Improving the employment prospects for the Syrian refugees and host communities by high-quality VET and apprenticeship in Turkey (VET4JOB) Programme, financed by the European Union FRIT fund, held its 3rd Steering Committee Meeting on November 25, 2021 on a digital platform. The goal of the meeting was to benefit from the experiences of the representatives of the institutions that work towards VET4JOB objectives, and to exchange views in order to implement the programme effectively. The meeting’s opening statements were delivered by the Head of Education Policies Department Dr. Recep ALTIN, on behalf of the Ministry of National Education, Directorate General of Vocational Education and Training; the Deputy Secretary General Ms Fatma Yasemin ERTEKİN from the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK); Programme Manager Ms Feyhan EVİTAN CANBAY from the EU Delegation to Turkey on behalf of the Socioeconomic Development Programme; and Deputy Head of the Peace, Stability and Security Department Mr Julien SERRE, on behalf of Expertise France. Expertise France Team Leader Dr. Fatma ÖZDEMİR ULUÇ and EDUSER Program Coordinator Aise AKPINAR delivered a joint presentation on the programme progress and future plans. The first Apprentice Student Forum held in October and its background activities were shared with the participants under the title “Apprentice Students’ Voice”. After the Q&A session, the meeting concluded with a general evaluation.