6th VET4JOB Steering Committee Meeting was Held

The Sixth Steering Committee Meeting of the Improving Employment Prospects for Syrian and Host Communities through High-Quality Apprenticeship and Vocational Training in Türkiye (Vocational Training For Employment – İMEP/VET4JOB) Programme was held in Ankara on September 28th 2023.

The opening speeches were made by Ministry of National Education Director-General of Vocational and Technical Education Ali KARAGÖZ, Fuat ELVAN on behalf of the General Secretary of the Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen of Türkiye (TESK), Thomas FJENDBO, the Deputy Head of the Human and Social Development Department of the European Union Delegation to Türkiye, and Virginie ROIRON, Head of the Stabilisation and Resilience Unit of Expertise France.

Expertise France Team Leader Dr. Fatma ÖZDEMİR ULUÇ and EDUSER Programme Coordinator Aişe AKPINAR informed the participants about the progress of the programme. In a session during which the lessons learned from İMEP were evaluated, they also provided information about the Second Phase activities which it is planned to carry out next year. The meeting came to a close following an interactive question-and-answer session with the representatives of the shareholder institutions and organisations concerned.