İzmir Capacity Building Training Courses Have Completed

VET4JOB, funded by the European Union, carries out activities to improve the capacities of the staff working in VET institutions that train apprentices. Within this scope, the training courses for general knowledge teachers working in VET institutions that are VET4JOB partners in Ankara, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri and Konya were held in İzmir on 21-23 September 2021. Thus, the İzmir leg of the staff training courses for VET4JOB partner VET institutions was completed. VET4JOB, which is carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training and TESK, through implementation partnership of Expertise France and EDUSER, aims to strengthen the capacity of providing apprenticeship training services in programme partner VET institutions with the training activities organized. In the scope of the training course, expert trainers explained topics such as “apprenticeship training and its implementation principles, the business world and apprenticeship training, strengthening social cohesion, social inclusion in education, teenager psychology and Generation Z, distance learning, intercultural dialogue and planning activities to enhance social cohesion”. At the end of the training, participation certificates were presented to the teachers who attended the course. Training courses for the staff of VET institutions in Adana, Mersin, Gaziantep and Hatay will be carried out in Hatay, in October.