Training Needs and Technologies in the Apprenticeship System

A workshop titled “Training Needs and Technologies in the Apprenticeship System” has digitally organized between April 7th -8th 2021 within the scope of “Vocational Training Programme for Employment” – VET4JOB. The Programme is coordinated by Expertise France and EDUSER in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK). The workshop aimed to raise awareness about visionary training technologies in vocational training. It was also aimed to prepare the business plans and determine the road maps in the presence of experts of the Technical Teams (TEKIP) primarily to improve educational environments in designated areas in the selected vocational secondary education institutions within the scope of. VET4JOB Programme. The opening remarks were addressed by Şennur Çetin, Head of Social Partners and Projects Department of DG Vocational and Technical Education of MoNE, and Fuat Elvan on behalf of the EU and Foreign Relations Directorate of TESK. Teachers from vocational secondary training institutions in the fields of Electrical-Electronics Technology, Metal Technology, Motor Vehicles Technology, Machinery Technology, Furniture, and Interior Design have participated in the workshop. During the two-day workshop, training were delivered by expert trainers on the following topics: “Changing needs in education and new education concepts”, “Means of accessing information and its use”, “Open-source exploitation and copyrights”, “Digital education environments developed for Vocational Education Centres”, “Contemporary and traditional uses of educational technologies, the advantages and disadvantages”. Afterwards, group work were carried out under the coordination of experts to support technical preparations for educational materials in the specified fields and selected vocational secondary training institutions.