of prior learnings and business start-up areas.
  • Organise 4 “Apprentice Student Forums” where students can be heard and exchange ideas.
  • Organize three vocational skill contests and one business start-up contest for apprentice students.
  • Carry out activities to strengthen social cohesion in education and work environments for 36,800 individuals.
  • Organize awareness raising activities regarding benefits of apprenticeship education, vocational education options and negative impact of child labour for 80,000 individuals.