Workshop on Vocational Training Students’ Job File Preparation at the Workplace

In the scope of “Vocational Training Programme for Employment” (VET4JOB) which is financed by the European Union, carried out by Expertise France and EDUSER in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education (MEB) and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), a workshop was carried out on vocational training students’ job file preparation at the workplace in Ankara. VET4JOB aims to foster employment by providing vocational skills through apprenticeship and vocational training work to youth and adults . Through this perspective, a two-day workshop was organized with the participation of vocational training centres’ high ranked officials and private sector representatives in order to set a standard for monitoring and evaluation of the practical training of apprentice students at the workplace. In the first day of the programme, Mr. Süleyman Akgül, Head of Department of Work-based Learning DG VET of MoNE and Mr. Fuat Elvan on behalf of TESK addressed opening speeches. VET4JOB 1st Module Leader and Field Coordinator İzzet Çevik explained the purpose and scope of the workshop during his presentation. Afterwards Head of Education, Projects and R&D Unit of Ankara Chamber of Craftsmen (ANKESOB) Erdoğan Özen made his presentation titled “Current Situation, Problems and Needs”, VET4JOB Project Labour Market Specialist Aydın Türkoğlu addressed his presentation on “Vocational Education Student Job File Draft Study at the Workplace”. Following the presentations, the participants were divided into three groups and exchanged their views on the draft framework developed. During the group work, answers are sought for questions such as how to increase the quality of apprenticeship trainings, how to eliminate the deficiencies in practical trainings, and how the student job file should be organized and effectively applied in a way that contributes to this process. At the end of the second day of the workshop, group work presentations were delivered and the meeting has ended by taking the opinions and suggestions of the relevant parties on the students’ draft job file.