What We Do

VET4JOB is composed of 3 components:

The first component of VET4JOB aims host communities and Syrian youth and adults to develop vocational skills through apprenticeship and vocational education and become economically resilient.  Achievement of these goals will contribute to quality education of mid-level workforce needed in our country and support strengthening the fight against child labour and informal employment in our country.

In line with these objectives, within VET4JOB:

  • Community based activities will be conducted through household and workplace visits and candidate apprentice students to be covered within the programme and the prospective beneficiaries for vocational training courses for adults will be identified,
  • Training capacity of trainers of selected workplaces within VET4JOB where apprenticeship trainings to be carried out will be improved,
  • Capacity development will be ensured for the trainers working in formal apprenticeship training institutions covered within VET4JOB (vocational training centres) and those working in institutions providing vocational training courses for adults,
  • Training environment will be improved in vocational training centres covered within VET4JOB, institutions providing vocational training courses for adults and the workplaces,
  • Training processes of apprentice students covered within VET4JOB and the adult beneficiaries to adult vocational training courses will be supported and thus contribute to training of qualified professionals who will further advance Türkiye’s production capacity and support will be provided to bring thus created qualified labour force under formal employment.

The second component of VET4JOB aims to enhance efforts towards eliminating child labour by ensuring widespread promotion of apprenticeship training system with developed support mechanisms.

Apprenticeship training is one of the formal education types available for young people to attend in order them to complete their compulsory education after secondary school. At the end of four years of apprenticeship training, students also complete their 12 years of compulsory education. Students continue this programme

  • receive theoretical education in vocational training centres one or two days a week,
  • receive applied training at the workplaces four or five days a week. 

The apprentice is not an employee but a student. Apprentice students are under the state supervision and protection. They are entitled to benefit all rights granted to students.

In this context, VET4JOB will contribute to the efforts to fight against child labour by promoting apprenticeship training and developing its operational capacity, by referring children who cannot continue their education despite being in compulsory education age and are obliged to work towards formal apprenticeship training. In this way, VET4JOB ensures that they continue their education under state protection and helps them to prepare for formal employment.

In line with these objectives, within VET4JOB:

  • Working groups will be set up for provincial employment boards, workplace inspection and guidance groups and examination committees as the staple components of apprenticeship training and combatting child labour, and training will be provided for the members of these structures and support mechanisms will be established,
  • National awareness raising campaign against child labour will be launched to contribute to the activities carried out in Turkey for combatting child labour; and in this campaign, negative impacts of child labour on the child and the society will be highlighted while emphasizing the benefits of apprenticeship training and its contribution to combatting child labour.

The objective in the third component of VET4JOB is to support social and economic cohesion between the host communities and Syrians.

To achieve the objectives on social cohesion within VET4JOB:

  • Dialogue and exchange-based activities will be realised to foster social cohesion in education environments,
  • Participatory apprenticeship forums will be organized where apprentice students can discuss their needs, expectations and problems, thereby, individual and social empowerment of children and young people will be empowered,
  • Vocational skills contests and business start-up contest will be organized where mixed apprentice student teams will showcase their vocational skills,
  • In order to contribute to Syrian young people’s psychological and social development, capacity development activities for school counsellors/psychological counsellors working in vocational training centres will be provided.

To achieve the objectives on economic cohesion, within VET4JOB:

  • Among the adult beneficiaries of the programme, individuals with vocational skills will be introduced to “Recognition of Prior Learning” system, and support will be provided for their preparation to the relevant institutions’ examinations,
  • Career guidance, job seeking coaching, business start-up counselling services will be provided, and beneficiaries will be referred to various training and support programmes,
  • İŞKUR registration will be ensured for individuals with recognized vocational certificates,
  • Syrians with recognized vocational certificates will be supported for obtaining work permits.