Funded by the European Union, VET4JOB is carried out with the cooperation of the Ministry of National Education, Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training, and TESK, through the implementation partnership of Expertise France and EDUSER, with the participation of 36 VET institutions in 12 provinces. In the scope of the programme activities, with the aim of creating a pool of expert trainers who will train 5,000 administrators/masters/master trainers in 12 provinces; “Training of Trainers for Administrators, Masters and Master Trainers at Workplaces” was held in İzmir on 10-12 August 2021 with the participation of administrators and teachers working in 36 VET institutions. The activity covered topics such as the purpose, scope, principles and implementation principles of apprenticeship training; place and role of businesses in apprenticeship education, apprenticeship education and child labour, Generation Z in work life; monitoring practical training at the workplace, coordinator-master trainer cooperation and the introduction of the VET Student Portfolio in Workplaces. After the training, training teams will be formed in the provinces and administrators/masters/master trainers will start deliverin training courses.