A “My Apprentice Students on their Way to Mastership” Awareness-Raising Meeting was held in Izmir on September 26th. The meeting was one of the activities on the struggle against child labour being conducted under the Vocational Training for Employment Programme (İMEP/VET4JOB), which is supported by the European Union. The meeting was organised in cooperation with the Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education and the Izmir Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (İESOB).
The meeting opened with an address by İESOB Deputy President Ali Üstün. An expert on the subject informed members of the Izmir Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen about the negative effects of child labour. Leader students from the schools taking part in İMEP were able to make their voices heard to school administrators and the owners of the workplaces where they receive practical training. In their presentation, the leader students stated that they were aware of their rights and responsibilities as apprentice students on the path to mastership. They underlined that they benefited from the knowlege and experience of their teachers and master trainers, and said that they were enriched by individual and cultural differences. Conscious of the training they receive, the apprentice students said, “We too can be counted on for a more developed society”.