Vocational Education Centres Journeyman and Master Examination Commissions Training of Trainers was held in İzmir
Within the scope of the Vocational Education for Employment Program (VET) implemented by Expertise France and EDUSER in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education (MoNE DGVET) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) with the financial support of the European Union, “Training of Trainers for Vocational Education Centres Journeyman and Master Examination Commissions” was held in İzmir on 14-16 November 2023.
The program, which was opened by Mr. Süleyman Akgül, Head of Workplace-Based Vocational Education Department of the Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education, was attended by 40 vocational course teachers selected from among the teachers who participated in the training organized in 2022 for the members of the examination commissions working in the journeyman and mastership exams in VET4JOB schools, taking into account the province, school and field / branch distribution.
In the training of trainers program, topics such as basic principles of adult education, effective communication in adult education, classroom and time management, active teaching strategies, use of technology in education, distance learning methods and approaches, measurement and evaluation were included.