Training of Trainers for Journeyman and Mastership Exam Boards Started

IMEP, which is carried out by the Expertise France and the EDUSER in beneficiary partnership of the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education and the Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK), is implemented by EU financing. Within the scope of IMEP, which aims to facilitate the access of host communities and Syrians to sustainable livelihoods and registered employment by supporting their professional skills through apprenticeship and vocational training in line with the needs of the labor market, teachers working in institutions in the program implementation provinces met in Adana on November 22-24, 2022 for “Training of Trainers for Journeyman and Mastership Exam Boards”.

The opening speeches of the training organized for the teachers who will take part in the Journeyman and Mastership Exam Boards were given by Mr. Süleyman Akgül, Head of the Workplace-Based Vocational Training Department on behalf of the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education, and Mr. Yaşar Koçak, Provincial Director of National Education of Adana.

“Training of Trainers for Journeyman and Mastership Exam Boards”, which will be held for the second time in December includes subjects such as Vocational Qualification Authority (VQA) exam and certification practices within the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), knowledge-skills and competencies, qualifications and levels, code of practice for journeyman and mastership exams, skill exams, rules to be followed by exam board members and evaluators, duties of the institutions where skill exams are held, OHS criteria in the process of skill exams, and E-MESEM applications in the vocational training program. The trainer staff of the meeting included officials from the Directorate General for Measurement, Assessment and Examination Services of the Ministry of National Education, Workplace-Based Vocational Training Department, Department of Workplace Health and Safety Unit, Departmant of Training Information Systems, and VQA. The trainers made interactive presentations sharing their experience with the members of the exam boards. At the end of the training, certificates were presented to the participants who are expected to provide guidance to the exam boards.