Training Programme for TESK Secretaries General Held in Ankara

VET4JOB, which aims to disseminate high-quality apprenticeship training in Turkey with the support of the European Union, continues its training activities with the beneficiary partnership of the Ministry of National Education and TESK. The training programme, which was designed to enhance the capacity of TESK secretaries general in the provinces within the scope of the program, was held in Ankara on 21-23 December 2021. TESK Deputy Secretary General Çetin Demirkazık delivered the meeting’s opening speech. In his speech, Demirkazık emphasized the importance of apprenticeship training for the business world and stated that TESK shows ownership for VET4JOB with this During the training programme held for TESK secretaries general in the provinces where the programme is implemented, the implementation principles regarding the Law on Tradesmen and Craftsmen Professional Organizations were analysed. Employers’ rights and responsibilities in the fight against child labour and apprenticeship training were discussed. The three-day training featured various topics, such as cooperation models and protocols with professional organizations, the implications of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change for the tradesmen and craftsmen, digitalization, data analysis, presentation methods, and adult learning characteristics. At the end of the training, participation certificates were presented to the TESK secretaries general who attended the programme.