Our Target Groups

SMEs and enterprises are vital in sustaining the economic existence of the nations, creating qualified professions, training qualified workforce, conveying the professions to future generations, and survival of the sectors. Besides, SMEs and tradesmen and craftsmen enterprises are one of the most important actors of apprenticeship training. Because, apprentice students spend a significant amount of their education time in the enterprises to obtain practical training while attaining their theoretical training in the vocational training centres. During this time, apprentice students learn a profession under the supervision of master trainers, and if they succeed, they obtain “Journeymanship Certificate” at the end of 11th grade, and “Mastership Certificate” at the end of 12th grade. This way, while the sectors sustain their existence through qualified professionals, Türkiye attains human resources to enhance its competitiveness. Therefore, SMEs and enterprises constitute one of VET4JOB”s target groups.

VET4JOB will guide adults in 18 to 45 age group, who cannot join formal employment due to limited vocational skills, towards attending vocational training courses, and introduce course beneficiaries with support mechanisms that are necessary for accessing formal employment. For example, in order to enable women to attend adult vocational courses, preschool teachers will be assigned under VET4JOB to support women with child care responsibilities. Thereby, while women attend courses to develop their vocational skills, children will have the possibility to play and obtain education with their peers, and employment opportunities will be created for pre-school teachers. Moreover, VET4JOB will refer adult beneficiaries in 18 to 45 age group who have vocational skills but lack recognized vocational training certificates to “Recognition of Prior Learning” system, and provide support services for them to obtain certificates through the Ministry of National Education, the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen and the Vocational Qualifications Authority.

VET4JOB will support young people in 14 to 17 age group living in the programme provinces who completed lower secondary school and not attending formal education and/or high school drop outs in registering to formal apprenticeship training programmes offered in vocational training centres and completing their compulsory education. In this scope, VET4JOB’s objective is to first inform young people and their families on the opportunities provided by apprenticeship training and their right of access to education, and to ensure young people obtain vocational skills necessary to join formal employment through apprenticeship training. To this end, VET4JOB will conduct activities in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education and TESK to enhance the service provision capacity of apprenticeship training and boost the demand on formal education option.