Sucess Stories

Communication Campaign Opening Event Wall Painting Workshop

ON THE PATH TO MASTERY: Apprenticeship Training from the Perspectives of Şerife, Deniz and Mustafa

ON THE WAY OF THE MASTERS: Deniz’s Apprenticeship Training with Master Filiz

ON THE PATH TO MASTERY: Nuran’s Vocational Training

ON THE WAY OF THE MASTERS: Workplace Apprenticeship Training

ON THE PATH TO MASTERY: Burak’s Apprenticeship Training

ON THE PATH TO MASTERY: Servet’s Apprenticeship Training

ON THE PATH TO MASTERY: Kosai’s Apprenticeship Training

ON THE PATH TO MASTERY: Berru’s Apprenticeship Training

12 June World Day Against Child Labor

Aytekin Kılınç_İMEP Inspiring Stories

Fatma Aslıhan Tunçer_İMEP Inspiring Stories


İMEP Apprenticeship Training Video – Arabic

Vocational Education Program for Employment (İMEP)_Restarters

İMEP Apprenticeship Training Video

Short Promotional Video

IMEP Short Promotional Video
