New Developments in the E-MESEM System and VET4JOB Institutions Information Meeting

Improving the employment prospects for the Syrian refugees and host communities by high-quality VET and apprenticeship in Turkey (VET4JOB) Programme, financed by the European Union FRIT fund, held the “New Developments in the E-MESEM System and VET4JOB Institutions Information Meeting” on 7-9 December 2021, in Ankara. The meeting was attended by principals and vice principals of 36 schools from 12 provinces, VET4JOB Provincial Coordinators and VET4JOB Central Team. Korkut KOÇAK, Head of Social Partners and Projects Department, delivered the opening speech of the meeting and underlined the importance the Ministry attaches to VET4JOB being a programme that focuses on apprenticeship training and contributes to increasing the value attributed to vocational training, emphasizing the strengthening of the training-employment-production relationship in TVET. In the three-day meeting, information was provided on the general implementation framework of VET4JOB, the programme activities, the innovations in the E-MESEM system and its use within the scope of VET4JOB, the quality control of maintenance and repair activities under VET4JOB, and occupational health and safety. In addition, Ms Nazan ŞENER, the Director General of Vocational Education and Training, Ministry of National Education, met with the school administrators and exchanged opinions.