Social Adaptation Activities Meet Art in Apprenticeship Training

Within the scope of the Vocational Training Programme for Employment (VET4JOB) executed in partnership with the Expertise France and the EDUSER and in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education and TESK, and supported by the European Union, the Provincial National Education representatives in the implementation provinces of the programme, the relevant trainers of the schools where apprenticeship training is provided and the local provincial coordinators of the VET4JOB met in Ankara on 12-13 October 2022 within the scope of the “Evaluation of Social Adaptation Activities, Experience Sharing and Planning Activity”.

Prof. Fusun Akarsu, retired lecturer of Facuty of Educational Sciences of Bosporus University, Ayse Akarsu, Physical Musician, and Miray Eslek, Musician, took place among the instructors staff of the two-day interactive meeting. In the study, in addition to evaluating the strengths and developmental aspects of the social adaptation activities currently carried out within the scope of VET4JOB, many different social adaptation activity options including body percussion were shared with the participants through interactive games. In the later stages of the event, the approach of adaptation with art was conveyed to be applied in social adaptation activities, and experiences were shared through examples.

The main outputs of VET4JOB include the goal of strengthening social adaptation in education and working life of youngsters and adults. During the event, it is aimed to reach 36,800 people with social adaptation activities, and the activities carried out reached 6,994 participants in different provinces as of the end of August. 27% of the participants were women and 35% were Syrians.

Principles of VET4JOB Social Adaptation Activities

While organizing social adaptation activities, the principles of creating time and space to initiate and maintain interaction; strengthening social relations, strengthening self-confidence, skills and access to opportunities; recognizing and accepting differences, ensuring voluntary participation and overcoming obstacles; the importance of participation and feedback and the importance of enjoying together are on the foreground.

Social adaptation activities carried out within the scope of VET4JOB will continue to be implemented by adding new components and new stakeholders in the future.