Members of the European Parliament Witness VET4JOB’s Activities On-Site

A delegation of European Parliament members led by Maria ARENA, Head of the Sub-Commission on Human Rights, received information about the site visits to various projects implemented with EU funds in Ankara and Istanbul, as accompanied by Libor CHLAD, Head of the FRIT Division, and Feyhan EVITAN CANBAY, Director of the FRIT Program of the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Turkey. In this framework, the delegation met with the students on 24 February 2022 in an enterprise where the students studying at Esenyurt Vocational Training Center, one of the schools of practice of Vocational Training Programme for Employment-(VET4JOB), which is funded by the FRIT fund of the European Union, attend for practical training.

The enterprise, visited by the delegation, provides production, installation and after-installation services on water treatment systems and provides practical training services for 52 apprentices. The teachers at the Esenyurt Vocational Training Center (MEM) meet with apprentice students one day per week in a modern classroom within the enterprise and deliver theoretical courses to the students. The students attend for practical training in the enterprise under the supervision and guidance of master trainers on the days other than the days for theoretical training and leave day.

Members of the European Parliament and the accompanying delegation were welcomed by Celalettin GOZEN, Esenyurt MEM Director, VET4JOB officials and Sema CELEBI, the manager of the enterprise, on February 24th. After the delegation visited the facility and received information about the activities, they visited the classroom within the enterprise. They had a chat with the students in the classroom about apprenticeship training. After examining the staff cafeteria and social activity areas of the enterprise on-site, the delegation held an evaluation session in the enterprise’s cafeteria. Syrian apprentices and employers who trained apprentices on behalf of different companies also attended this session.

While Syrian apprentices conveyed their satisfaction about being in the apprenticeship training system, they stated that they guaranteed their future by taking part in apprenticeship training program. Young people, who agreed that apprenticeship training has contributed significantly to their personal improvement, said they would prefer apprenticeship training again if they had the chance to choose again. Yilmaz TAPAR, the jeweler who trains the apprentice students, said “For the continuity of the profession, it is very important to trust these young people and train them. For qualified masters, we should work for young people from now on and train them for the job properly.”

At the end of the visit, information kits were presented about the activities carried out within the scope of VET4JOB to support the quality of apprenticeship training.