Preperation Meeting for the 1st Forum Event

The preliminary preparations for the “Apprentice Student Forum” activities to be implemented within the scope of the “Vocational Training Program for Employment” (VET4JOB) took off. In this context, the “Apprentice Student Forum Preparation and Capacity Building Meeting” was held online on April 29th and 30th with the participation of leading teachers in vocational training centres and Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (ESOB) contacts in the selected provinces.

On the first day, Şennur Çetin, Head of Social Partners and Projects Department of DG Vocational and Technical Education of MoNE, and Süleyman Akgül, Head of Department of Work-based Learning DG Vocational and Technical Education of MoNE, and Fuat Elvan on behalf of TESK, EU and Foreign Relations Directorate were delivered the opening speeches of the meeting. During the meeting, VET4JOB Programme has presented to the participant students and the aims of the planned “Apprentice Student Forum” were explained. The programme team leader emphasized the importance of children and youth participation and shared information on how to ensure it. In the last session, the work plan regarding the preparatory work was reflected and the meeting was completed by an overall evaluation.

Apprentice Student Forums

The Apprentice Student Forums, which are planned to be implemented four times at the national level during the programme, aim to provide a platform where apprentice students can evaluate and discuss the opportunities and bottlenecks in the apprenticeship education, have fun together and strengthen their capacities by participating in training within their fields of interest.