Within the scope of the “Programme for Facilitating Access to Employment of the Syrian and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality Apprenticeship and Vocational Training in Türkiye”, the 3rd group of the Apprentice Student Vocational Skills Solidarity Activities has completed their training programme.

A comprehensive training session was held in Bolu Abant on 9-11 January as for the third of the Apprentice Students Vocational Skills Solidarity Activities within the scope of the Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB) executed by Expertise France and EDUSER with the financial support of the European Union and in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE GDoVTT) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK).

Apprentice Students Vocational Skills Solidarity Activities aim to guide apprentice students to carry out small-scale social improvement activities in solidarity, guided by their teachers and master trainers. While performing their projects, it is aimed that students establish permanent ties with the society and sustainability with the approach of learning together, creating social benefits, producing and sharing.

Apprentice students, teachers and master trainers who convened in Abant on 9-11 January 2023 had trainings on teamwork, sustainability, design-oriented thinking, planning, evaluation of project processes, generating social benefits, positive impact and social entrepreneurship. After the training, the apprentice students, guided by the trainers and master trainers, will realize their projects within a three-month period with the support of their teams and the community members that they are involved in.

In the first group that participated in the 1st Vocational Skills Solidarity Activity in October 2022, İMEP/VET4JOB schools in Ankara , Izmir, Kayseri and Konya had come together and completed their training programme. The projects of these groups will be completed as of January 2023. In December, groups from İMEP/VET4JOB schools in Adana, Hatay, Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras and Mersin continue to develop their projects. During the last training that was held on 9-11 January 2023, İMEP/VET4JOB schools in Bursa, Istanbul and Kocaeli completed their training programme for sustainable projects and have returned to their schools and develop and implement their projects in solidarity. Sustainability-oriented projects that students will design and realize in cooperation will be shared with the public through a digital exhibition to be prepared.