Training of Trainers was held on Vocational Counseling and Career Guidance Services for Trainees Participating in Adult Training within the scope of IMEP

“Training of Trainers on Vocational Counseling and Career Guidance Services for Trainees Participating in Adult Training” was organized in Ankara on 28-30 June 2022 within the framework of the IMEP (Vocational Training Program for Employment) financed by the European Union and implemented in cooperation with the Directorate General for Vocational and Technical Education affiliated with the Ministry of National Education and TESK (The Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen) and in partnership with the Expertise France and EDUSER.

The opening speeches of the training program organized for teachers, qualified instructors and experts who will provide vocational counseling and career guidance services to the participants of adult training courses were made by Mr. Korkut Kocak, Head of Department for Social Partners and Projects on behalf of the Directorate General for Vocational and Technical Education affiliated with the Ministry of National Education, and Mr. Fuat Elvan, Project Coordinator on behalf of TESK.

Within the scope of the three-day training program, Prof. Dr. Metin Piskin, a faculty member of Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences addressed the subjects of paradigm shift in working life, self-knowledge and self-reporting, talents, interests and personality traits, professional values, and environmental factors affecting the choice of profession, and multicultural career counseling; and Prof. Dr. Muge Kart addressed the issues of decision-making, goal setting, job-occupation and career counseling assistance skills. IMEP experts Necla Haliloglu and Oner Dogan outlined different perspectives and approaches on entrepreneurship and provided information in different fields from the legal infrastructure of entrepreneurship to sources of funds. ISKUR (Turkish Employment Organization) expert Kamuran Cosar described the registration process for ISKUR and informed the participants about the services provided by their organization.

At the end of the training, certificates were presented to the participants who were expected to help the target group of IMEP choosing a profession suitable for their interests, desires, abilities and competencies and provide guidance on developing their employability skills.